How To Bounce A Dead Cat

You Goose It, Of Course!

So, your stock market is heading south for the summer and you need to lift it north? No problem. Just watch the following video to see how to do it right.

Karl Denninger narrates as we watch our very own SPX index manipulated higher over the night of July4th-5th.

As an aside, I found nothing in the new finance reform that would correct this kind of crap. Then again, it is already against the law. Like Denninger is often saying: Where are the cops?

(edit: Look HERE for background info on the title of this post.)

Turning Corners

Originally published at The Gimmee Blog

Image by fuzzyjay via Flickr

The Tech Guy

In the realm of 21st-century technical prowess, I’m starting to fall behind. At 50 years old my education is mostly hardware-centric. Got a problem with damned near anything electronic? I’m yer guy. There’s a few pieces of paper around here in nice little frames that say so.

But everything I know about software, I’ve picked up along the way. I designed and developed everything on the Gimmee site, so far, but anyone who works with this stuff professionally can see right away that most of it’s kludged together. Maybe if I had another year to learn php and find my way around the monstrosity that is Drupal CMS… but I didn’t have that time, and I still don’t.

My point is this: At Gimmee, I’m not the tech guy. I’m just filling in for him until he shows up for work.

Fixing Problems

The 1st core concept behind the creation of Gimmee LLC is to fix a problem with internet advertising. Our founding documents allow some lee-way to support other products and services, but Gimmee was my idea and that’s what Gimmee’s 1st release was supposed to do.

Fixing that problem requires a certain amount of timing. The technology has to be capable of fixing the problem, to begin with. There also needs to be a general recognition of the problem by the major folks involved. Since the problem impacts most of us, there has to be a great motivation for the public in general to want the problem fixed.

I think all of that started coming together in 2009. Back in January, I was sick as hell and fighting what we then thought was cancer. But I wasn’t taking the drugs yet and was working hard on the original code for the addon. Right about the time the doctors changed their diagnoses, I hit the wall with my efforts.

I could write the code, but it wouldn’t do what I wanted it to do. Essentially, all I had done was to create a useless button on the browser toolbar. No matter how I changed the code, it wouldn’t work. A core property of the internet prevented every attempt. I’m not used to trying something, and failing.

Graph of typical Operating System placement on...
Image via Wikipedia

Hacking The Core

Usually, my approach to a problem involves an attitude of ‘anything that can be done, can best be done by me.’ I know, it’s a bit conceited, but it’s worked for 50 years. This time, however, I wanted to know for sure that this couldn’t be done. I hired the best guy in the business to try it from scratch. I can’t tell you his name, but I can tell you that you see his work around the web every day, some of you hundreds of times a week. Like I said, he’s the best there is.

He found the same problems I’d found. And one of them is a seemingly insurmountable obstacle. The final conclusion: The Gimmee Browser Addon cannot be developed right now. As it turns out, the internal structure and operation of the internet itself doesn’t allow the fine control that the addon is supposed to offer.

There are ways around this, and we’re not giving up. But hacking the core is seldom, if ever, a great idea. Progress will be slow and deliberate.


There’s a statement that pops into my view every so often, when I’m reading about startups. It’s never made any sense to me until lately. Generally, it goes something like this:

Many startups end up doing something other than what they started out to do.

To which my response has usually been something like: “How can you completely lose control of your own company at such an early stage?” It just didn’t make any sense at all. Still, I accepted it and internalized it without really understanding it.

Right about now, I’m glad that I did. Since beginning this project, contingencies for various disasters have been considered. One of the worst-case scenarios was exactly what we’re going through now: failure of the Premiere product. Something like this could have destroyed us, but we have a ‘Plan B’. We may be turning a corner, but Gimmee will sally forth.

We are canceling the release of the addon, however. Don’t forget it, but don’t look for it any time soon.

(The Gimmee Browser addon was originally conceived around 1994. Back then I didn’t have alot of experience with browser-based internet access, and I just wanted a way to tell the new web what I wanted to see. )

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NiteOwl’s GreenBrief #69

Location of IranImage via Wikipedia

News From Iran

The Green Brief is the best source of information from Iran, gathered from sources which are verified as well as they can be, under the circumstances. Nearly all of this information is gathered via twitter sources from inside Iran. An extremely small set of sources, considering the millions of Iranians who, not so long ago, carried on conversations with the world.

Josh, aka NiteOwl, has become a voice for some of them, and a valuable window for the rest of the world. I can’t stress how much I personally appreciate Josh and his small team for the work they’re putting into all this. As an American, it might seem strange that I would care at all. I can only stress that we are all brothers, sisters, and cousins on this world. We all come from a different place and we each have a unique journey.

We all share that.

The Green Brief #69 (September 5 – Shahrivar 14)

By: Josh Shahryar –

(This report has been compiled through reports by twitter users in Iran and aboard, as well as contacts inside and outside Iran. Media outlets have been credit where used. As reports coming from Iran cannot be fully authenticated, if the report confirms something, at best it confirms that several reliable sources agreed upon it. This report is released under Creative Commons (CC) and can be republished under the condition that a link to the original source is provided.

Protests / Unrest

1. Dozens of people have been arrested in Sistan o Balochistan province in the past ten days. The whereabouts of the detainees is not known at this point. The detainees are all linked to Baloch nationalist groups or Baloch opposition movements. This comes as the government is battling Kurd nationalists on the northeastern border, where clashes have left tens of people dead in the past several weeks.

2. Partially confirmed reports indicate that dozens of people held a gathering, in front of the Supreme Court building in Tehran and demanded that their relatives be released. There are confirmed reports that gatherings in front of Evin Prison, by families of detainees, continue even though the government is trying to force them to stop the daily ritual. About 50 broke their fast in front of the prison again today.

3. Nightly chanting in Tehran and other parts of Iran continue. Even though news about this is scarce, multiple witnesses have come forward and testified that this has been going on non-stop. The government is actively trying to catch and fine people who climb on their roofs to engage in this form of protest. This is a video of a young child chanting ‘Allah o Akbar’ and ‘Marg Bar Dictator’ from his window with his neighbors responding to his chants from September 4.

4. This year’s Eid Prayers, will not be held in Imam Khomeini Mosalla. (Mosalla is usually a large area, close to a mosque, designed specifically to be used for huge prayer processions.) The reason that has been cited, is ongoing construction. Even though the construction has been going on at the site for years, it has never been used, as a reason, to move Eid prayers from the site. There is speculation that the government has moved the procession because they fear Greens would use it as a gathering point. This year’s prayers will be held in Tehran University’s mosalla, which is considerably smaller than Imam Khomeini’s, which can house up to 2 million people at a time.


5. Mir Hossein Mousavi released his 11th statement today calling for continued civil disobedience. Mousavi, yet again, decried the clamp down on peaceful protesters and accused the government of creating crises. His rather long statement contains praise for protesters and harsh criticism of the government’s actions.

He outlines a series of demands, which hardliners must meet, to get the country out of the crisis in which it finds itself. He also speaks about the movement “The Green Path of Hope”. According to Mousavi, the government must help the situation by:

Forming a truth commission, one whose findings and verdicts are likely to be accepted by all sides, to investigate the violations of law, fraud during and after the election, and punishing those who were responsible.

Revising the election law in such a way that free and fair elections can be held.

Identifying and punishing those who were responsible for the crimes committed by all organs of the government, including military, police, and the media.

Helping those who have been hurt and injured after the elections, especially those who have lost loved ones; releasing from prison all the campaign workers and political activists; dismissing the bogus charges against them; restoring their credibility, and ending all the threats against them.

Putting into practice Article 168 of the Constitution by defining precisely what constitutes a political offense, and using a jury when the offenders are put on trial.

Guaranteeing freedom of the press, and changing the biased behavior of the Voice and Visage in order to eliminate all the limitations on its programs so that the political parties can use the Voice and Visage to express their positions regarding various issues, and revising the law that governs the Voice and Visage to make it responsive to people’s demands.

Putting to practice Article 44 of the Constitution regarding privatization so that private radio and television stations can also be created.

Guaranteeing the right of the people to gather and demonstrate by putting into effect Article 27 of the Constitution.

Passing legislation forbidding the military from intervening in political as well as economic affairs.

(Because of the importance of this statement given the current situation, I am not going to copy and paste portions which I believe are more important than others because frankly, my view is rather subjective and I think it does not do justice to the whole statement to pick and choose. Reading it in full is highly recommended.)

Full statement in English with valuable commentary

(Courtesy of Tehran Bureau)…hope-movement/

6. At an Iftar Party, Mehdi Karroubi today said that he would continue to move, towards the realizations of the objectives of the revolution and its martyrs and vowed to carry on ‘till death. He said, their greatest cause for concern, after the election, was the danger to the republic, but since both the republic and Islam were inseparable, they were also worried about the fate of Islam. He added, they feared that the republican dimension of the government might gradually be forgotten.

He added that, “the people are completely ready for any action that is in line with a legal Islamic framework.” Karroubi said that post-election incidents should not be hyped but nor should they be buried and overlooked. “We must make an attempt at damage control and find the perpetrators. We must find out how and why we were blindsided.”

Regarding the ban on his newspaper Etemad-e Melli and his party’s website, Karroubi said, “Journalists should not be worried; they close one newspaper, we can always open another.”

He also addressed the crackdown on the internet. ”You filter sites, [but] there is always filter-breakers [proxy software]! No matter how hard you try to impose limitations, the intelligent children of our country will know what to do [how to confront you].”

“Limitations can make things difficult but they will not limit action; these days there are plenty of websites and news can [always] get out.”

(Translation courtesy of Tehran Bureau.)

7. In a meeting with a group of reformists students, Ayatollah Montazeri, yet again, asked for the release of detainees and criticized the government. He asked the students to pay heed to their studies and said that the future would be theirs. He criticized the government for detaining people in the name of Islam and said, “They speak of the regime, but they mean an individual,” a clear jab at Khamenei.

He yet again criticized Khamenei, without being explicit, by saying, “They say that one individual’s vote is the standard; Imam Khomeini said that the standard is the people’s vote.” (Another clear jab at Khamenei, considering how his vote swayed the parliament’s selection of ministers.) Montazeri called the trials illegal and unIslamic.

8. Ayatollah Ali Mohammad Dastegheyb’s latest remarks, from September 2, are a stinging rebuttal to his critics. During a sermon, he reportedly said, that those who had brutally suppressed the protesters, were going to hell for what they have done. He said people who had beaten others during the protests, on the street, had committed great sins.

9. Qudratullah Alikhani – a reformist MP and a member of Foreign Affairs Commission in the parliament – criticized Jafari’s statements, in which he had accused reformist leaders of attempting to weaken Khamenei. Alikhani said that Jafari’s statements, were doing nothing but creating distrust amongst the populace and were hurting the regime further.

He added that Imam Khomeini, had explicitly asked the Basij and IRGC, not to mingle in politics or they will both hurt themselves and the country.

10. Mohammad Hashemi, one of the leader of Kargozaran Party – which is considered close to Rafsanjani – said that if the gatherings at Imam Khomeini’s shrine, have been cancelled because of political considerations, then he was not sure where the country was really headed. “When Imam and his shrine are no longer safe, then it’s not certain where the revolution is really going.” Due to mounting pressure by the government, on the family of Khomeini, Ihya prayers, held annually at his mausoleum, have been canceled this year.

(During Ramadan, Shia Muslims stay awake on three nights — the 19th, 21st, 23rd — to pray for salvation and mercy, as they believe their fate, in the following year is determined on these nights. The prayer ceremony held on these three very important nights, on the Muslim calendar, is known as Ihya.)

Every year, Imam Khomeini’s mausoleum, was the site where thousands gathered on Ihya nights in Ramadan. Ali-Akbar Nateq-Nouri, Seyyed Mohammad Khatami and Hassan Rohani each led the ceremony on one of the three nights.

Government / International

11. Ahmadinejad warned the West today, that he was not going to back down, in the face of pressure, to halt Iran’s uranium enrichment program. “If some believe that through accusations, impoliteness, insults, and spreading of lies they can force us to retreat from the values of the revolution, they are gravely mistaken,” Ahmadinejad said, in a meeting with war veterans, according to IRNA. The remarks came after diplomats, from the six world powers known as P5+1, met in Frankfurt to discuss Iran’s nuclear enrichment program and warned Tehran over their nuclear activities.

12. Hasan Sobhani-nia, an MP from Khorasane Razavi, told ILNA that a former IRGC commander, was likely to be appointed as the governor of Khorasane Razavi, after the province’s incumbent governor was appointed as the head of the Department of Environmental Protection.

13. Khamenei called on the artists, during a meeting in Tehran with members of the Iranian arts community, to make a strong presence in the ‘ongoing soft war’. He added that the ‘ongoing soft war’ could not be fought through a ‘political approach’, offering the presentation of ‘the truth’ through a “full-fledged and influential artistic manner” as the alternative.

His remarks are the first acknowledgment, that Iranian and International Greens, who have spent the past three months creating songs, videos, posters, paintings and numerous other works of art to fight the regime, are starting to really get under his skin.

14. Afshin Ghotbi – the head coach of Iran’s national soccer team – said in an interview, he had received an invitation letter, from Khamenei’s office, to take part in Ahmadinejad’s inauguration and his attendance was not a political statement but a show of respect to the leader.

15. Hugo Chavez met with Ahmadinejad on his trip to Tehran today.

Arrested / Released / Killed / Torture

16. Alauddin Boroujerdi, Chairman for the Committee for Foreign Policy and National Security of the Parliament, rejected the claim by Norooz – the media outlet of IIPF – that they had a confirmed list of 72 people who had, so far, been killed in the unrest and many more may have died in the violence.

He said that earlier, Morteza Alviri – a Karroubi aide – had alleged that 69 people had died in the violence, yet after a week’s notice, he still had not been able to provide concrete proof, that the number of people who have died in the violence, was that many.

(I’m still working on a complete translation of the list, as well as further details, should be released some time today.)

17. A leaked interview with Abdullah Ramezanzadeh – a former spokesperson during Khatami’s presidency – has surfaced. According to Parlemaan News – which is a reformist news website – Ramezanzadeh gave the short interview, while in court to defend himself, a couple of days ago. He said he was being interrogated at night, for up to 8 hours, while he was blindfolded and was under tremendous pressure, to confess to having a hand in the unrest, following the election. He said he was yet to be officially charged with a crime.

Ramezanzadeh also reported that he had been badly beaten while being arrested. He claimed to have had a fractured skull and broken teeth because of the initial beatings. He added that he had been kept in solitary for the initial two months and had only been moved to a better cell after Ramadan started.

18 Reports coming out of Iran, suggest that several prominent political prisoners; Ghouchani, Abtahi, Hajjarian and Ramezanzadeh, might be released by the end of Ramadan. These reports indicate that newly-appointed Judiciary Chief Sadegh Larijani, plans to speed up the release of many prisoners. Full confirmation is not at hand at this point.

19. Arrests continue. Arash Geety, a student activist from Zanjan, has been arrested and is being kept at the Intelligence Department of Zanjan province.

20. Shayesteh Amiri and Roshanak Siasi have finally been released. Siasi is a member of the Kargozaran Party and a women’s rights activist.

21. More than 300 reporters, have sent a letter to the new Attorney General of Tehran Abbas Jafari Dowlatabadi, asking for the release of all detained journalists.


22. Jordan has shut down Press TV’s main bureau in Amman. It is still not clear what caused this, however, Jordan had asked Press TV and Al-Alam TV, to renew their accreditation with the government.


23. Green graffiti in boys’ dorm, Sharif University:

24. Green graffiti in girl’s dorm of Ferdowsi University in Mashad:

25. “Leader” Street is changed to “Leader the murderer” Street :

International Protests / Events / Warnings / Efforts

26. A fundraising event is being held in Richmond, California for the New York City protests on September 23 and 24. Link:

(For more information on the NYC protest, please check or

27. Payam Parsinejad and Younus Abissy will be cycling from Boston to New York in support of the Green Movement. They will start their three-day long journey on September 7.

26. A petition to be signed and sent to ambassadors as well as their contacts:

27. For an unofficial list of upcoming protests in the US:

28. For a list of protests that are being planned in Germany, please visit this link:

29. A to the point website for help traumatized Greens:

(If you, your friends or your organization are holding events, protests or doing something else related to the Iranian election internationally, please send me an email with details and I will give you coverage. (Will only cost you 10 million dollars!) My email is: [email]

To Helpers

– Info on republishing the Green Brief:

– Information on Tor:

This page contains a listing of external mirrors of the GB, as well as various information about the GB. Links to translations are also encouraged:

– (A list of all the Green Briefs):

– A hearty thanks to S joon for helping me out with proof-reading and very valuable tips. Also, a BIG THANKS to all the translators who’re spending their precious time on getting this to as many people as possible.

Original GreenBrief at WhyWeProtest

NiteOwl’s GreenBrief #67-68

Location of IranImage via Wikipedia

News From Iran

The Green Brief is the best source of information from Iran, gathered from sources which are verified as well as they can be, under the circumstances. Nearly all of this information is gathered via twitter sources from inside Iran. An extremely small set of sources, considering the millions of Iranians who, not so long ago, carried on conversations with the world.

Josh, aka NiteOwl, has become a voice for some of them, and a valuable window for the rest of the world. I can’t stress how much I personally appreciate Josh and his small team for the work they’re putting into all this. As an American, it might seem strange that I would care at all. I can only stress that we are all brothers, sisters, and cousins on this world. We all come from a different place and we each have a unique journey.

We all share that.

