For those of you who don’t know, I have been very sick lately. Some kind of influenza found its way inside me and just ruined my life for the past week and a half. It was one of those “hurt all over” flus. There were entire days last week when the only time I’d get up would be to either go to the bathroom or drag myself over here to this computer and post one of my backup stories. I had about 8 of them finished when this started. I wrote them in November, knowing that in December my workload would increase. They were supposed to get me through the next 2 weeks. They are gone. Oh, well.
It’s Monday, and I’ve been steadily feeling better since Sunday morning, so it’s back to work for me. I’ll be running my geeky head off today, trying to catch up to all those people I didn’t get to last week. (To them: I really appreciate your patience while I’ve been laid up. It means alot to me.) I guess today will be about a 200 mile day. That’s a biggie when you consider that no single trip will be more than 30 miles. I hope I am up to it.
So what does that mean to you guys in Los Angeles or London? Well, it means that today I may only have time for this little article on why you aren’t getting more than this little article.
How about this? Since so many of you liked that little puzzle yesterday, here is another one, this time with a Fall season motif. And I promise that sometime this week I’ll deliver “Firefox Setup In Easy Steps” and the review of SnapShots from the reader’s perspective.
Do you like these little puzzles? Would you like them to be a regular thing? Got any other ideas or comments? Leave a comment or drop me a line through the Contact button above. I want to know what you want.
I am Jon, and I hope I’m up to this..
Wow!! that’s really hard puzzle for me. might took me around 1 hour at least to solve it.
So glad you are feeling better, be careful and don’t wear yourself down and get sick again. Good grief, I sound like someone’s mother,oh, I am someones mother.
Glad you’re feeling better, brother.
It was probably ODC —- “Overdosed on Chaneys” 😉
ODC – I concur!
I got 11:11 on that puzzle.