The Green Brief #67-68 (September 3,4 – Shahrivar12,13)

I’m NiteOwl AKA Josh Shahryar – on twitter. I’m a journalist and a human rights activist and NOT Iranian. This is a compilation of news from Iran that I’ve gathered through twitter and Iranian sites that were advertised on twitter. Remember, this is all from tweets. (My work is released under Creative Commons (CC) under the condition that you provide a link to the original source.)

These are the important happenings that I can positively confirm from Thursday-Friday, September 3-4 – Shahrivar 12-13.

Protest / Unrest

September 3

1. It can be confirmed that the September 18 protest, now has the endorsement of Mir Hossein Mousavi, Zahra Rahnavard and Mehdi Karroubi and they will all be joining the protest. Where and when exactly, on that day, the protest will be held and the scope is not yet clear.

2. It has now been confirmed that a few days ago, families of detainees who had gathered outside Evin Prison, to break their fast, were attacked and scattered by security forces. Reports indicate, the attack took place on September 1. Some sources, however, also cite September 2 as the day of the attack. As yet, we cannot confirm the exact date.

3. As more news of dissent amongst laborers reaches across Iran, economic reasons are being cited as the driving force behind the dessent. According to several websites, the cost of living, since Ahmadinejad’s election in 2005, may have risen by more than 100%, yet many workers are vocally complaining about not being paid their meager wages in the past several months.

4. The Mourning Mothers Association will be holding another vigil at Laleh Park Saturday, September 5.

September 4

5. For the first time in 20 years, nightly vigils at Imam Khomeini’s shrine will not be held. It was feared the Greens would flood the premises and try to get their message out using this gathering.


6. Karroubi in response to IRGC Commander Ali Jafari’s allegations, that reformists were attempting to weaken the Supreme Leader, hinted that certain people should stop meddling in politics, as politics were a totally different area than the military – a clear indication that IRGC should stay out of politics.

Karroubi who was at the mourning for the deceased Iraqi cleric Abdul Aziz Al-Hakim, also added he had met with the three-member commission, set up by the Judiciary and had explained to them the evidence he had, at hand, of the instances of rape. He said they would be holding more meetings in the near future.

He also added, one of the victims, that had been referred to the authorities, had gone missing for several days. He did not clarify when the victim had returned or what had happened while he was missing.

7. Hasan Rohani, a member of the Assembly of Experts and a former national security chief – said that attacks on prominent personalities, during the trials, were against Islamic Sharia and the national interest of Iran. Rohani also added that Jafari’s statement – mentioned above – and the IRGC press secretary Sardar Javani’s statement calling Mousavi a hypocrite, would only hurt the regime and weaken people’s trust in it.

Reza Tabish – the Secretary General of Imam’s Way faction of MPs – had earlier also blasted such accusations against reformist leaders.

September 4

8. Faezeh Hashemi, the daughter of Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani, in an interview today, said that the health of the election was still very questionable and what happened after the election, while very important, should not overshadow the importance of what happened to the election. She also strongly condemned the “show trials” and the crimes committed after the election. She went on to stress that all these were indicative of a “velvet coup” and it was clearly a deception, that people were being accused of starting a “velvet revolution’ instead.

Faezeh Hashemi added that an independent commission, to investigate the election, should had been set up instead of leaving it up to the Guardian Council to decide. She also added that only investigating what happened at Tehran University or Kahrizak was not enough and the killings and havoc that was wreaked during the protests should be investigated as well.

She also blasted the IRIB for its one-sided coverage of events and added that what has happened, in the aftermath of the election, were signs that the system was about to become both undemocratic and unIslamic.

9. Reports indicate that Karroubi has openly encouraged people to join the Qods day Friday prayers. Keyhan had earlier reported that Rafsanjani was going to lead the prayers on that Friday. This could not be confirmed through independent sources.

(However, should Rafsanjani lead the prayers, I will be live-blogging his sermon in English on Anonnet and later release a transcript.)

10. Partially confirmed reports indicate that Grand Ayatollahs Sane’ie and Montazeri have held another meeting. Both clerics have expressed concern over the current crisis and showed their displeasure over the continued arrests of political activists. Both later prayed that the country could come out of the crisis sooner and that all prisoners be released.

Government / International

11. The parliament voted on Ahmadinejad’s proposed cabinet and approved 18 of 21 ministers. Here is a list of the approved cabinet members and their posts:

Agriculture: Sadeq Khalilian

Commerce: Mehdi Ghazanfari

Communications and IT: Reza Taqipour

Cooperatives: Mohammad Abbasi (Retains his post)

Culture and Islamic Guidance: Seyyed Mohammad Hosseini

Defense: Brigadier Ahmad Vahidi

Economy and Financial Affairs: Seyyed Shamseddin Hosseini

Foreign Affairs: Manouchehr Mottaki (Retains his post)

Health: Marzieh Vahid Dastjerdi (Female)

Housing and Urban Development: Abdolreza Sheikholeslami

Industries and Mines: Ali Akbar Mehrabian

Intelligence: Heyder Moslehi

Interior: Mostafa Mohammad Najjar

Justice: Morteza Bakhtiari

Labor and Social Affairs: Ali Nikzad

Oil: Masoud Mir Kazemi

Road and Transportation: Hamid Behbahani (Retains his post)

Science, Research and Technology: Kamran Daneshjoo

These proposed ministers failed to get the required vote of confidence:

Education: Sousan Keshavarz (Female)

Energy: Mohammad Aliabadi

Welfare and Social Security: Fatemeh Ajorlou (Female)

12. The Deputy Speaker of Parliament Mohammad Reza Bahonar, has disclosed that Khamanei had sent a message to the parliament, stating that he wished to see Ahmadinejad’s cabinet passed – although no one should feel any pressure. It has been indicated, by unnamed MPs, that many more ministers would have been rejected, if Khamenei had not sent the message to sway the opinion of the Parliament. “If we had not received the leader recommendations, probably eight or nine ministers would have failed to win the vote of confidence, and that would not have been a good start for the government,” he added.

13. Reports indicate that the newly appointed Minister for Labor Ali Nikzad’s work plan, that he submitted to the parliament, shows unemployment numbers that are vastly different from those claimed by Ahmadinejad. According to confirmed sources, the numbers actually match those provided by Mousavi and Karroubi during the election campaign.

14. Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani, Mohammad Hossein Saffar Harandi, the former Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance, together with many hardliners who have been accused of having a direct hand in the violence against peaceful protesters, joined the 40th day mourning ceremony of Mohsen Rohulamini at his house. Rohulamini died under torture at Kahrizak.

15. The live broadcast of the cabinet vote was disrupted when a parliamentarian was overheard saying, “If anyone cheats [in counting the votes for the cabinet member], we’ll send them to Kahrizak.” The live broadcast was promptly cut after the remark was made. The broadcast resumed later.

September 4

16. The Czech Republic reportedly declined to sell pepper spray and taser guns to Iran last year, over fears that these might be used, by the government for torture, according to Al-Arabiya.

17. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez arrived in Tehran early Saturday morning to meet with the Iranian Supreme Leader and Ahmadinejad.

Arrested / Released / Killed / Torture

September 3

18. Partially confirmed reports say the body of a teenage detainee has been returned to his family after more than a month. Alireza Azadpour – a reisdent of Kermanshah – disappeared on July 19 while attending a rally. His family was unable to find him, even though they had tried to inquire about his whereabouts from the various security agencies. His body was handed over to his family on August 23 on the condition that they would not hold a funeral.

September 4

19. A list of the 72 people, that can be confirmed, who have died during the protests or in prison, has been released by The Participation Front and published on (I am going to translate and release the list after writing this Green Brief later in the day.)

20. Unconfirmed reports suggest that reformists, who have been forced to confess, are being tortured at one of the IRGC headquarters in Qasre Feirouzeh, a locality in eastern Tehran province. Further details are ambiguous at this point.

21. Amnesty International has confirmed that Caspian Makan – the fiancé of Neda Agha-Soltan, is in detention and might be facing torture. (This was reported by media organizations weeks ago including GB.)

22. Abbas Mirza Aboutalebi has been released from prison after nearly three months in detention. He was arrested on June 12 and is a top campaign manager for Mousavi, as well as an important reformist.


23. Scroll down to see more Marg Bar Dictator and Marg Bar Khamenei:

24. Green graffiti for Quds Day celebrations:

International Protests / Events / Warnings / Efforts

25. A petition to be signed and sent to ambassadors as well as their contacts:


27. For an unofficial list of upcoming protests in the US:

28. For a list of protests that are being planned in Germany, please visit this link:

29. A to the point website for help traumatized Greens:

(If you, your friends or your organization are holding events, protests or doing something else related to the Iranian election internationally, please send me an email with details and I will give you coverage. (Will only cost you 10 million dollars!) My email is: [email]

To Helpers

– Info on republishing the Green Brief:

– Information on Tor:

This page contains a listing of external mirrors of the GB, as well as various information about the GB. Links to translations are also encouraged:

– (A list of all the Green Briefs):

– A hearty thanks to S joon for helping me out with proof-reading and very valuable tips. Also, a BIG THANKS to all the translators who’re spending their precious time on getting this to as many people as possible.

Original GreenBrief at WhyWeProtest

NiteOwl’s GreenBrief #64-66

Location of IranImage via Wikipedia

News From Iran

The Green Brief is the best source of information from Iran, gathered from sources which are verified as well as they can be, under the circumstances. Nearly all of this information is gathered via twitter sources from inside Iran. An extremely small set of sources, considering the millions of Iranians who, not so long ago, carried on conversations with the world.

Josh, aka NiteOwl, has become a voice for some of them, and a valuable window for the rest of the world. I can’t stress how much I personally appreciate Josh and his small team for the work they’re putting into all this. As an American, it might seem strange that I would care at all. I can only stress that we are all brothers, sisters, and cousins on this world. We all come from a different place and we each have a unique journey.

We all share that.

The Green Brief #64-66 (Aug31-Sept2 – Shahrivar 9-11)

I’m NiteOwl AKA Josh Shahryar – on twitter. I’m a journalist and a human rights activist and NOT Iranian. This is a compilation of news from Iran that I’ve gathered through twitter and Iranian sites that were advertised on twitter. Remember, this is all from tweets. (My work is released under Creative Commons (CC) under the condition that you provide a link to the original source.)

These are the important happenings that I can positively confirm from Monday-Wednesday, August 31-September 2 – Shahrivar 9-11.

Protests / Unrest

August 31

1. More than 50 students of Tehran’s various universities, have been summoned for questioning, by the Ministry of Intelligence. No word yet, as to why they have been summoned, however, rumors suggest it will serve as a warning to other students, not to protest in the future.

2. Dozens of Sea of Green supporters, gathered in front of the Russian Embassy in Brussels, Belgium. The protesters demanded that torture should be stopped in Iran and decried Russian support for the Iranian regime.

September 1

3. Dozens of members of the detainees’ families, gathered in front of Evin prison, once again, and broke fast. The gathering happens most days now, with only brief interruptions.

September 2

4. Several reformist leaders (not the top ranking) will be appearing at Daruzahra in Tehran, starting Thursday for ten nights. They will be attending special sermons and recitations of the Koran, along with ordinary people from all walks of life. Prayers will be held for the release of prisoners and protesters who have died in during the protests.

5. The meeting of former MPs, that was supposed to be held in the coming days, has been cancelled. Reportedly, the meeting was cancelled because of threats from security forces.

6. Supporters of the Sea of Green, are planning a protest in Stockholm on the 5th of September. Further details will be released in the next brief.

7. Families of detainees gathered in front of Evin once again. Pictures of them breaking their fast in front of the prison:


August 31

8. Karroubi has formally sent a letter, to the chief of IRIB Ezatullah Zarghami, asking him to allow Karroubi’s representative to be present, during discussions regarding the evidence of rape in detention centers. Lately, IRIB has been holding forums and broadcasting statements by critics of Karroubi’s stance on this matter. Karroubi, in his letter, asked Zarghami to allow him the opportunity, to answer his critics, during these forums, stating that both sides of the story needed to be told.

9. Partially confirmed reports suggest that Seyed Mohammad Khatami, is not going to attend the Shabe Qadr gathering at the end of the month, at Imam Khomeini’s shrine. Earlier, it had been reported that Nategh Nouri and Khatami were both going to attend the gathering and speak. However, pressure has been increased on both Nategh Nouri and Khatami, as the government-run media reported the two of them were solely joining the gathering, to speak about the Green Movement. It has been rumored that Nouri might also cancel his attendance.

10. Reports suggest that Hashemi Rafsanjani’s son Mehdi Hashemi, has left Iran for the UK. Several reformists on trial, during their forced confessions, accused Mehdi Hashemi of several crimes, including telling the editor of Jamhooriyat newspaper, to write articles attacking Ahmadinejad’s first four years in office.

September 1

11. Mir Hossein Mousavi met with one of his top campaign managers Hamzeh Ghalebi, who has recently been released from prison.

12. Mehdi Karroubi has said that one rape victim had disappeared, after he told the family to contact authorities about the victim’s ordeal. He blamed Saeed Mortazavi for the disappearance and said, if anything happens to the victim, it would be Mortazavi’s doing. He also praised Larijani’s decision to form a 3-member committee, to investigate the crimes, that have been committed during the post-election violence. He went on to say it was a positive step towards rebuilding people’s trust.

September 2

13. The Green Path of Hope will soon officially declare its existence, it has been reported. The official announcement could come within days. For practical purposes, the movement is going to be known as Rasa – the acronym of the movement’s name in Persian.

14. Mehdi Karroubi has sent an official letter to Grand Ayatollah Montazeri, thanking him for his support. In the letter, Karroubi humbly shows his gratitude for Montazeri’s support, during the post-election turmoil and his various repudiations of attacks by the media, other organizations and individuals against Karroubi.

15. Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi stated today, that since Khamenei has given the order to investigate crimes that were committed in the post-election unrest, investigations into what happened at Kahrizak and Tehran University’s dorm should be started as soon as possible. He added that those who are responsible for these crimes, need to be put on trial so that the trust of the people could be restored.

16. More than two hundred reformist students and university professors, have published an open letter calling for the release of Mohammad Reza Jalaiepour.

Government / International

August 31

17. Khamenei’s representative in the IRGC Mojtaba Zonnouri, has attacked reformist leaders. He said that several reformist leaders had gone to Arab kings and sheikhs and begged for money. He also said that those who had provoked the public to go out and take part in the unrest were equally responsible for the blood that was shed during the turmoil.

18. News has surfaced that Saeed Mortazavi – the butcher of Evin – had been proposed to be Khamanei’s senior advisor on human rights, however, the proposal met with criticism and has been shelved.

19. Reports indicate that Sadegh Larijani – the head of Iran’s Judiciary – has stated that some detainees need to be released swiftly. It is unclear if or when this is going to happen.

20. Former candidate Mohsen Reza’ie is rumored to be replacing the current head of IRIB, Ezzatullah Zarghami. Full confirmation of this development could not be obtained.

September 1

21. In response to IRGC Commander Jafari’s claim, that out of the 29 people who have been killed during the protests, 20 were Basijis, reformist MP Nasrullah Torabi, inquired why the Basijis’ names had not been released and why there had only been one Basiji, who’s funeral was officially announced. He accused Jafari and others, of finding ways to shed responsibility, before the crimes committed in the past two and a half months, were fully investigated.

22. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has ordered that 40 Iranian ambassadors, be removed from their posts and be replaced. Confirmed reports suggest, the ambassadors were removed from their posts, due to their support for the green movement. Reports also indicate that dozens more will be replaced, after the expiration of their term, with people who have shown loyalty to Ahmadinejad.

23. Ali Saeedi – a representative of Khamenei at IRGC – has thanked those responsible for obtaining confessions from Saeed Hajjarian and other reformists. He also praised their valuable actions which resulted in swift confessions.

24. IRGC Commander Mohammad Ali Jafari, accused reformists of directly causing the violence after the election. He added that the goal of the reformist leaders, was to weaken the Supreme Leader. He accused Khatami, Ayatollah Mousavi Khoyeni (no relation to Mir Hossein Mousavi), Mehdi Hashemi (Rafsanjani’s son), Abtahi, Tajzadeh and Atrianfar, of directly taking part in the elections, solely to replace Khamenei from the helm of power. He cited unreleased confessions of detainees as the source of his information.

The Association of Combatant Clerics, of which Khatami is a member, quickly denounced Jafari’s statements and called the accusations grand lies.

25. French President Nicolas Sarkozy praised and showed admiration for the Sea of Green while on a trip to Germany. He also added that the Iranian people deserve a better leadership than the current one.

September 2

26. Saeed Mortazavi, during the inauguration ceremony for the new Attorney General of Iran, said that while he was Tehran’s AG, his organization had a glowing record of quelling both the 1999 protests and the current ongoing turmoil. For his brutal suppression of peaceful protesters, Mortazavi has earned the nickname of “butcher of Evin” by journalists and human rights activists.

27. Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi, criticized anyone who called Khamenei a dictator. Speaking during an event hosted in Hamadan, Yazdi said that anyone who opposes the Supreme Leader and considers another source higher than him was committing idolatry, as the Supreme Leader of Iran is considered God’s representative.

28. Reports have surfaced that President Barack Obama has recently sent a letter to the Iranian leadership. Neither the date nor the contents of the letter have been made public. Whether the letter has been sent or not cannot be confirmed at this point.

29. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, is to arrive in Tehran on an official visit on Saturday, according to Iranian media.

Arrested / Released / Killed / Torture

August 31

30. Hasan Bayadi, the deputy chairman of Tehran’s city council – announced that the nameless graves, in Beheshte Zahra, contained bodies that had been buried after orders were received from the courts and the deaths had been certified by a coroner. He said it was nothing new and hundreds of people, who could not be identified, were buried every year. He said the council had appointed two people, to investigate the claims that 40 unmarked graves in Beheshte Zahra, were the graves of protesters, who had been killed and buried, without informing their families.

31. A report by a coroner’s commission, has determined that Mohsen Rohulamini, had indeed died under torture and he had not contracted meningitis, as had been previously stated as the official cause of his death. The report suggests that Mohsen was under stress, kept in unsanitary conditions and had been beaten severely.

32. Unconfirmed reports suggest that two people close to Rafsanjani’s son, Mehdi Hashemi and daughter Fatemeh Hashemi – perhaps with family ties to them – have been arrested on suspicion of subversion. Full confirmation is not at hand at this time. Only their last names are mentioned in the reports as Dawaie and Rajabi.

33. Saleh Nikbakht, a lawyer to former deputy economy minister Mohsen Safayi-Farahani, stated that Farahani’s treatment during his first 18 days of detention was so horrific, he could not bear to discuss what happened. He then added that conditions improved after those first 18 days.

34. Reports suggest that Naseh Fareedi – a member of the committee to defend political prisoners – has been released after 78 days in detention.

35. Hojjatoleslam Mohammad Zabihi and Dr. Abdurrahim Soleimani – both prominent clerics of Qom and supporters of Mousavi – have been released after weeks in detention.

36. Reports have emerged that political prisoners, have been shown fake footage, suggesting that Mousavi and Karroubi had been arrested, to break their spirits and pressure them to make false confessions.

September 1

37. Dariush Qanbari – a spokesperson for the Imam’s Way faction of MPs, who are mostly reformists – said that those who have committed criminal acts at Kahrizak, need to be put on trial in public. He also said that it needs to be determined, whether they were directed to do so by higher authorities, or they had violated the rights of detainees without such orders.

38. Seven Christian converts from North Tehran, who were detained a month ago, are still being kept in detention. They were arrested with 18 others, by security forces and plainclothesmen, yet the other 18 were released after being interrogated.

39. Abtahi was allowed to break his fast at home with his family, for one night, then was promptly taken back to prison.


40. The coroner’s office in Tehran, has sent a report, on the conditions that brought about Mohammad Kamrani’s death to the Judiciary. Although contents of the report were not released, it has been confirmed by Kamrani’s family and other sources that he died at Loqman Hospital, as a result of injuries he sustained under torture at Kahrizak.

41. Khamenei is now reportedly trying to buy the silence of the torture victims of Kahrizak. According to reports from some families, Khamenei’s office asked several of them to come in for meetings. They were interviewed and sent home. After a few days, some families whose loved ones had been tortured more severely than others, were asked to return to the office where they were given money termed as “the Supreme Leader’s conciliation”. They were also told indirectly not to talk about the torture or give interviews to media outlets.

September 2

42. The coroner’s office in Tehran has denied claims, made by the Tehran city council’s deputy head, they had issued birth certificates for the nameless bodies buried at Beheshte Zahra’s 302 section.

43. Reliable reports suggest that the Iranian Intelligence Ministry, has set up a team to find out who leaked the news about the nameless victims buried at Beheshte Zahra.

44. Sayed Alireza Beheshti – a member of a reformist commission, investigating the deaths, detentions and torture in the aftermath of the elections – today said they had received word of 3 more victims. They were now positive that at least 72 people had been killed in the unrest. He rejected IRGC Commander Jafari’s statement that 20 Basijis had died in the violence and only 9 civilians had lost their lives.

45. Another victim, unrelated to the list of names Beheshti mentions, has surfaced as a victim of the violence. Mahmoud Raiesy Najafi – a resident of Tehran – was badly beaten with batons while he was coming home from work near Azadi square, only three days after the elections. He later died because of the injuries he sustained. This can only be partially confirmed at this point.

46. At least five university students, from Mashhad’s Ferdowsi University, have been arrested and transported to an unknown location. All the students are members of Karroubi’s campaign staff.

47. Human rights activist Rasool Badaqi has been arrested. Security forces searched his house and confiscated many of his personal items , including his writings.

48. Journalist Isa Saharkhiz’ detention has been extended for two more months. He has already spent two months in prison.

49. Ali Ehsani – a Baha’i from Semnan – who was arrested on charges of subversion earlier this year, has been sentenced to two years imprisonment.


September 1

50. Raja News website published an article, severely criticizing Grand Ayatollah Sane’ie, calling him a megalomaniacal narcissist and embodied the Quranic verse about falling into the satanic trap of egotism.


August 31

51. Photos: Green Iftar in Qom

September 2

52. Protester sneaks in through IRIB’s live broadcast:

International Protests / Events / Warnings / Efforts

53. A petition to be signed and sent to ambassadors as well as their contacts:


55. For an unofficial list of upcoming protests in the US:

56. For a list of protests that are being planned in Germany, please visit this link:

57. A to the point website for help traumatized Greens:

(If you, your friends or your organization are holding events, protests or doing something else related to the Iranian election internationally, please send me an email with details and I will give you coverage. (Will only cost you 10 million dollars!) My email is: [email]

To Helpers

– Info on republishing the Green Brief:

– Information on Tor:

This page contains a listing of external mirrors of the GB, as well as various information about the GB. Links to translations are also encouraged:

– (A list of all the Green Briefs):

– A hearty thanks to S joon for helping me out with proof-reading and very valuable tips. Also, a BIG THANKS to all the translators who’re spending their precious time on getting this to as many people as possible.

Original GreenBrief at WhyWeProtest

Fair & Balanced, Lies & Truth – NiteOwl v Afrasiabi

Green IranImage by Nariman-Gh via Flickr

Fair and Balanced

You’ve probably noticed that the mainstream media’s reporting simply sucks when it comes to the Iranian election and its aftermath. Recently, the Huffington Post published an article on their website calling for President Obama to recognize and congratulate Ahmadinijad.

The article, though well-written and seemingly reasonable, wasn’t reasonable at all. It was literally full of misinformation and blatant lies. I’m sure that the controversial nature of it paid off good for HuffPo, but it forever made me change the way I view their reporting.

Media outlets do this more than we want to admit. They say they are providing fair and balanced reporting, when all they are actually doing is looking for ratings. In the case of HuffPo, ratings are clicks and links. They published lies. They won what they were after. But they lost me.

Lies and Truth

“Fair and balanced” is a great ideal, when you’re talking about opinions that naturally differ between folks. But when you’re talking about hard, cold facts there’s no room for opinion. Hard cold fact may not be all the truth there is, but it can never be thrown out like it didn’t exist. What is, simply is – and if you have a differing opinion, too bad for you. You are wrong. That’s what good journalists used to call honesty.

To be fair, they can publish whatever they want. In balance, it’s their site, just like Wordout is mine.

But to be honest, they obviously seem not to care very much about the truth. I don’t trust them at all.

NiteOwl v Afrasiabi

I’ve been republishing the Nite Owl Green Briefs for a couple of months. Again, Josh proves his value to us all by releasing this article in rebuttal of the HuffPo’s piece of… well.


About ten days ago, I read an article by Kaveh L. Afrasiabi – a known Ahmadinejad apologetic – on the Huffington Post. Afrasiabi had attempted to somehow nullify the protests and throw out the evidence against the fairness of the election in the most childish way possible – by giving out false information. I wrote a rebuttal that took me days because I wanted to make sure I debunked his arguments and exposed the false information and at the same time, provide the reasons as to why I thought the elections were rigged.

I sent the rebuttal to the Huffington Post four days ago because I wanted to make sure at least they’d know they’d published inaccurate information about such a sensitive matter. I got an email asking me to send a picture and a short bio to the HuffPo. I sent it within the hour thinking it is going to get published. 48 hours later, I sent another email inquiring whether it was NOT going to be published. 72 hours now and I haven’t gotten anything back. I’m publishing my rebuttal here. It’s rather long, but it had to be.

If you liked it and you think it is the truth, please spread it around. Remember, his arguments – some just flat out wrong – were read by millions on HuffPo so we have to work extra hard to get it to as many people as possible.


Josh Shahryar / NiteOwl

Afrasiabi’s article on HuffPo:

Kaveh L. Afrasiabi, Ph.D.: Obama Should Congratulate Ahmadinejad


As a journalist who has been covering the Iranian Election, almost every day for the past two months from my puny little computer, I was shocked and dismayed when I read Kaveh L. Afrasiabi’s article on the Iranian Election Crisis. Published in the Huffington Post on August 20, 2009 and titled “Obama Should Congratulate Ahmadinejad,” the article urges President Obama to accept the outcome of the election and congratulate Ahmadinejad on his victory.

It must be pointed out, that throughout his article, Mr. Afrasiabi misrepresents the truth, omits key details, and at times simply presents inaccurate or false information to support his point of view. Fortunately, we live in a time of ‘information overload’ where the truth is easy to find, and we all know that there are always two sides to any given story.

Unlike Mr. Afrasiabi – who fails to mention on his Huffington Post profile that he has been a staunch supporter of Ahmadinejad for years – I concede that I have been drawn to the plight of millions of Iranians. I am an insignificant ‘International Green’ who supports Iranians in their struggle to obtain their rights. After reading Mr. Afrasiabi’s article, I had no other choice than to write a response – and I do so as an admirer and supporter of the Sea of Green – not as a representative.

Extracts of Mr. Afrasiabi’s article are included – without any touch-ups or rephrasing below in italics. My comments, rebuttals, and what I believe to be the “whole story” follow the extracts.

There are several good reasons why president Barack Obama should join his White House guest this week, Egypt’s president Hosni Mubarak, as well as the UN’s Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon, and dozens of other world leaders who have extended congratulations to Iran’s duly re-elected president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Not to do so reflects a poor judgment on the White House’s part, particularly since Obama has yet to fulfill his own post-election promise of responding to Ahmadinejad’s letter that congratulated him for his victory.

Contrary to what was stated, neither UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, nor President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt has congratulated Ahmadinejad. Mr. Ban Ki-Moon did send a letter to Ahmadinejad after the elections. His spokesperson, Marie Okabe, later clarified that the letter should not be construed, in any way, as congratulating Ahmadinejad. According to Ms. Okabe, “The letter takes advantage of the occasion of the inauguration to express the hope that Iran and the United Nations will continue to cooperate closely in addressing regional and global issues.” She went on to add, “It is not accurate to refer to this as a congratulatory letter.”

In regards to Mr. Mubarak, the Presidency of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s website did report, three weeks ago, that Mr. Mubarak had sent a note to Ahmadinejad congratulating him on his re-election. However, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry has since denied the report. Egyptian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Hossam Zaki’s response to the media about the story was, “I cannot confirm the authenticity of the report.” Furthermore, Arab League Secretary General, Amr Moussa’s act of congratulating Ahmadinejad cannot, in all honesty, be considered as an endorsement by Arab League Members – including Egypt.

Iranian media and government-run websites have claimed that the Japanese Premier, Taro Aso, has also congratulated Ahmadinejad. However, it comes as no surprise, that this report cannot be confirmed either.

Notwithstanding the above, there indeed have been some world leaders who have congratulated Ahmadinejad. A closer examination, however, reveals that out of the two dozen or so congratulatory notes, the majority were sent either by countries without a democracy or by heads of countries that do not wish to upset Iran’s Supreme Leader – given their geographic proximity and strong regional interests.

It is ludicrous to think that the leaders of China, North Korea, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, UAE, Syria, Qatar and Tajikistan would be, in any way, concerned about the fairness of an election. Let us not forget that the above-mentioned countries are dictatorships, strong-arm monarchies or have national leaders whose own elections were considered controversial.

The countries of Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Lebanon, Armenia and Iraq fall into the second category of “not wanting to upset Iran’s Supreme Leader.” Turkey – because of the Kurdish issue; Lebanon – to appease Hezbollah; Armenia – because Iran is one of the few neighbors with which it has friendly relations – and Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq – because their interests strongly demand good relations with Iran, regardless of the leadership.

This leaves out Brazil, India, Russia, Venezuela, Indonesia, Yemen and Hamas-held Gaza. As for countries such as Japan, Nations in the EU bloc, Australia, New Zealand and Canada – all countries that rank at the top when it comes to democracy – none have congratulated Ahmadinejad. Thus, Obama’s refusal to send a congratulatory note actually shows sound judgment on his part, as he heads a Nation that is a world-leader in democracy.

First, with the dust of the post-election turmoil settling and the absence of any hard evidence of “rigged elections” becoming more and more transparent, time is actually on the side of Ahmadinejad, who has been much vilified in the western press, and maligned at home by his reformist challengers, as the grinch who “stole” the election.

Unfortunately, the sum of evidence presented by Mr. Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi to corroborate their allegations of widespread fraud in the June 12th elections simply doesn’t add up. This author has examined in depth both the official complaints of losing candidates, as well as the various reports issued by their “truth committee”, and has found them to be dreadfully lacking in substance, contradictory, and thick on irrelevant innuendo, such as passing off such pre-election “irregularities” seen in television debates as evidence of election fraud.

The description of, “‘the dust of post-election turmoil settling” baffles the mind. The Iranian people have been protesting at every opportunity – in spite of an extremely high security presence. They have been shot at, beaten, tear gassed, imprisoned, tortured, and in many cases brutally killed. How has the dust settled?

In late June, thousands gathered at Ghoba Mosque and around Tehran. Thousands more turned out, facing the brutality of the security forces on July 30th. Hundreds were chanting in support of Karroubi, in front of Etemaade Melli’s office less than two weeks ago, although he explicitly asked them not to. Nightly, people chant “Alloha Akbar” from their rooftops, despite the threat of being shot at, fined, arrested or imprisoned. When the opposition calls for a protest, the people of Iran protest, not only in Tehran. We must keep in mind the thousands that gathered around the country, whose voices cannot be heard because of the government’s media blackout. The claim that, “The protests are over,” can only be made, IF and WHEN:

* Protests are no longer illegal; meaning that people can protest without the fear of reprisal
* Opposition Leaders call for a protest
* No one shows up

The truth of the matter is, if there are no “grand protests,” it is not because people don’t want to protest, but because the opposition has not called for one.

Regarding the claim, “The elections were not rigged,” the mere fact that ‘defeated’ candidates and reformist politicians – and their followers – were not the only ones to have cast doubt on the results should merit speculation. Many others have challenged the validity of the results, including former President Hashemi Rafsanjani, who expressed his doubt during his sermon at Friday Prayer’s, as well as Khatami, who released a statement calling for a “referendum” over the issue.

For the sake of argument, let us set aside for a moment, that the previous Supreme Leader Rohullah Khomeini and the current Supreme Leader Seyed Ali Khamanei are dictators in the guise of religious sanctity. Mir Hossein Mousavi, Mohammad Khatami and Hashemi Rafsanjani are all two-term heads of the Iranian Government. Even if we discount Mousavi as a stakeholder in the election, dismiss Khatami as a reformist, what about arch-conservative Rafsanjani? Then again, these people are politicians and you never know what Rafsanjani might be hoping to gain from this.

Then what about a class of Iranian leaders who have little to nothing to gain by questioning the legitimacy of the government? Where do the clerics stand? In case anyone missed their comments here is what they have to say:

Grand Ayatollah Hossein-Ali Montazeri

“No one in their right mind could believe the election results…”

(One might say he has something to gain because he is a clear choice to replace Khamenei, if he is to be replaced, so let us proceed with the rest)

Grand Ayatollah Bayat-Zanjani

“Every healthy mind casts doubt on the way the election was held…”

Grand Ayatollah Lotfollah Safi Golpayegani

Called the election results announced by the government “a grand lie…”

Grand Ayatollah Yousef Sane’ie

Referring to the opposition leader, “God maintain unity with you gentlemen, that your victory is unity, the masses will also follow…”

Grand Ayatollah Nasser Makarem Shirazi

Declared his intention not to congratulate Ahmadinejad on the announced results of the Presidential election.

Grand Ayatollah Abdolkarim Mousavi Ardebili

“We do not have to pacify the protest by force” in a meeting in late June with the Guardian Council, according to widely-quoted story from the Iranian Labor News Agency. “Let the people decide who is right and who is not.”

Ayatollah Jalaleddin Taheri

Called the re-election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad “illegitimate” and “tyrannical…”

Ayatollah Hossein Zarandi

Posted a letter in support of opposition leader Ayatollah Rafsanjani’s Friday sermon.

Ayatollah Sayyed Hossein Mousavi Tabrizi

Praised Rafsanjani’s sermon, declared that the Guardian Council was biased [in regards to the elections] and that people have a right to demonstrate.

Ayatollah Hashemzadeh Harisi

“Distrust of the people is a fact and it must be confessed.”

Ayatollah Haj Shaykh Ebrahimi Amini

“Errors had occurred” during the election, said Amini in a June 12 on KhabarOnline.

Of course, there are Ayatollahs who have supported the elections’ results, but not a single Grand Ayatollah is on that list, except for Khamenei himself. These are Ayatollah Mohammad Taqi Mesbah Yazdi, Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati, Ayatollah Seyyed Ahmad Khatami, Ayatollah Abolghasem Khazali, Ayatollah Mohammad Yazdi, Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi-Shahroudi and Ayatollah Mohammad Reza Mahdavi Kani.

That is six Grand Ayatollahs and four Ayatollahs – not including Rafsanjani – directly questioning the legitimacy of the election against one Grand Ayatollah and seven Ayatollahs. Clerics-wise, the opposition is a clear winner.

As for the media, most of the reformist media outlets have been banned. But even among Iran’s government-owned media, there is dissent. Press TV’s website has recently started to insert the word ‘disputed’ before the word ‘elections.’ In such circumstances, how could one possibly assume that everything has gone back to normal?

I am going to take the liberty of answering comments with similar claims or arguments together. Arguments written by Dr. Afrasiabi are in italics:

Second, lest we forget, Mousavi alone had more than forty thousand representatives at nearly ninety percent of the voting centers and, yet, his complaint to the oversight Guardian Council refers only to the few hundreds who were not allowed to monitor the balloting, without bothering to mention that nearly all his eyes and ears who monitored the process failed to report and document any major irregularities. According to the election officials, Mousavi had lodged complaints about merely 89 centers, indeed a minuscule number compared to more than forty-five thousand such centers throughout Iran.

Fifth, compared to the past, the 2009 election was more transparent, as the government has published all the ballot box data pertaining to more than sixty thousand boxes receiving nearly forty million votes — on average each box contained some 875 votes, making it easy to tally; hence the rapidity of the vote count, thanks in part to the system’s electronic upgrade.

Unlike the US – where election results are announced by thousands of officials from precincts at county and then state levels – in Iran, you simply get a final spreadsheet, prepared for your convenience, by the Ministry of Interior. It is unnecessary in Iran to stuff ballots, buy voters or duplicate voting cards – because the checks and balances, found in the US system, are simply absent.

The equivalent of this in the US would look like this: The Department of Homeland Security, in close coordination with the FBI, sealing ballot boxes as soon as voting ends, tallying the votes behind closed doors, and then publishing the results. There are no other sources to corroborate the results that the Ministry of Interior publishes. It just needs a stamp from the Guardian Council. This makes “rigging the vote” a much easier reality than possible in the US. You simply need the Ministry of Interior on your side to achieve the desired result. The way in which the Ministry of Interior has collaborated with security forces in brutally suppressing peaceful protesters, clearly signals where their allegiance lies.

Third, by all indications Mr. Mousavi, who improperly declared himself the “definite winner” exactly one hour after the voting had stopped, put the cart before the horse by first challenging the election results and then fishing for evidence, a hopeless cause as his own truth committee has undermined the argument that Ahmadinejad did not win the rural votes, by complaining that Ahmadinejad “purchased votes” by distributing cash and food to some 5.5 million villagers, as well as raising salaries, in the weeks ahead of election day.

Mousavi has repeatedly said that he received news from multiple sources that the results would likely be rigged on Election Day. But here is a good reason as to why Mousavi might have declared himself the winner: Fatemeh Rajabi, who is considered the lead female-backer of Ahmadinejad in Iran, and who runs, published quotes on RajaNews – which many consider a rather embarrassing slip of the tongue. quotes an anonymous Iranian Member of Parliament as saying, “Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani, called Mousavi on the evening of the elections and congratulated him on his victory.” Larijani is a conservative and is also the father-in-law of Khamanei’s son.

The website further quotes the MP by stating this about a Larijani: “What he did on the afternoon of Election Day, by calling Mousavi and congratulating him on the finalization of his presidency, cannot be overlooked. As the head of a branch of power, he is considered to have access to firsthand and classified information and news. When he congratulated Mousavi, at a time when voting hours had not even ended yet, it made him delusional and encouraged him to take the seditious and provocative positions and behaviors which disturbed people’s security and calm and significantly harmed the might and honor of the system.”

Was this not a strong enough motivation for Mousavi to believe that he had won the election, despite reports that the vote would be rigged? Furthermore, the argument that Ahmadinejad did not win the rural vote still stands. Simply because people are stating that he ‘did not win it,’ does not mean that he ‘did not attempt to buy it.’

Fourth, such complaints, including Mousavi’s allegation of improper use of government resources, such as means of transportation, by the incumbent president, are not strictly speaking germane to allegations of “widespread fraud” at the ballot boxes, nor are unprecedented in Iran’s young electoral system, in light of similar complaints in the past elections including against the reformist ex-president, Mohammad Khatami.

I completely agree with the first part of this comment. Yes, improper use of governmental resources, by the Incumbent President before the election, is irrelevant in this case. However, the notion that the Iranian democracy is ‘young,’ and as such, these things are not unprecedented, is but a lame duck excuse. Afghanistan is a young democracy. Iraq is a young democracy. Timor-Leste is a young democracy. Iran is not. Perhaps the word ‘dysfunctional’ would be a good substitute for the word ‘young.’

Sixth, the pitfall of pro-Mousavi demonstrators in Tehran who were carrying the sign “where is my vote?” was that they were not actually protesting that their own votes had been rigged; how could they since they won a solid majority in the country’s capital, with Mousavi receiving 52 percent of the votes there, some 300,000 more than Ahmadinejad. The problem with those demonstrators and their leadership was that they somehow felt that they should have also won in the rest of the country — an undue expectation, among other things, because of Mousavi’s late entry to the race after a twenty-year absence from politics and his limited campaign compared to Ahmadinejad’s extensive trips to every single province, particularly the “deprived” areas such as Kerman, Chahar Mahal, South Khorasan, etc, where he won by a solid majority.

First of all, even with 52% of the vote in Tehran for Mousavi, he was able to amass at least a million supporters, if not more, to come out on to the streets – several times – to show their patronage. Why was Ahmadinejad, if he won around 40% of the vote in Tehran, only able to draw a few thousand, possibly less, to come out and support him?

Ahmadinejad even had someone “Photoshop” the pictures taken of his supporters, to give the appearance of a larger crowd – a fact since unmasked. The only plausible explanation for the vast disparity between the numbers of supporters on the streets for each candidate would have to be that the votes were stolen from Mousavi in Tehran. If this is the case, it makes perfect sense for Mousavi supporters to protest with signs that ask, “Where is my vote?”

Secondly, as widely attested, the protests were not confined to only Tehran. Protesters carried the same placards across most cities in Iran. Even in states where Ahmadinejad had garnered tons of support. As reported, protests have so far been authenticated in the cities of Ahvaz, Shiraz, Gorgan, Tabriz, Rasht, Babol, Mashhad, Isfahan, Zahedan, Qazvin, Sari, Karaj, Tabriz, Shahsavar, Orumieh, Bandar Abbas, Arak and Birjend. Many of these cities lie in provinces where Ahmadinejad was claimed to be the “clear winner” – in a country where more than 60% of the population is urban. Why is it that his supporters did not rally ‘to counter’ Mousavi’s supporters? Why were thousands on the streets of Tabriz if Ahmadinejad has won this city?

The argument that, “Ahmadinejad was simply more well-known than Mousavi,” ignores the fact that Mousavi has been a reformist leader for a while now. He was considered by many reformists to be the front-runner for their candidacy in the 2005 Presidential Election. He entered the 2009 election three months prior to the vote. Certainly, if he was not well-known enough to the youth, Khatami’s withdrawal of his candidacy – and subsequent support for Mousavi – did send a very clear message to the populace. Khatami had served as the “face of reform” for the past decade or so, thus making his actions quite clear to his followers.

Ahmadinejad’s improper use of government resources obviously gave him an advantage against Mousavi. Had the elections been transparent the situation that exists today could have been avoided. The protests would not be so widespread, Mousavi would not have received such support from the clerics, and Rafsanjani would certainly not be doubtful.

Seventh, in addition to Tehran, Mousavi also won in Yazd, Zahedan, Zanjan, Ardabil, and his hometown of Shabestar, a total of 46 voting districts mostly dominated by ethnic minorities, whereas the majority Persians voted solidly for Ahmadinejad, reflecting the race’s ethnic undercurrent.

This argument seems to suggest that ‘ethnic divides’ played a role in determining the outcome. Simply put, it argues that Ahmadinejad won, because he is Persian and Mousavi lost because he is Azeri. There were no official exit polls to give a clear view of which ethnic group voted for whom. Let us examine the cities mentioned, and then look at some other examples:

Yazd is solidly Persian – both the city and the province. Mousavi won the city by 148,090 votes to Ahmadinejad’s 133,792, but lost the province with 337,178 votes going Ahmadinejad and 255,799 to Mousavi.

Ardabil Province – where the city of Ardabil is located, and East Azerbaijan Province, where Shabestar is located – are both dominated by the Azeri ethnic group, from which Mousavi hails. East Azerbaijan is the mainstay of Iran’s Azeri culture. Surprisingly, Ahmadinejad won both Ardabil and East Azerbaijan – the latter with a considerable margin. Zanjan is primarily an Azeri Province – yet Ahmadinejad managed to win it.

Mr. Afrasiabi’s statement regarding Zahedan, however, may be correct. The city is located in Sistan o Baluchistan Province – largely populated by the Baluch minority. Mousavi won both Zahedan and the province.

If the ethnic argument held, Mousavi clearly should have won a majority of provinces that are dominated by ethnic minorities – with plenty of leeway. However, this does not appear to be the case at all. Let us now examine some of the major provinces that are predominantly non-Persian:

Ilam, for the most part is Kurdish: Ahmadinejad 58% – Mousavi 38%

Kurdistan, for the most part is Kurdish: Ahmadinejad 61% – Mousavi 42%

Kermanshah, mixture of Kurds, Persians and Turks: Ahmadinejad 51% – Mousavi 42%

Khuzestan, a mix of Arabs, Persians, Lurs, Laks, Qashqais and Afsharis: Ahmadinejad 63% – Mousavi 27%

North Khorasan, a mix of Persians, Turks, Tats and Kurds: 73% Ahmadinejad – 24% Mousavi

The only two provinces Mousavi managed to win were indeed non-Persian for the most part. These include Sistan o Baluchistan, as mentioned above, and West Azerbaijan which is predominantly inhabited by Kurds and Azeris. Yet, Mousavi barely managed to win West Azerbaijan by 49% of the votes to Ahmadinejad’s 46%, and Sistan o Baluchistan by 51% to Ahmadinejad’s 46%.

Eighth, with respect to the question of how Ahmadinejad’s challengers could have done so poorly in their own home provinces, there is actually nothing unusual about this, and suffice it to say that in the 2005 elections, two candidates — Mehr Alizad and Bagher Moin — lost badly in their birth provinces.

Of the two candidates mentioned above, Bagher Moin actually did not run in the 2005 Presidential Elections. Two other candidates – Bagher Ghalibaf and Mostafa Moin – took part. Similar names, but not the same person.

As for the reference to Mehr Alizad, I am left to deduce that Mr. Afrasiabi designated this as a ‘nom du plume’ for Mohsen Mehralizadeh. Mehralizadeh ran in the 2005 Elections and handily won three provinces – Ardabil, East Azerbaijan and West Azerbaijan. He garnered almost 4.4% of the total vote. Contrary to the claim he did not win his home province, Mehralizadeh was born in Maragheh, East Azerbaijan.

What Mr. Afrasiabi fails to mention are the more substantial arguments – presented by Mehdi Karoubi and Mohsen Rezaei – as evidence in support of electoral fraud:

Karroubi took part in the 2005 Elections and won more than 17% of the total votes in the first round. Mysteriously enough, this very same candidate, was only able to secure less than 1% (0.85% to be exact) of the vote in the 2009 Elections.

With respect to Rezaei, the results showed that he had won 681,851 votes. However, credible sources quoted the candidate as claiming to have conclusive evidence – in the form of voter registration cards – of higher number of votes. Before Rezaei’s voice was ‘muffled’ by the regime, a credible source claimed on June 17th that, “Mohsen Rezaei, until yesterday afternoon, found evidence that proves at least 900,000 Iranians – based on their national ID cards – voted for him.” Furthermore, there is evidence on Rezaei’s website that shows his vote count ,actually going down rather than going up, by about 33,000 votes – while candidates’ tallies were being broadcasted on National TV during a four-hour span.

Ninth, for sure the 2009 presidential elections was not problem-free and the government conceded the irregularity of excess votes in some 50 towns affecting 3 million votes. But, in some areas where this occurred such as Yazd or Shemiranat, Mousavi actually won, and mostly this phenomenon was attributable to summer travel affecting Caspian resort towns — there are no registered voters in Iran, and Iranian voters can vote anywhere with proper identification.

It is doubtful that the Guardian Council – the government entity responsible for finding discrepancies in the 2009 Election – is, or was at any time, serious about investigating allegations of fraud. There is no better example for this, than the mere fact that the Guardian Council announced, “No fraud had taken place” before any evidence of voter fraud was even presented to them. To make matters worse, they soon came up with a 3 million vote ‘irregularity,’ which is an alarming number of votes considering the fact that the total number of votes cast was 39 million.

What is more, the Guardian Council has a horrible track record of anti-reformist acts and decrees. The most prominent example is when during the 2004 elections, it barred hundreds of candidates from taking part in the election, including 80 sitting MPs. The majority of these disqualified candidates were reformists. This gave the hardliners a more than comfortable majority in Iran’s Parliament in the elections that followed. In addition to that, many people – including eminent clerics as mentioned previously – and reformists, have accused the Guardian Council of siding with a single candidate: Ahmadinejad. Suffice it to say, the doubt and suspicion created by the Guardian Council, by their own actions, is sufficient to warrant distrust of their investigations into voting fraud.

Tenth, Iran’s election system may not be fraud proof but it is for all practical purposes “rigged-proof” in light of the elaborate oversight by two sets of monitors, tens of thousands of monitoring representatives by the candidates, and the participation of some 60,000 election staff chosen at local levels primarily from among the ranks of teachers and the like, who are responsible for counting the votes. As of this date, not one of them has come forward corroborating the allegations of ballot box fraud.

We have already examined Iran’s flawed electoral system, so we need not cover it again. As for the “not one of them has come forward” comment, I consider this to be an insult to the intelligence of anyone who has been following the news in Iran. Are we forgetting the fact that dozens of people have been placed in jail, tortured, forced to confess and put on trial on charges of planning to overthrow the regime – simply because they cried foul? These people include the likes of a former Vice President. When a former Vice President receives such appalling treatment, how can one expect ordinary teachers to raise their voices about what has transpired?

The notion of ‘coming forward’ exists in countries that respect a person’s right to free speech, the right to question their government’s actions, and the right to a fair trial when accused. Conversely, a country which bans foreign media, jails reporters and arrests embassy staff members, is not a place where people deem it safe to come forth and present evidence of fraud. To our amazement, however, people did stand-up to the regime and raised their voice. Those courageous people are now forced to confess, as evident on Iranian state media, to the crime of speaking their minds.

Eleventh, even if all the three million above-mentioned votes had gone Mousavi’s way, he would have still fallen short of beating Ahmadinejad, who defeated Mousavi with a margin of two-to-one, by receiving 11 million more votes — or 63 percent compared to Mousavi’s 33 percent — just as predicted by the Washington-based pollsters of Terror Free Tomorrow, whose pre-election opinion survey led them to predict a first round victory by Ahmadinejad, a conclusion they stuck in their post-election piece in the Washington Post, where they conceded that the voting results “may reflect the will of Iranian voters.” Their views have been endorsed by, among others, the US statistical guru, Nate Silver, who has stated that the Iranian elections results are “valid based on statistical analysis.”

This argument has been used, over and over again for the past two months, by the Iranian Government via government-owned media. In all honesty, this is nothing more than a well-planned tactic to counter any criticism of the vote. A basic, “Hey, Mousavi would not have won, even if we gave him those 3 million votes in question.”

Many polls were held before the election, and there were an equal number of them showing Mousavi as the winner. ILNA, the news agency linked to Rafsanjani – showed that just prior to June 4th, Mousavi was ahead with more than 54% of the vote to Ahmadinejad’s 25%. Maziar Bahari – a Newsweek reporter who was arrested during the post-election turmoil – reported a week before the Election, that according to government-funded polls Newsweek observed, about 16 to 18 million Iranians stated that they intended to vote for Mousavi, while only 6-8 million said they planned on voting for Ahmadinejad.

There are various statisticians and organizations who have attempted to crack this case from behind their desks, thousands of miles away from Iran. Among them is Chatham House, one of the world’s leading organizations in analyzing and promoting the understanding of major international issues and current affairs. Chatham House released a detailed report on June 21st titled, “Preliminary Analysis of the Voting Figures in Iran’s 2009 Presidential Election.” A summary of the repot is quoted below:

“Working from the province by province breakdowns of the 2009 and 2005 results, released by the Iranian Ministry of Interior on the Farsi pages of their website shortly after the election, and from the 2006 census as published by the official Statistical Centre of Iran, the following observations about the official data and the debates surrounding it can be made:

· In two conservative provinces, Mazandaran and Yazd, a turnout of more than 100% was recorded.

· If Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s victory was primarily caused by the increase in voter turnout, one would expect the data to show that the provinces with the greatest increase in voter turnout would also show the greatest ‘swing’ in support towards Ahmadinejad. This is not the case.

· In a third of all provinces, the official results would require that Ahmadinejad took not only all former conservative voters, all former centrist voters, and all new voters, but also up to 44% of former reformist voters, despite a decade of conflict between these two groups.

· In 2005, as in 2001 and 1997, conservative candidates, and Ahmadinejad in particular, were markedly unpopular in rural areas. That the countryside always votes conservative is a myth. The claim that this year Ahmadinejad swept the board in more rural provinces flies in the face of these trends.”

As for Nate Silver, here is another quote by him published in an article for on June 15th: “You could get a couple of university students to figure out a way to create a whole set of results that seem plausible and contain randomness and regional variation,” he says. “There’s no particular reason to have confidence in the results, but it’s probably not going to be fruitful to try and find some master key in the ways the numbers look.”

Indeed, much to the chagrin of reformist-friendly pundits in the West, close analysis of the election results gives absolutely no objective basis for leveling the charges of a rigged election. Ahamadinejad won fair and square by receiving some 24 million votes by an electorate that is enamored of his economic populism, fierce nationalism, austere life-style, promotion of Iran’s nuclear rights, standing up to Uncle Sam, etc — this despite a barrage of Western media propaganda prior to the elections that constantly vilified Ahmadinejad.

Mr. Afrasiabi posted statistics from US-based Terror Free Tomorrow organization to support his argument in regards to the electoral results. Let us examine another recent poll, by the same organization, and analyze Ahmadinejad’s above-mentioned qualities that supposedly make the Iranian people enamored with him.

The poll – conducted in May of 2009 – showed that 88% of Iranians wanted economic improvement to be the government’s top priority, while 56% claimed that Ahmadinejad had failed to keep his campaign promise of “putting oil money on the tables of the people.” The simple fact of the matter is, Ahmadinejad’s brand of ‘economic populism’ has turned the Iranian Economy into an utter mess. Certainly, he has tried to spread the wealth that windfall oil prices brought in, but he has not created any wealth, nor has he created any new jobs – the prime concern in Iran where two-thirds of the population is under the age of 30.

Official unemployment rates stand at 17% – up about 5% from when he took office. Financial experts, outside of Iran, believe the rate to be actually much higher. Although Ahmadinejad’s economic charts during the Presidential Debates showed inflation to be at 14%, Iran’s Central Bank puts the figure at 23.6%. The most damaging evidence against Mahoudanomics, is the fact that Ahmadinejad mismanaged the economy – putting the country in a huge budget deficit even after record oil prices brought in billions of extra dollars. According to the CIA World Fact Book for the year 2009-2010, Iran’s oil revenues stand at $51 billion – while the expenditure has skyrocketed to $103 billion. Need I say more?

Terror Free Tomorrow’s poll also demonstrated that 55% percent of Iranians supported recognizing Israel and Palestine as independent states in exchange for ‘normal relations’ with the United States. This suggests that over half of the population does not hate the US – so why would “standing up to Uncle Sam” be a reason for Iranians to love Ahmadinejad?

Mousavi is not anti-Nationalistic either. He has stated time and again that, “Iran’s Nuclear Program would not be suspended under any condition” and that “Iran has a right to carry on its peaceful nuclear ambitions.” As a matter of fact, all four candidates had the same stance on this issue. Mousavi, on the other hand, isn’t as ‘anti-Uncle Sam’ as Ahmadinejad, and is clearly more willing to take part in dialogue with other nations.

As for the comment on austerity, kudos to Ahmadinejad – this was a non-issue during the elections.

In conclusion, notwithstanding the above suggesting an election fraud hoax that does not withstand the weight of critical scrutiny, it does not bode well for Obama’s policy of Iranian engagement to be disengaged from the world’s growing recognition that Ahmadinejad was unfairly accused of stealing an election that he actually won fair and square. Even the British diplomat in Tehran attended Ahmadinejad’s inaugural ceremony, as did several dozen other foreign diplomats, including from several European nations, in a sign of approval of the election results.

Are we to believe that any ambassador, who attended Ahmadinejad’s inauguration ceremony, did so with their leader’s official endorsement of Ahmadinejad? I for one have not seen any official notes or letters from the UK or Sweden that would lead one to such a conclusion. Here are the statements that have been officially made about why two EU ambassadors attended the inauguration:

British Foreign Office Spokesperson: “We have several issues we need to address with the government, including its nuclear program and human rights, and to do that we need to keep channels of communication open.”

Swedish Foreign Minister: “We always have our ambassador on site in every possible … country, regardless of the regime in question. As an observer, they are better when they are present than when they are absent.”

Sadly, the US has lagged behind, partly due to the negative influence of pro-Mousavi Iranian pundits and academics, many of whom rushed to sign a petition to the UN Secretary General deploring the Iranian government’s “disrespect” for the votes of Iranian electorate. Fortunately, the astute UN Secretary General exercised independent judgment and rightly reached the conclusion that despite their academic credentials, the signatories of that petition were fundamentally wrong in their unreflective sounding board for the losing candidates; hence his crucial decision to congratulate Ahmadinejad for his electoral success. Following Ban’s footstep, Mr. Obama must now do the same, in the interest of fairness to Ahmadinejad and his mass of Iranian supporters throughout Iran; otherwise the risks to his ship of Iran diplomacy remain rather large.

UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, has not congratulated Ahmadinejad. Fortunately, President Obama, unlike Mr. Afrasiabi, realizes this. Moreover, President Obama has shown sound judgment by firmly standing on the side of democracy and human rights in Iran for the past two months. The primary concern of the US, in respects to Iran is its nuclear program. No candidate – not even Mousavi – declared that they would back down on this issue. Thus, this subject is completely off the table.

What is on the table is the fact that the Iranian Regime has stolen the people’s vote. What is on the table is the fact that they have committed evil by brutalizing its populace for demanding their rights. What is on the table is the fact that they have forced a leader upon their people. The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. – a true leader of men – once said, “He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.” Iranians are protesting; Obama must continue to reject the false leader.

Original at WhyWeProtest

Some interesting comments I found over at EnduringAmerica

hass says: September 1st, 2009 at 15:23

Sorry, but there is in fact no real evidence of election fraud in Iran. The site has listed each of the claims and counter-claims, and the fraud claims do not withstand scrutiny.

But aside from that, just ask yourself this: Mousavi, the opposition leader, was a former Prime Minister and is a regime-insider. He was specifically vetted and precleared by the regime to run for office. We’re supposed to think that his election posed such a danger to the same regime that they resorted to massive election fraud? No, sorry, that makes no sense.

The Reply

whereismyvote says: September 1st, 2009 at 16:44

@ Hass
I wish I had the pager number of the person you have contacted to get your great Ganja… I want some please too. Is there any means to send me some via internet?

Please stop quoting an unsubstanciated report by a site as proof. What better proof of fraud do you want other than half the regime standing up and saying there was fraud? Lets discount the people, but can you also discount the mullahs themselves that cried foul?

Some facts for your education, although I suspect with the smoke of Ganja not fully settled its penetration chances are low:

1) 3 of the 4 candidates claimed fraud, not Mousavi
2) Process and proceedure and constitutional law was broken. According to Iranian constitution the electoral body publishes the results, and after 3 days of deliberations all parties submit their claims of fraud, after that the Guardian council reviews all results and submits a report. The leader then decides. This process has been followed for 30 years. In this instance it was short cut. some 12 hours after closure of polls, the supreme leader announced the results. How can we trust the decision when process was not followed?
3) All candidates can specify 1 volounter to be at the polling booth and present at the counting centere. During this election the volounteers of Mousavi and Karoubi and Rezaie were barred from entery. No indipendant means of verification now exists.
4) Mousavi and Karoubi had designed a system of using volounterrs outside polling stations to do exit poll surveys and the results to be transmitted to the head office using SMS message network for statistical analysis. The SMS network was cut off.
5) 2 1/2 month after the dispute, still we do not have poll station results. In Iran each voter gets a vote stub, plus a stamp in his / her identity card. Poll station results can be verified. How, here it is…. If 100000 people show up with stubs and an affidavit claiming they voted for Mousavi at poll station A, this can be verified against the actual votes, which bear their birth certificate number and the stamp which proved they voted. Unfortunately this did not happen
6) The Ministry of Interior printed some 13 million additional voter cards ( exact number under question now) and has not ever achnowleded what happened to these 13 million additional cards it printed. These cards should be blank and exist somewhere with their serial numbers and stubs intact, but we have been unable to get any information on them. They were stuffed into the boxes at a great hurry when the polls were closed, to ensure AN victory.
7) I can go on till 200 if you wish, but I would be boring the average reader of this forum, that has been witness to much of it……. Please read many analysts and independent people that have published the results of in depth analysis proving many of these points. Ignorance is not justification for shallow comments.

But you raised one point that needs direct address:
Mousavi was a staunch rival of Khamanei for 8 years prime minister run that he had. Mousavi was unconditionally backed by Khomeini as the light of his eyes… Mousavi was selected as a safe candidate to create an arena where by the western world and Iranian people could be shown that there is hope and change. AN government and the SL did not think in their life that Mousavi has a chance. For good measure Karoubi was also thrown in to split the reform vote, and then all other conservatives banned from running such as Ghalibaf that got into an open confrontation w.r.t his wish for running. The remaining candidates were all banned too. That left the field well in control of AN, and Rezaie, which has no hope, no support and no chance of ever winning was allowed to run too to please Rafsanjani and some traditional conservatives that felt disenfranchised. All the pieces were in play for a good solid AN win, however Mousavi proved charismatic, the people proved vigilant and the AN strategy weak. AN performance during the TV debates also made him a laughing stock and the people really turned off him. Additionaly AN miscalculated the dislike of people against him, and beleived all the BS that his croneys surrounding him had told him.

The coupe was organized so quickly, that they had no time to cover their fingers. They left finger prints of the crime everywhere.

Sir, the AN government got votes, we acknowledge it, and we acknowledge that he got 8 million votes, but Mousavi and Karoubi got close to 34 million votes, and Rezaie the remainder. Still AN was declared the winner… What else do you want to know? I can not make night day, nor can I make someone who has made their mind up, change it…

To know reality, you need to sometimes have lived it. I have lived it, in Iran in elections in its aftermath. This does not make me special but allows me to express my opinion knowing the truth I witnessed w my eyes. I ask have you really lived it? I can tell you that the dislike of AN is deep and across economical, religious and political lines. I have gone to small towns in the poor part of the country and people dislike AN, I have gone to the poor part of Tehran, to Qom, to Mashhad and the like, and the dislike is deep. The people wanted change, wanted hope wanted something and someone else. People hate and dislike the Pasdaran, the Basiji and the small class of idologs that have taken control.

NiteOwl’s GreenBrief #61-62

Location of IranImage via Wikipedia

News From Iran

The Green Brief is the best source of information from Iran, gathered from sources which are verified as well as they can be, under the circumstances. Nearly all of this information is gathered via twitter sources from inside Iran. An extremely small set of sources, considering the millions of Iranians who, not so long ago, carried on conversations with the world.

Josh, aka NiteOwl, has become a voice for some of them, and a valuable window for the rest of the world. I can’t stress how much I personally appreciate Josh and his small team for the work they’re putting into all this. As an American, it might seem strange that I would care at all. I can only stress that we are all brothers, sisters, and cousins on this world. We all come from a different place and we each have a unique journey.

We all share that.

The Green Brief #61-62 (August 26-27 – Shahrivar 4-5)

I’m NiteOwl AKA Josh Shahryar – on twitter. I’m a journalist and a human rights activist and NOT Iranian. This is a compilation of news from Iran that I’ve gathered through twitter and Iranian sites that were advertised on twitter. Remember, this is all from tweets. (My work is released under Creative Commons (CC).)

These are the important happenings that I can positively confirm from Wednesday and Thursday, August 26-27 – Shahrivar 4-5.

Protests / Unrest

August 26

1. Reports have emerged that there is a strong possibility of workers’ strikes in Iran. Reports suggest that over 200,000 workers have not been paid their wages in months and this could lead to strikes in the very near future. This comes as the workers in Fars province’s main automobile factory have been on strike over the issue for the past five days. Other reports suggest that unemployment in Tehran alone has risen by 3% in the past few months.

August 27

2. Reports of a small gathering of Greens in a park in Oromieh have surfaced. The greens gathered together to break their fast on the night Thursday and prayed for the release of prisoners and the success of the Sea of Green. Pictures:


August 26

3. Hashemi Rafsanjani’s family has filed a lawsuit against Ahmadinejad for his statements during the presidential debates and sent an official complaint to the Judiciary, according to Mehdi Rafsanjani – Rafsanjani’s son. Ahmadinejad had accused Rafsanjani of corruption during the debates.

4. Reports have also emerged that Hashemi Rafsanjani has sent information about two detainees who’re victims of rape in Iran’s detention centers to Khamenei, Grand Ayatollah Montazeri and Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani. Full confirmation of this is not at hand. The unconfirmed report names one of the victims as Ghaim Montazer who had been raped with a bottle.

5. Grand Ayatollah Montazeri called Iran’s government a dictatorship in the name of Islam. He said that it was neither Islamic and nor a republic. He further added that the true color of the system was shown after the election when thousands were arrested and then brutally tortured. He added, “The biggest oppression … is despotic treatment of the people in the name of Islam,” he on his website, “I hope the responsible authorities give up the deviant path they are pursuing and restore the trampled rights of the people.”

6. Karroubi has sent a congratulatory letter to Sadegh Larijani – the new Judiciary Chief – telling him that he has the responsibility to restore national trust after the blatant law-breaking that has taken place in the aftermath of the elections.

7. Mohammad Khatami has dismissed the confessions and trials once again. He also rejected the allegations leveled against him during the most recent trial by Kayan Tajbakhsh. He said that contrary to what the confesser claims, he has not met with George Soros in New York. George Soros is a billionaire philanthropist who has been linked with the Rose Revolution in Georgia in the past.

8. Mehdi Hashemi Rafsanjani also denied allegations that were leveled against him. Mehdi Karami – One of the men on trial – had claimed that Mehdi had used government money to fund his father’s campaign in 2005.

August 27

9. Shirin Ebadi condemned the trial of reformists and other Iranians linked to protests following the elections once again.

10. The government is creating fake blog entries in the name of reformist leaders to show that they are being treated fairly. Abtahi’s blog is the latest that is being updated.

11. Ayatollah Bayat Zanjani has held a meeting with Ayatollah Sane’ie about the recent developments. The meeting has been held at Ayatollah Sane’ie’s residence. Further details will be released at a later date.

Government / International

August 26

12. Khamenei confessed that he had seen no proof that opposition leaders were linked to foreign agents, mainly the US and the UK. However, he added that the mass protests had been planned in advance and there was no doubt about it.

13. Hamidreza Katouzian said that the parliament was investigating the claims of the killings and mass burials of protesters in Beheshte Zahra. Katouzian is a member of the parliamentary commission to investigate the condition of detainees.

14. Conservative MP Ahmad Tavakkoli asked Sadegh Larijani to put Tehran’s Attorney General Saeed Mortazavi on trial for banning Etemaade Melli. According to Tavakkoli, Mortazavi did not have the authority to ban Etemaade Melli according to the country’s media laws.

15. An unidentified MP told Parlemaan News that it had been proven that several detainees had been raped with batons and bottles. The MP is also a member of the parliamentary commission to investigate the condition of detainees, according to the website.

16. Ali Larijani has admitted that the trials that are being held have their flaws. According to reports, Larijani said this after an MP from Semnan Mostafa Kavakabian criticized the way the trials were being held and said that they did not meet the standards set by the constitution.

17. Partially confirmed reports suggest that the government is preparing itself for another wave of protests very soon and deems the situation far from stable. This was echoed by the Deputy Chief of Staff Jazayeri today, who warned that the turmoil was not over and could resurface at any time.

18. “Since Basij forces entered the scene on June 16, they never used any weapon in the missions entrusted on them and they were just equipped with some tools for their personal defense in their missions,” General Abdullah Araqi, an IRGC Commander in charge of Tehran Province, said today.

19. An unnamed conservative MP has divulged that he no longer believes in the reports by the parliamentary committee to investigate the condition of detainees. According to the MP, the family of a detainee who had been raped contacted him and he forwarded their contact and information to the committee. Later the family contacted him back and told him that they are now under pressure to recant their claims.

20. A group of former governors and other former government officials from the reform governments have sent a letter to Sadegh Larijani asking him to take a bold step and release all prisoners.

21. Reports have emerged that both France and the US are planning on imposing tougher sanctions against the Iranian regime.

22. Reports have emerged of a meeting between the Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki and the Canadian Foreign Minister during a summit in Turkey. This could not be fully confirmed off hand. The story published on Mehr News does not provide many details. In the past, the Iranian media have published similar reports about international leaders that have proven false.

August 27

23. Reports have emerged that several key government ministers will be speaking at Friday prayers in Tehran and possibly other cities.

24. An unnamed MP has confirmed that Hossein Fedaie – an MP from Tehran – was directly involved in the prisoner abuse in Kahrizak. Two other MPs, Parvez Sorouri and Alireza Zakani were also aware of the situation at Kahrizak. (The GB reported weeks ago about Fedaie’s role in the abuse). All three MPs are former Basijis.

25. Germany and France have threatened to impose tougher sanctions on Iran unless it shows willingness to discuss its nuclear program.

Arrested / Released / Killed

August 26

26. Reports have emerged that at least two – and possibly three – faculty members of Tehran University were arrested last night. This report could only be partially confirmed at this point.

27. The former head of Beheshte Zahra Cemetery’s management office denied that any mass burials of dead protesters had taken place at the cemetery. Scroll down to watch pictures of the unmarked graves of dead protesters in Beheshte Zahra:

28. Karroubi’s son Hossein Karrubi and Mohammad Javad Haghshenas, the
editor-in-chief of Etemaade Melli – who had been arrested and released on bail on August 25 will be facing charges of publishing ‘unsubstantiated accusations’ in court.

29. Iranian Ambassador in France has accuse French citizen Clotilde Reiss of ‘nuclear espionage’.

30. University student Saeeda Kurdinejad has been released.

August 27

31. Saeed Hajjarian’s doctor has told his daughter that he strongly suspects her father had been drugged prior to his trial.

32. Several political activists were arrested from Mashhad on Monday. These include Farshad Azizi who is a member of Mir Hossein Mousavi’s campaign. They were arrested on Monday evening from the city and their current location is unknown.

33. Human rights activist and lawyer Abdolfattah Soltani has finally been released from Evin on bail. Also released was journalist Farbia Pajooh.


August 27

34. Reports have emerged that IRIB and Keyhan have been explicitly ordered not to publish anything against Rafsanjani.
35. Graffiti in support of the Sea of Green in different Iranian cities:
36. Ahmadinejad’s poster greened in city of Kerman:

International Protests / Events / Warnings / Efforts

37. A petition to be signed and sent to ambassadors as well as their contacts:

38. PLEASE READ THIS FOR YOUR SAFETY’S SAKE: Safeguard Your Personal Info and Your Finances! – Why We Protest – IRAN

39. For an unofficial list of upcoming protests in the US: Protesting for Iran until they don’t have to

40. For a list of protests that are being planned in Germany, please visit this link: Julia’s Blog: Protests and rallies in Germany (subject to change w/o notice) (Courtesy of @jkshalmani)

41. A to the point website for help traumatized Greens: Healing the Green Soul

(If you, your friends or your organization are holding events, protests or doing something else related to the Iranian election internationally, please send me an email with details and I will give you coverage. (Will only cost you 10 million dollars!) My email is:

*Correction: In the last Green Brief, it was erroneously reported that Ahmadinejad had called the husband of proposed Health Minister a peach and very edible. In fact, Ahmadinejad had called the outgoing Health Minister a peach and expressed the desire of consuming him.

To Helpers

– Info on republishing the Green Brief: For Bloggers, News Sites and Forum who want to republish the Green Brief Plesae Read! – Why We Protest – IRAN

– Information on Tor: Tor Browser Bundle

This page contains a listing of external mirrors of the GB, as well as various information about the GB. Links to translations are also encouraged: Category:Green Brief – Anonymous Intelligence Collective

– (A list of all the Green Briefs): The Green Briefs

– A hearty thanks to Sahar joon and S joon for helping me out with proof-reading and very valuable tips. Also, a BIG THANKS to all the translators who’re spending their precious time on getting this to as many people as possible.

Original GreenBrief at WhyWeProtest

NiteOwl’s GreenBrief #60

Location of IranImage via Wikipedia

News From Iran

The Green Brief is the best source of information from Iran, gathered from sources which are verified as well as they can be, under the circumstances. Nearly all of this information is gathered via twitter sources from inside Iran. An extremely small set of sources, considering the millions of Iranians who, not so long ago, carried on conversations with the world.

Josh, aka NiteOwl, has become a voice for some of them, and a valuable window for the rest of the world. I can’t stress how much I personally appreciate Josh and his small team for the work they’re putting into all this. As an American, it might seem strange that I would care at all. I can only stress that we are all brothers, sisters, and cousins on this world. We all come from a different place and we each have a unique journey.

We all share that.

The Green Brief #60 (August 20 – Mordad 29)

I’m NiteOwl AKA Josh Shahryar – on twitter. I’m a journalist and a human rights activist and NOT Iranian. This is a compilation of news from Iran that I’ve gathered through twitter and Iranian sites that were advertised on twitter. Remember, this is all from tweets. (My work is released under Creative Commons (CC).)

These are the important happenings that I can positively confirm from Thursday, August 20 – Mordad 29.

In German:

Protests / Unrest

1. Reports indicate that on Thursday night, dozens of youngsters gathered on streets in the Apadana district of Tehran and chanted against the government and Ahmadinejad. The timing coincided with Ahmadinejad’s speech and his introduction of the new cabinet. Protesters chanted “Death to Dictator”, “Our pain is your pain; join us!” and sang Yaare Dabestani – a patriotic song. Apadana district is where deceased protester Sohrab A’rabi lived.

2. Thursday also coincided with the 40th day of his murder and his family held a short ceremony at Beheshte Zahra. The family later released a statement saying that they didn’t want to create unrest, thus, they didn’t invite people to join them in the ceremony.

3. Reports indicate that factions within Qom, who are displeased with Grand Ayatollah Sane’ie’s support for the reformists, are planning on holding a protest to denounce him. Leaflets have been distributed across the city for this purpose. There is also word that supporters of Sane’ie will be gathering in front of his office to counter the protest. No word of when the protests will be held has reached out yet.

4. Sane’ie in the meantime, has asked people not to gather in his support, saying that this would give a tool to those who wanted to create tensions.

5. Reports have also surfaced that people all around Iran chanted against Ahmadinejad and the government during his speech last night. According to confirmed sources, chants were heard throughout Tehran. In several parts of Tehran, people gathered on streets and chanted. People in their cars and motorbikes honked their horns in support.

6. There are reports of chanting from other cities in Iran as well; indicating the Sea of Green is very active in many places throughout Iran. Cities include Isfahan, Shiraz, Ahvaz, Abadan, Kermanshah and Qazvin.

7. Unconfirmed reports indicate that the government is still reviewing whether it should close universities for a semester for fear of student protests. It had earlier been dismissed by the government that such a plan was being considered.

8. Mohammad Araghi – the commander of IRG in Tehran – has alleged that over 300,000 people had formed a clandestine organization called “Vote Organization” or “Sazemane Rai” that had orchestrated that mass protests after the elections. He added the organization had been formed before the elections.

9. Confirmed reports indicate the police violating people’s right to privacy in Iran. According to these reports, the police are frequently entering homes forcibly and break down the doors if no one opens the door to them. Most of the time, these operations take place without any warrants – a clear violation of the Iranian constitution.

A picture of police climbing over a door:

Note the green graffiti on the wall that says, “Marg Bar Khamenei” (Death to Khamenei)


10. Fatemeh Rake’ie, the Secretary-General of the Innovative Muslim Women’s Society, today said that Mir Hossein Mousavi’s new movement was a representation of Imam Khomeini’s ideals. Rake’ie, a former MP, said Mousavi was expected by Iranians to lead the reformists and those in search of change.

11. 72 alumni and current university students have sent a letter to the members of the Assembly of Experts calling for the removal of Khamanei.

Government / International

12. Ali Larejani – the speaker of the Iranian Parliament – today said the parliament was ready to receive Mehdi Karroubi’s complaints and evidence. Larejani added that they would hear Karroubi’s words and would contact the victims through their phone numbers and addresses, after they’ve been given to them by Karroubi. He further said that they had no desire to keep secrets from the people and this would be done efficiently and transparently.

13. Mahmood Ahmadinejad today in his speech said that the Ministry of Intelligence had not done its duty, thus, the unrest took place. He didn’t blame Mohseni Ejaie – the former Intelligence Minister – personally. He also added that change was needed in the ministry. He added that “God willing we will get to a 70-million strong intelligence system.” (Gestapo anyone?)

In another part of his televised speech, Ahmadinejad criticized deputy speaker of parliament Bahonar for saying that five of his ministers would possibly be rejected by the parliament and said that it was not a good thing for the country.

Ahmadinejad during his speech said that he really liked the husband of Marzieh Dastjardi – the proposed Minister of Health – and sometimes thought he was like a peach and felt like eating him:

Link to video (Farsi):

14. Confirmed reports indicate that Tehran’s Attorney General Saeed Mortazavi – another government official thought to be responsible for the suppression of protesters, arrests and tortures – will be replaced by Morteza Bakhtiari – a former head of Iran’s Prisons Department.

15. Reports have emerged that Ahmadinejad’s pick for Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi, is wanted by the Interpol. He was listed in an international arrest warrant issued by an Argentine judge on November 9, 2006 for being a suspected participant in the Argentine-Jewish Mutual Association bomb attack in Buenos Aires in 1994. Vahidi is also considered by many to be the founder of IRG’s Lebanon Corps.

Link to Vahidi’s wanted page on Interpol’s website:

16. Kazem Seddiqi will now be appointed to the list of clerics leading Friday prayers; while this week’s prayers will be lead by Ahmad Jannati – reports indicate.

17. Conservative MP Hamid Rasa has published an OP-ED severely criticizing Ayatollah Sane’ie’s speech in Gorgan, calling him the Imam of Zarar Mosque – a prayer center established by enemies of Mohammed who claimed to be Muslims which was later destroyed by Mohammed’s decree.

18. Reports indicate that Hamid Reza Foladgar – a member of the Article 10 Commission on Political Parties – has said that any political party joining the Green Path of Hope would lose its permit to operate.

19. The Supreme Audit Court of Iran has convicted Esfandyar Rahim-Mashaei, of a series of financial charges. He was sentenced to two months suspension from his government post, the Jomhuriye Eslami daily reported on Thursday. The paper did not give further detail on the nature of the charges, but said they were in connection with the period that Rahim-Mashaei served as the head of Iran’s Cultural Heritage, Handcrafts and Tourism Organization.

20. Kerman Friday prayers Imam Hojjatoleslam Seyyed Yahya Jafari, has also said that Mehdi Karroubi should get 80 lashes for raising the issue of rape. He criticized Karroubi for not sending the letter to then head of Judiciary Hashemi Shahroudi instead of Rafsanjani.

Arrested / Released / Killed / Torture

21. Short report by Mehdi Saharkhiz on what happened to one of the victims of violence during peaceful protests:

22. Journalist Emsael Azadi’s son Mohammad Azadi, was arrested last night in front of Etemaade Melli newspaper. Mohammad’s father spent several hours begging and going from one department to another to get his son’s insulin to him as he has diabetes. At one point, during his search to find his son’s whereabouts, he was told by security officials his son should die because he had written slogans against the government. He was finally able to get the insulin to him; but is still unable to locate where he is being kept.

23. Security forces broke into a Baha’i woman’s house on Wednesday, in the city of Sari, searched her house without a warrant and took her away using a search warrant that had been issued for a date three weeks ago. The 24 year’s whereabouts are unknown.

24. Mostafa Tajzadeh contacted his family today telling them he might remain imprisoned throughout Ramadan – the Islamic holy month of fasting which is starting on Saturday. Faizullah Arab-Sorkhi also called his family for the first time after 45 days of being in detention.
(Correction: In the last Brief, we erroneously reported that Ramadan would be starting next week.)

25. The families of three Americans arrested in Iran, while on a hiking trip, have yet again pleaded with the Iranian government to free their loved ones. They asked the Iranian government to grant the three Americans consular access. They have also created a website and will update information about the detainees’ whereabouts:


26. Reports from Tehran’s Islamic Court have emerged, that Keyhan has not been banned. Abolhasan Pour-Hosseini – an official from the court – told IRIB that no such order had been given. Earlier it had been reported, that a court in Iran, had banned Keyhan after complaints by Mousavi and the order had been referred to Attorney General Mortazavi for his approval.

International Protests / Events / Warnings / Efforts

27. A flash protest against Nokia, near Madison Square Garden in New York and another protest in front of Nokia’s flagship store in New York today.

Full report:

28. PLEASE READ THIS FOR YOUR SAFETY’S SAKE: Safeguard Your Personal Info and Your Finances! – Why We Protest – IRAN

29. For an unofficial list of upcoming protests in the US: Protesting for Iran until they don’t have to

30. For a list of protests that are being planned in Germany, please visit this link: Julia’s Blog: Protests and rallies in Germany (subject to change w/o notice) (Courtesy of @jkshalmani)

31. A to the point website for help traumatized Greens: Healing the Green Soul

(If you, your friends or your organization are holding events, protests or doing something else related to the Iranian election internationally, please send me an email with details and I will give you coverage. (Will only cost you 10 million dollars!) My email is:

To Helpers

– Info on republishing the Green Brief: For Bloggers, News Sites and Forum who want to republish the Green Brief Plesae Read! – Why We Protest – IRAN

– Information on Tor: Tor Browser Bundle

This page contains a listing of external mirrors of the GB, as well as various information about the GB. Links to translations are also encouraged: Category:Green Brief – Anonymous Intelligence Collective

– (A list of all the Green Briefs): The Green Briefs

– A hearty thanks to Sahar joon and S joon for helping me out with proof-reading and very valuable tips. Also, a BIG THANKS to all the translators who’re spending their precious time on getting this to as many people as possible.

Original GreenBrief at WhyWeProtest

NiteOwl’s GreenBrief #59

Location of IranImage via Wikipedia

News From Iran

The Green Brief is the best source of information from Iran, gathered from sources which are verified as well as they can be, under the circumstances. Nearly all of this information is gathered via twitter sources from inside Iran. An extremely small set of sources, considering the millions of Iranians who, not so long ago, carried on conversations with the world.

Josh, aka NiteOwl, has become a voice for some of them, and a valuable window for the rest of the world. I can’t stress how much I personally appreciate Josh and his small team for the work they’re putting into all this. As an American, it might seem strange that I would care at all. I can only stress that we are all brothers, sisters, and cousins on this world. We all come from a different place and we each have a unique journey.

We all share that.

The Green Brief #59 (August 19 – Mordad 28)

I’m NiteOwl AKA Josh Shahryar – on twitter. I’m a journalist and a human rights activist and NOT Iranian. This is a compilation of news from Iran that I’ve gathered through twitter and Iranian sites that were advertised on twitter. Remember, this is all from tweets. (My work is released under Creative Commons (CC).)

These are the important happenings that I can positively confirm from Wednesday, August 19 – Mordad 28.

Protests / Unrest

1. On Thursday, Ahmadinejad is scheduled to give a speech that is being broadcasted live on IRIB. Protesters have decided to chant on rooftops throughout the speech showing their discontent. The speech was scheduled for today, but was postponed, due to wide-spread reports that people would try to cause a black out by over using electricity. The speech is to be aired at 9 PM Tehran Time.

2. A general strike was observed in Sanandaj City, Kordestan province. Shops were closed in most parts of the city in remembrance of an attack on Kordestan province 30 years ago. Basijis and police had earlier threatened city merchants not to take part in the strike. Reports indicated that police and Basij also clashed with some merchants who were refusing to open their shops and many merchants were injured – this could not be confirmed right away.

3. Kamil prayers will be held on Thursday, in Tehran’s Dar-u-zahra Cultural Center, for the release of detainees and the mourning of protesters who have been killed so far. The prayers are held weekly on Thursdays.


4. Karroubi has announced he is ready to present evidence of the rape of detainees by prison guards. He sent a letter today to Ali Larijani, to set up a meeting between him and various heads of government institutions. According to Karroubi, the meeting will explain whether he is wrong or Friday prayer Imams, who have lambasted him for raising his voice. He has asked these people to be present during the meeting for him to present the evidence:

– President Ahmadinejad

– Judiciary Chief Sadegh Larijani

– Ali Larijani, the head of the Parliament

– The head of the Expediency Council,

– The head of the Assembly of Experts and of the Expediency Council Hashemi Rafsanjani

– Attorney General Ghorbanali Dorri-Najafabadi

– Members of the parliamentary committee set up to assess the condition of detainees

5. Karroubi also alleged that Hossein Ta’eb – the head of the Basij – was one of the main perpetrators of the phony TV interview, with the family of a woman who claimed to be the real Taraneh Mousavi. In response to his statement, Hojatoleslam Seyed Hossein Shahmoradi – who happens to be the brother of the claimant’s wife – released a statement criticizing Karroubi for divulging the information. According to Shahmoradi, he had told Karroubi about the incident and the fakeness of the claimant in confidentiality.

6. Reports from Qom indicate that Grand Ayatollah Seyed Mousa Shabiri Zanjani – a cleric who has been a teacher of Khamenei and his sons – held a meeting with Grand Ayatollah Lutfullah Safi Golpaygani and has shown great concern over the killing of protesters. According to reports, he got so upset during the meeting that he began to cry.

Shabiri Zanjani has also met with Grand Ayatollah Montazeri in his summer residence in Khaveh, near Qom. He is a key cleric who has been instrumental in freeing Montazeri from house arrest.

7. The Defense of Human Rights Society – an Iranian human rights organization – has asked the government to immediately release its members who have been detained in the post-election violence. The Society released a statement saying that their only job was to defend human rights and that they did not engage in political activities. Members of the organization, Mohammad Ali Dadkha, Abdol Fatah Soltani and a few others are still in detention. Three that were detained have now been released.

Government / International

8. Ahmadinejad unveiled his 21-member cabinet on Wednesday. MPs will start examining the nominees for different ministries in four days and will hold a vote for each member on the 30th of the month. PressTV reported Vice Parliament Speaker Mohammad-Reza Bahonar saying on Thursday, that it was likely that several of the ministers would be rejected by the assembly. Bahonar indicated that up to five nominees would possibly be rejected.

Here is a list of the names and posts of cabinet members (as well as some notes about them below):

Agriculture: Sadeq Khalilian

Commerce: Mehdi Ghazanfari

Communications and IT: Reza Taqipour

Cooperatives: Mohammad Abbasi (Retains his post)

Culture and Islamic Guidance: Seyyed Mohammad Hosseini

Defense: Brigadier Ahmad Vahidi

Economy and Financial Affairs: Seyyed Shamseddin Hosseini

Education: Sousan Keshavarz (Female)

Energy: Mohammad Aliabadi

Foreign Affairs: Manouchehr Mottaki (Retains his post)

Health: Marzieh Vahid Dastjerdi (Female)

Housing and Urban Development: Abdolreza Sheikholeslami

Industries and Mines: Ali Akbar Mehrabian (*See note (a) below)

Intelligence: Heyder Moslehi

Interior: Mostafa Mohammad Najjar

Justice: Morteza Bakhtiari

Labor and Social Affairs: Ali Nikzad

Oil: Masoud Mir Kazemi

Road and Transportation: Hamid Behbahani (Retains his post)

Science, Research and Technology: Kamran Daneshjoo

Welfare and Social Security: Fatemeh Ajorlou (Female) (*See note (b) below)

(a) It is worth noting that Ali Akbar Mehrabian, the cabinet member for Industries and Mines, retains his post although he was convicted in court, a few weeks ago, for the stealing of another inventor’s invention.

(b) There may also be a problem for the Minister of Welfare Fatemeh Ajorlou who is also facing legal trouble.

9. Several conservative MPs have criticized Ahmadinejad’s choice of ministers. Many have shown discontent over his choice of three women for ministries. One MP from Oromieh said that it is possible, that these women would face difficulties in the next cabinet [because of their gender].

10. Asgar Aowladi, today denied that a meeting was held between him, Rafsanjani, Haddad Adel and others. This news was widely reported in some government-owned websites yesterday. (Read full report in Brief #58)

11. Former Minister of Intelligence Mohseni Ejaie – who has been widely accused of being one of the main forces behind the brutal suppression of peaceful protesters – is expected to be nominated as the next Attorney General by Sadegh Larejani. Ejaie was sacked by Ahmadinejad days before his inauguration.

12. The leadership council of the Assembly of Experts held a meeting today, postponing the meeting of the Assembly till after Ramadan – which is in a week. Other details were not disclosed.

13. The governor of Tehran province, Moteza Tamaddon criticized Karroubi today, stating that if he cannot prove his allegations, then legal steps should be taken against him. He added that during his and other MPs’ visit to Evin on Tuesday, detainees rejected that they had been raped.

14. Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said that Iran, would continue a new course in its foreign policy and that Europeans states should “adapt to new realities”.

15. Syrian President Bashar Al-Asad is in Tehran on a two-day trip, holding meetings with various Iranian officials.

16. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Frias will be visiting Iran in September.

Arrested / Released / Killed / Torture

17. Partially confirmed reports have emerged of a released detainee, who had been drugged and raped. According to reports, the detainee had been given heavy doses of rohypnol – a sedative, anticonvulsant, anxiolytic, amnestic, hypnotic and skeletal muscle relaxant – and then brutally raped. According to a doctor, who helped with the case while the victim was in hospital, the victim had contracted Chlamydia infection – a common sexually transmitted disease because of the abuse.

18. Partially confirmed reports have emerged that the parliament, may have received a confidential letter from Karroubi 20 days before his public letter to Rafsanjani. According to Iqbal Mohammadi – an MP from Marivan – Karroubi only sent the letter to Rafsanjani after he had not received a reply from the parliament.

19. A un-named MP has told opposition websites, that the news of the parliamentary committee’s ‘fact-finding’ mission to Evin were lying about their meeting with Mostafa Tajzadeh. According to the MP, what the committee members quoted as Tajzadeh’s words, were pre-written and given to them by Saeed Jalili – the Secretary General of the National Security Council.

Reports indicate that Tajzadeh is held outside Evin, while committee members told the press that they met Tajzadeh at Evin.

20. Mehdieh Mohammadi, the wife of political commentator and reporter Ahmad Zeidabadi, said that her husband has been kept in extreme conditions in prison. According to Mohammadi, Zeidabadi had been kept in an unlit 1×1.5 meter room for the first 17 days of his arrest, where he went on a hunger strike. During this period, no sounds reached the room and no one came to talk to him. He described the cell to his wife as a ‘grave’.

After 17 days, his health deteriorated and he was found unconscious in his cell. He was taken to a doctor who told him to eat. He was then taken back to the same cell where started showing signs of dementia, he told his wife, in a meeting 52 days after his arrest, that he wanted to kill himself but couldn’t find anything to do the job with. He spent a further two weeks in this cell. After repeated cries, he was taken to a different cell. He told his wife, during the meeting, that he has been forced to tell the court, in the next trial, that he would never take part in anything related to politics.

21. Isa Saharkhiz – a reporter – is under severe psychological pressure and claims that he will sue the government once freed. His ribs were broken after being beaten by security forces and he has yet to receive proper medical care for his injuries. He has told his interrogators that he would not talk without his lawyer and the parliamentary committee for assessing the condition of detainees present.

22. Kevan Samimi has also been put in solitary confinement and has been repeatedly beaten by prison guards. Samimi is a journalist and a political activist fighting for political prisoners’ rights.

23. Azad University student Hesamat Salamat, has been released after a month and a half in prison. Also released were Journalist Zhila Bani-Yaghoub and Sadegh Nowroozi, a member of reformist party Mojahedin of the Islamic Revolution Organization. Reports suggest that Mehsa Amrabadi and Somayeh Towhidlo would be released soon as well.

24. Mohammad Reza Jalayeepour was supposed to be released today, but he was not. It was expected that he would be released on August 20.

25. Photographer Stayar Emami, of Jam e Jam newspaper, was reportedly released on Sunday after a month in detention. After the current releases, the number of journalists in prison stands at 35.

26. Seven executions have been put on hold by the new Judiciary Chief after taking office. These include one young person who is now a 21 year old who was accused of murder at the age of 16.

27. No news has emerged since the disappearance Sohrab Leqaie, a Baha’i from Ghayem Shahr. He was arrested a month ago by agents of the Intelligence Ministry.


28. Hossein Entezami – the representative of editor-in-chiefs in the Committee to Oversee the Media – has also criticized the ban on Etemaade Melli. He added that the country was not in need of such actions.

29. Reports have emerged that Karroubi has threatened, that unless Etemaade Melli’s ban was not lifted, he would revive his project of running a TV channel. He was forced to shelve plans four years ago for Channel “Saba” a satellite channel, after direct intervention by Ali Larijani, then chair of the National Security Council, who deemed the plan “an act against national security”. Karroubi then founded the Etemade Melli newspaper to reach the masses.

30. Keyhan Daily – the mouthpiece of Khamenei – threatened all reformist parties not to support Karroubi. It also criticized the meetings of reformists with Montazeri and other clerics in Qom.


31. Swissinfo reports:

“Islamic scholar Tariq Ramadan has been fired from his position at a Netherlands university over connections to an Iranian-funded television channel. In a statement, the municipality of Rotterdam and the Erasmus University of Rotterdam said that the Swiss-born theologian’s hosting of a program on Iran’s Press TV was “irreconcilable” with his position as a guest professor.”

International Protests / Events / Efforts / Warnings

32. On Thursday, August 20, at 4:30 pm American student activists will gather outside the Nokia Store at 5 East 57th Street in Manhattan to protest Nokia’s complicity in the crackdown against Iranian protesters. Link for more info: Project Nur Protests Nokia’s Role in Iran

33. PLEASE READ THIS FOR YOUR SAFETY’S SAKE: Safeguard Your Personal Info and Your Finances! – Why We Protest – IRAN

34. For an unofficial list of upcoming protests in the US: Protesting for Iran until they don’t have to

35. For a list of protests that are being planned in Germany, please visit this link: Julia’s Blog: Protests and rallies in Germany (subject to change w/o notice) (Courtesy of @jkshalmani)

36. A to the point website for help traumatized Greens: Healing the Green Soul

(If you, your friends or your organization are holding events, protests or doing something else related to the Iranian election internationally, please send me an email with details and I will give you coverage. (Will only cost you 10 million dollars!) My email is:

To Helpers

– Info on republishing the Green Brief: For Bloggers, News Sites and Forum who want to republish the Green Brief Plesae Read! – Why We Protest – IRAN

– Information on Tor: Tor Browser Bundle

This page contains a listing of external mirrors of the GB, as well as various information about the GB. Links to translations are also encouraged: Category:Green Brief – Anonymous Intelligence Collective

– (A list of all the Green Briefs): The Green Briefs

– A hearty thanks to Sahar joon and S joon for helping me out with proof-reading and very valuable tips. Also, a BIG THANKS to all the translators who’re spending their precious time on getting this to as many people as possible.

Original GreenBrief at WhyWeProtest

NiteOwl’s GreenBrief #58

Location of IranImage via Wikipedia

News From Iran

The Green Brief is the best source of information from Iran, gathered from sources which are verified as well as they can be, under the circumstances. Nearly all of this information is gathered via twitter sources from inside Iran. An extremely small set of sources, considering the millions of Iranians who, not so long ago, carried on conversations with the world.

Josh, aka NiteOwl, has become a voice for some of them, and a valuable window for the rest of the world. I can’t stress how much I personally appreciate Josh and his small team for the work they’re putting into all this. As an American, it might seem strange that I would care at all. I can only stress that we are all brothers, sisters, and cousins on this world. We all come from a different place and we each have a unique journey.

We all share that.

The Green Brief #58 (August 18 – Mordad 27)

I’m NiteOwl AKA Josh Shahryar – on twitter. I’m a journalist and a human rights activist and NOT Iranian. This is a compilation of news from Iran that I’ve gathered through twitter and Iranian sites that were advertised on twitter. Remember, this is all from tweets. (My work is released under Creative Commons (CC).)

These are the important happenings that I can positively confirm from Tuesday, August 18 – Mordad 27.

Protests / Unrest

1. Tehran’s Attorney General, Saeed Mortazavi, announced today that the 4th trial of people, who were arrested in relation to the violence and unrest, following the election, has been postponed to next Tuesday. According to Mortazavi, the postponement was requested by the defendants’ lawyers to prepare the defenses. It has been reported that Saeed Hajjarian may be prosecuted in this next trial – confirmation is only partial at this point.

2. 65 detainees continued their indefinite hunger strike in Evin prison, amid rumors that prison guards were still torturing them.

3. It has been reported that Ahmad Zeidabadi, who has been in prison for some time, was force fed by the guard Zeidabadi is a former student leader, political analyst and reporter. He is in frail health at this point and is also rumored be put on trial next week.


4. Alireza Beheshti, a close aide of Mir Hossein Mousavi, said today that Mousavi himself had chosen the name of the new movement, ‘the Green Path of Hope’. According to Beheshti, the movement strived to protect society’s rights. He added that Mousavi had thought about forming a political party, however, he had decided not to do so because it would have been ineffective.

He also added, the idea of forming a new political party, had been abandoned because most political parties in the country were run by the establishment and were not able to do much for the society. Instead, he said the new movement was more of a social network, between people who had been united in the aftermath of the election.

According to Beheshti, different committees are currently being formed within the movement. The central committee would consist of 5 or 6 members and would include Mahdi Karroubi and Mohammad Khatami. The advisory committee would be larger with 30 or 40 members and there would also be committees to oversee the government’s actions.

Newspapers and other media would also have their place within the movement to further its goals. He also criticized newspapers who had written articles denouncing the movement, saying they knew little and distorted facts.

5. Mousavi today supported Karroubi’s stance on the abuse of detainees in detention centers and praised him. Mousavi said it was regrettable that in an Islamic country, authorities could not stand someone even mentioning [abuse] and blasted, especially the government-run media, for criticizing Karroubi harshly. “All this paranoia tells of frightening news that we are yet unaware of.” He added that those who had committed these inhumane acts were a few individuals inside the government.

He criticized the government for asking abused detainees to present four witnesses – as is customary in Sharia law for victims of rape. “Those who have committed crimes are the government’s hands [members]; isn’t the government interested in knowing what these hands do to people?”

He said that it was not possible to heal these wounds without listening to these people and providing them swift justice and that force and denial weren’t the remedies.

He asked clerics and other spiritual leaders of Iran for help and support in this and other matters and said that if clerics did not interfere, they would be committing a grave sin – even though they would be spared criticism from the government.

Full Text of Karroubi’s criticism of media and government from yesterday:

In English (Courtesy of Enduring America):

6. IIPF (Islamic Iran Participation Front) released a statement announcing their complete and firm support of Karroubi, condemned the government-run media and the government for their harsh criticism of Karroubi. The statement also denounces the ban on Etemaade Melli newspaper.

7. Reports indicate that Ayatollah Bayat Zanjani has also released a statement in support of Karroubi. He said he was deeply saddened by what had been described in the letter and hopes that none of it proves to be true. He asked the government, however, why there were clear differences between what the parliamentary commission was stating, what the Judiciary was accepting and what the media was reporting about the detention centers. He added that if the continued spate of criticisms, directed at personalities who were key to the Islamic Revolution continued and the government did not do enough to solve the current crisis, the Islamic Republic might fail. He quoted Prophet Mohammed’s saying, “A government of infidels [over Muslims] might remain, but a government of tyranny will not”.

8. Ayatollah Sane’ie’s website released a statement by him clarifying that he had not called anyone a ‘bastard’ and that his mentioning of the word was in reference to another incident he had described earlier in his speech.

Here are more detailed excerpts of his words from Gorgan in English: (Courtesy of @homylafayette)

9. Reformist leader Abdollah Nouri traveled to Qom along with other reformists to meet with Ayatollah Montazeri and Hojatoleslam Shahrestani – the son-in-law of Ayatollah Sistani. In separate meetings, the reformists discussed the current situation with the clerics and asked for the clerics in the city to get involved in the current restive situation and asked them to enter the scene. Other reformists include Ghomahossein Karbaschi – a former mayor of Tehran and no relation to the current mayor -, Mohammad Hojjati – a former Minister of Agriculture -, Hojjatoleslam Abdul Majid Ma’adikha and Ali Hekmat.

10. Government-owned websites – including one owned by Ahmadinejad’s son – have reported that Rafsanjani met with government officials including Hadad Adel and Asgar Aowladi. During the meeting, Rafsanjani repeated his words from the Friday prayers and added that he had no conflicts with Khamenei. He, however, added that he did not partake in Ahmadinejad’s inauguration because of discontent over Ahmadinejad’s appointment of Masha’ie. The report could not be verified through any other sources.

11. Shirin Ebadi accused the government of holding Mousavi’s brother-in-law – Shahpour Kazemi – hostage in order to silence the reformist leader. Kazemi, 70, has no background in politics, yet was arrested two months ago and has been in detention since. The news of his arrest was kept by his sister, Zahra Rahnavard – Mousavi’s wife – for weeks because according to her, she and her husband wanted to highlight the people’s plight.

12. Dozens of students from Tehran’s different universities – mainly Sharif Industrial University, Tehran University and Amir Kabir University – sent a letter to Rafsanjani, asking him to fulfill his duty as the head of the Assembly of Experts. The letter accuses Khamanei of having the direct responsibility for the death, torture and arrests of peaceful protesters and political activists. The Assembly of Experts is the body responsible for the election of the Supreme Leader as well as his dismissal. Lately, pressure has been mounting on the Rafsanjani, as the head of the body, to at least investigate the crimes that have been committed in the post-election turmoil and if found guilty, hold Khamanei accountable for them.

Government / International

13. Khamenei’s representative to the IRG, Hojatoleslam Ali Saeedi, said today that the masterminds behind the post-election violence were still free. He added the nation wanted these people to be arrested, so action should be taken and added that the confessions during the trials, had uncovered the role of foreigners and embassies in the post-election violence. He said that the turmoil had exposed troublemakers, who had been fooled by those behind the revolutions in Georgia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan.

14. Daoud Zare’eyan – an official in Iran’s government-owned telecommunication company today – said that the government was taking all the steps necessary to combat anti-internet filtering technologies. He was responding to news that the US government was working on technologies to combat internet filtering in Iran, China and other countries.

15. Reports are emerging that some high-ranking clerics have held a meeting with Khamanei and accused his son, Mojtaba Khamanei, of having a hand in the violence that followed the election. The reports also indicate that Khamanei rejected these claims. Full confirmation of this could not be obtained.

16. Hamid Katouzian – a member of the parliament’s committee on assessing the condition of detainees – said today that Karroubi is welcome to give them evidence of rape in Iranian detention centers. He added that he would investigate the evidence and ensure the safety of witnesses and victims.

17. Strategic Forecasting Inc. (STRATFOR) has reports that Khamanei has created an elite new security force, dedicated to his protection called Haydaryan. Stratfor reports that this new militia had taken part in the suppression of peaceful protests following the elections. This could not be confirmed by other sources.

18. The governor of Tehran province has released a statement saying the government would compensate the victims of street violence and is willing to pay for property damage. However, proof of injury must be provided in order to receive monetary compensation. He added that if health insurance had paid for their injuries, they would not be compensated.

Arrested / Released / Killed / Torture

19. Disturbing news of torture continues to flow out. Dr. Ali Mohammad Dadkha – an Iranian lawyer and human rights activist – is under severe pressure, to make a confession, stating that the human rights organization he works for is working against the government. Reportedly, besides the beatings, he was pushed and rolled down the stairway of a three story building several times, taken back up and rolled down again to break his nerve.

20. Faizullah Arab-Sorkhi – a reformist leader – has also been tortured badly. After refusing to confess, he was repeatedly beaten severely and then moved back to solitary confinement. The torture so severely affected his body the guards were forced to first move him to the medical care center inside Evin and then finally to an IRG hospital in north Tehran.

21. A Tehrani, who has just been released from Evin, spoke of unimaginable psychological torture. According to him, he was repeatedly put under extreme pressure by the interrogators, who kept telling him that they would break him. He was told that killing him would not be a sin, since him and the likes of him, were acting against the Islamic Revolution. One guard reportedly told him to confess and his confession would be published in newspapers bringing him fame. Another guard said, “We even broke Abtahi. We’re going to easily break you”. He was shown confessions of others – which he claimed were very similar in grammar and usage of words. The Tehrani said that after a few days, he finally, out of extreme fear, signed the pre-written confession to get out.

22. The sister of a detainee, who has just been released, called VOA and said that after his release, her brother is unrecognizable because of weight loss and refuses to speak a word. She adds – amid sobbing cries – that he looks as if he has gone mad and simply stares at the ceiling.

The details of her brother’s current state are so moving that VOA newscaster Elnaz Kiani could not stop herself from crying:

Video (Persian):

23. Saeed Hajjarian’s daughter reports that security forces have interrogated her brother several times, denied them visits and finally a couple of days ago, a large number showed up at their doorstep with more questions. According to her, all this is being done to put psychological pressure on her father, to break him down and obtain a confession.

24. Partially confirmed reports indicate that detained reformist Abdollah Ramezanzadeh’s condition has deteriorated and he has been moved to a hospital. Abdollah Ramezanzadeh is a former government spokesperson, who served under Mohammad Khatami during his presidency.

25. Partially confirmed reports say that Reformist MP Alikhani – the same Alikhani, who criticized the government openly in the parliament, the video which was shared widely around the internet – has been denied access to Evin prison. Alikhani was planning on visiting the prison and talking to detainees.

26. Human rights activists Haleh Sahabi and Kaveh Mozafari were released.


27. Keyhan Daily has a new allegation, “The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (or Wilson Center) had a major hand in the unrest that followed the elections.” The paper goes on to blast the US for causing the deaths of Iranians.



28. Six members of Iran’s football team have been bestowed with the Sports for Peace Award. The footballers tied green armbands in support of the Sea of Green during Iran’s World Cup qualifier game two months ago against South Korea.

International Protests / Events / Efforts / Warnings


29. For an unofficial list of upcoming protests in the US:

30. For a list of protests that are being planned in Germany, please visit this link: (Courtesy of @jkshalmani)

31. A to the point website for help traumatized Greens:

(If you, your friends or your organization are holding events, protests or doing something else related to the Iranian election internationally, please send me an email with details and I will give you coverage. (Will only cost you 10 million dollars!) My email is:

To Helpers

– Info on republishing the Green Brief: For Bloggers, News Sites and Forum who want to republish the Green Brief Plesae Read! – Why We Protest – IRAN

– Information on Tor: Tor Browser Bundle

This page contains a listing of external mirrors of the GB, as well as various information about the GB. Links to translations are also encouraged: Category:Green Brief – Anonymous Intelligence Collective

– (A list of all the Green Briefs): The Green Briefs

– A hearty thanks to Sahar joon and S joon for helping me out with proof-reading and very valuable tips. Also, a BIG THANKS to all the translators who’re spending their precious time on getting this to as many people as possible.

Original GreenBrief at WhyWeProtest

NiteOwl’s GreenBrief #57

Location of IranImage via Wikipedia

News From Iran

The Green Brief is the best source of information from Iran, gathered from sources which are verified as well as they can be, under the circumstances. Nearly all of this information is gathered via twitter sources from inside Iran. An extremely small set of sources, considering the millions of Iranians who, not so long ago, carried on conversations with the world.

Josh, aka NiteOwl, has become a voice for some of them, and a valuable window for the rest of the world. I can’t stress how much I personally appreciate Josh and his small team for the work they’re putting into all this. As an American, it might seem strange that I would care at all. I can only stress that we are all brothers, sisters, and cousins on this world. We all come from a different place and we each have a unique journey.

We all share that.

The Green Brief #57 (August 17 – Mordad 26)

I’m NiteOwl AKA Josh Shahryar – on twitter. I’m a journalist and a human rights activist and NOT Iranian. This is a compilation of news from Iran that I’ve gathered through twitter and Iranian sites that were advertised on twitter. Remember, this is all from tweets. (My work is released under Creative Commons (CC).)

These are the important happenings that I can positively confirm from Monday, August 17 – Mordad 26.

Protests / Unrest

1. In anticipation of the protest planned in front of Etemaade Melli’s office, in support of Karroubi, dozens of security forces were stationed in the vicinity of the newspaper office from early in the day. Dozens more were in the streets leading to the office, which is located near Karim Khan Bridge. Witnesses reported that many plain clothed security could be seen wearing green masks in front of the office.

2. Hundreds tried to gather in front of Etemaade Melli’s office, in defiance of the government. Women outnumbered men during the protest. People chanted “Allaho Akbar”, “Noble People of Iran; Support Us!”, “Down With the Deceitful Government” and “Death to the Dictator”, as they tried to get closer to the office’s gates. They also made the victory sign.

3. Security forces started beating protesters as soon as they got close to the main gate and dispersed them. Riding motorbikes, Basijis also joined the security forces, herding protesters away from the main gate and onto the streets. This forced many people to move towards Valiasr Square. Many abruptly stopped midway and chanted slogans again.

4. According to confirmed reports, besides beating many protesters very badly, security forces also employed cameramen, to take pictures of protesters, to identify people so they could be arrested later. Partially confirmed reports also suggested the use of tear gas during the protest. Several people were badly injured after being hit by batons. The arrest of at least a dozen protesters can be confirmed. Even after the protesters left the scene, many security forces remained to ensure they did not return.

5. Independent of the gathering in front of Etemaade Melli, it has been reported that during the evening, dozens of family members of slain protesters and political prisoners, gathered at Laleh park in protest and held a small rally.

6. As previously reported, 65 detainees at Evin are on an indefinite hunger strike. Reports indicate that these detainees are housed in the 7th Quarantine section of the prison. Their names could not be obtained.

7. Note: I have been asked by a few readers why some news items, being covered by the international media, as well as being posted on twitter, are not covered in the Briefs; for example, the government arresting and fining people who chant Allaho Akbar from their rooftops. The reason is, these items have been covered by the Briefs over the weeks and I continue to report them from time to time however, putting them in every Brief is repetitive. The only section repeated in each Brief are the ‘ads’ under the International Protests section.


8. It has been a quiet day for the opposition. The main news was that Karroubi’s son confirmed that Etemaade Melli had been banned because of Karroubi’s reply to the criticism, directed at him by the government, government-owned media and hardliners.

9 In a meeting on August 16, former President Khatami told former parliamentarians that the true protectors of the Islamic Republic were not those “who showed in recent months that they are uprooting the republic and Islamic nature of the establishment, but rather the reformists who were upholding the stability of the republic”. He also criticized the rampant lawlessness that followed the election and those who had broken the law whilst dealing with peaceful protesters.

Government / International

10. The inauguration ceremony of Sadegh Larijani, as the head of Iran’s judiciary was held today in Tehran at in the main Judiciary building. Hashemi Rafsanjani, Ali Akbar Nategh Nouri, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Ali Larijani, Ahmad Jannati, Mohsen Rezaie, Sardar Safavi, Sardar Jafari, Mohammad Baqer Ghalibaf, Ali Younusi, Sayed Mohammad Jahrami, Saeed Mortazavi, Ahmad Reza Radan, Mohammad Javad Larijani, Abbasali Kadkhodaie and other high-ranking officials, including MPs and ministers attended the ceremony.

11. Sadegh Larijani, in his speech said “Nobody should dare or reserve himself the right to act against the law, violate people’s right or take away their security and peace of mind”. He hinted that those who had broken the law and violated people’s rights will be brought to justice.

PressTV’s report on the event then adds, [The new judiciary chief then admitted that Iran’s judicial system has been suffering from various shortcomings, which he said should be dealt with respect to their priority. “In this critical mission, I vow not to show mercy to wrongdoers,” the newly-appointed judiciary chief said, promising to subject them to the court of law.]

12. During the ceremony, Ahmadinejad and Rafsanjani sat on either side of Sadegh Larijani and it appeared they exchanged a few words.

Ahmadinejad criticized power-holders and the rich during his speech – a clear sign of his attack on Rafsanjani. PressTV quoted him as saying, “If the power-holders and the wealthy are taken to court, then there would be no place left for those who hold lower ranks to commit any wrongdoings”. He also praised the statements made by Sadegh Larijani.

Partially confirmed reports suggest that Nategh Nouri left the ceremony the minute Ahmadinejad stood up to give his speech.

13. During his speech, Rafsanjani warned the government against unjust verdicts for the defendants of recent trials. He added that, if the nation felt that detainees were not treated fairly, “society will descend into chaos”. He added that the fair treatment of detainees will further the trust among the nation’s people.

14. Partially confirmed reports from two sources, indicated that the new Judiciary Chief Larijani, plans on replacing Attorney General Saeed Mortazavi, who has been accused, as one of the principal men behind the torture and mistreatment of the detainees, besides being personally involved in the arrest of many high-ranking reformists – including Hajjarian.

15. Other reports indicate that Ali Akbar Mehrabian, who has been presented as the new Minister for Industries and Mining and Fatemeh Ajorlou, who has been presented as the new Minister of Welfare and Social Security, are going to face hurdles in the parliament because of court indictments in the past.

16. The Iranian Chief of Joint Staff, Fairouzabad, published a letter addressed to the Hidden Imam – the 12 Shi’ite Imam, who disappeared centuries ago and is said to come at the end of times – in ISNA on August 12, the letter called the protesters violent and praised the Basijis for their actions during the protests.

Full Text in English: MEMRI: Latest News

17. Khamenei has appointed Hashemi Shahroudi – the retired head of Iran’s Judiciary – to the Expediency Council and the Guardian Council.

18. French President Nicolas Sarkozy has asked Iran to drop all charges against Clotilde Reiss.

19. The European Students’ Union released a letter yesterday condemning the Iranian government’s attacks on university dorms. The letter accused the government of attempting to violently suppress peaceful protests in Iran.

20. Reports indicate that Jordan’s King Abdullah, sent a letter congratulating Ahmadinejad on his victory in the election.

Arrested / Released / Killed

21. New reports confirm the death of another protester, Hossien Beg Araghi, who was killed on June 20 by a single bullet to the heart on Enghelab Avenue. Araghi was 22 years old and a resident of Nabard Boulevard in southern Tehran. It has been reported that the shot was fired by plain clothed security man, while on his way home.

His body was returned to his family, five days later, after they paid a hefty sum of money. Araghi was laid to rest at Beheshte Zahra Cemetery.

22. Reports indicate that Hedayat Aghaie has now given a confession, stating he had a hand in the unrest.

23. Hasan Souri – a reformist from Borujerd – was arrested and taken to Tircheh Block detention center in Borujerd. Reports also indicate that a high-ranking cleric in Qom, who holds many scholarly positions and was the manager of Mousavi’s campaign wing for clerics has been arrested.

24. Good news, Amir Mohsen Mohammadi, Kaveh Mozaffari, Dr. Hosseinali Arab and Ali Asghar Khodayari were released from Evin.


25. PressTV broke another barrier and displayed a bit of honest reporting.

In one of their reports, published on their website about Sadegh Larijani’s inauguration, they stated, “Following the controversial trial of post-vote detainees, a Principal lawmaker, Hamid Resaie, told the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) that “the confessions have opened the way to dealing with the leaders of the unrest. There is no longer any reason to tolerate or compromise”.

So far, it is the only government owned newspaper that has accepted the trials are controversial.
Link to the story (English): Ahmadinejad wants certain power-holders in court

26. The websites of Reja and Iran Daily, have jointly published an article calling for Ayatollah Sane’ie, to be lashed for calling President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a bastard at the end of his speech in Gorgan and for accusing the government of torturing detainees. The article also insults Sane’ie many times calling him a “slanderer”, “sinner” and “lewd”. It is worth noting that Iran Daily is considered the mouthpiece of Ahmadinejad.

27. The government has now banned Aftaabe Yazd – another newspaper who published Karroubi’s letter – as well as Sarmayeh.

28 Officials from the Judiciary are supposed to be meeting with the editor-in-chief of Etemaade Melli, to discuss the issues that brought about the temporary ban on the newspaper.


29. Pictures of Greens’ graffiti in Iran: Untitled.jpg (image)

International Protests / Events / Efforts / Warnings

30. PLEASE READ THIS FOR YOUR SAFETY’S SAKE: Safeguard Your Personal Info and Your Finances! – Why We Protest – IRAN(Jon’s note: US citizens should read this)

31. For an unofficial list of upcoming protests in the US: Protesting for Iran until they don’t have to

32. For a list of protests that are being planned in Germany, please visit this link: Julia’s Blog: Protests and rallies in Germany (subject to change w/o notice) (English and German) (Courtest of @jkshalmani)

33. A to the point website for help traumatized Greens: Healing the Green Soul

(If you, your friends or your organization are holding events, protests or doing something else related to the Iranian election internationally, please send me an email with details and I will give you coverage. (Will only cost you 10 million dollars!) My email is:

To Helpers

– Info on republishing the Green Brief: For Bloggers, News Sites and Forum who want to republish the Green Brief Plesae Read! – Why We Protest – IRAN

– Information on Tor: Tor Browser Bundle

This page contains a listing of external mirrors of the GB, as well as various information about the GB. Links to translations are also encouraged: Category:Green Brief – Anonymous Intelligence Collective

– (A list of all the Green Briefs): The Green Briefs

– A hearty thanks to Sahar joon and S joon for helping me out with proof-reading and very valuable tips. Also, a BIG THANKS to all the translators who’re spending their precious time on getting this to as many people as possible.

Original GreenBrief at WhyWeProtest

NiteOwl’s GreenBrief #56

Location of IranImage via Wikipedia

News From Iran

The Green Brief is the best source of information from Iran, gathered from sources which are verified as well as they can be, under the circumstances. Nearly all of this information is gathered via twitter sources from inside Iran. An extremely small set of sources, considering the millions of Iranians who, not so long ago, carried on conversations with the world.

Josh, aka NiteOwl, has become a voice for some of them, and a valuable window for the rest of the world. I can’t stress how much I personally appreciate Josh and his small team for the work they’re putting into all this. As an American, it might seem strange that I would care at all. I can only stress that we are all brothers, sisters, and cousins on this world. We all come from a different place and we each have a unique journey.

We all share that.

The Green Brief #56 (August 16 – Mordad 25)

I’m NiteOwl AKA Josh Shahryar – on twitter. I’m a journalist and a human rights activist and NOT Iranian. This is a compilation of news from Iran that I’ve gathered through twitter and Iranian sites that were advertised on twitter. Remember, this is all from tweets. (My work is released under Creative Commons (CC).)

These are the important happenings that I can positively confirm from Sunday, August 16 – Mordad 25.

== Don’t Miss Out The First Item in Media Section ==

Protests / Unrest

1. There are plans for a protest on Monday, in front of Etemaade Melli’s office. (By the time you read this Brief, it will be past that time). Confirmation whether it has been officially sanctioned by Karroubi have been denied. But there are newer reports, suggesting he may have blessed it and may take part. Nothing can be said with any certainty as to what is going to happen. (Or has happened)

2. Families of detainees gathered in front of Evin prison once again, to demand any information about their loved ones and asked for their unconditional release. In the past, some have been arrested for taking part in the gathering.

3. Even though it is not mentioned in the Briefs every day, people are continuing to chant Allaho Akbar and other slogans directed against Ahmadinejad and Khamanei from their rooftops.

4. Reports suggest that 121 well known doctors and university professors, have released a joint statement expressing concern over what they call psychological trauma being inflicted on all members of society. The statement calls on the government to; stop broadcasting the trial of reformists live; punish the culprits of recent violence upon peaceful protesters; punish those who have committed acts of torture on detainees and the release all political prisoners unconditionally. Otherwise, the statement says, ordinary Iranians will continue to be scared and suffer from emotional and psychological problems going through these dreadful times.

5. Reports are emerging, the government is continuously threatening citizens, accusing them of trying to get news out or even discuss the political situation online. Multiple people have received calls, from blocked numbers, telling them to stop emailing information, about what is happening inside Iran to their friends. Others have received emails, telling them they are being watched and they should immediately cease discussing the Sea of Green online. Many others have been arrested.


6. Mir Hossein Mousavi and his wife Zahra Rahnavard, met with the family of Behzad Nabavi, who has been imprisoned for the past 2 months. Nabavi is a high-ranking member of the Association of Combatant Clerics and was a former minister during Mousavi’s tenure as Prime Minister of Iran. During the visit, Mousavi asked the government again to release all political prisoners.

7. Mousavi and Rahnavard also met with the family of slain protester Amir Javadifar today, as did some other reformist leaders. Mousavi told Amir’s family that the blood of Amir would not be wasted and Iranians would get their rights. There were also unconfirmed reports that the couple met with the family of Abbas, a shopkeeper who was killed during the violence after the elections by security forces.

8. Karroubi released another statement today, stating that he had full evidence and that he will not back down from his claim that rape of detainees had taken place. He said that he will not reply to the criticism of Qom’s Friday prayers’ leader out of respect for his deceased father– even though the leader had criticized Karroubi harshly.

9. A video of Grand Ayatollah Sane’ie’s speech in Gorgan has emerged from August 12 – Mordad 21. Speaking to a group of clerics, Sane’ie criticizes the government in words not used before. He said he had never been so shocked before in his life, as he has been because of what had happened in the events after the elections, especially detentions, deaths and torture – not even during the Islamic Revolution in Iran, when his friends were being tortured by the Imperial regime.

During his speech, he praises Mousavi and other reformist leaders and asks the government as to why they are being oppressed. He declared that all these people who have been detained, tortured and are accused of violence are well-known men that he has known for many a year and none of them were planning to topple the regime, adding, that in terms of piety, Mousavi was the best or one of the best people in Iran.

He said that in Islam, no one had the right to torture someone so severely. He blasted the confessions and said that no confession was valid under any circumstances, if the confession had been obtained through torture. He said the name of Imam Khomeini was being tarnished by the atrocities committed – all in the name of the constitution.

He asked the government, to cease torture, stop persecution and immediately release all political prisoners.

His full speech in Farsi:

Parts 1-5

YouTube – ‫سخنرانی آیت الله العظمی صانعی 21 مرداد 88 – قسمت اول‬‎

YouTube – saanei in gorgan part2

YouTube – saanei in gorgan part3

YouTube – saanei in gorgan part4

YouTube – saanei in gorgan part5

10. The Association of Combatant Clerics has released its seventh statement since the start of the unrest calling the attacks and insults, directed at Mahdi Karroubi, a crime. The statement further adds, propaganda directed at Karroubi and his newspaper – Etemaade Melli – was a cause for concern. It further states that the real people who should be punished are those, who have committed the atrocities, that Karroubi is providing evidence of.

Government / International

11. Reports emerged earlier in the day, that the government had taken down Ayatollah Dastegheib’s official website. Later, it was reported that it had been hacked. After logging on – it seems to be back to normal.

12. Ahmadinejad, yet again, slammed Western powers – especially Europe – for its meddling in Iran’s internal affairs during the post-election events. (It appeared, as if he was reading the same statement he has repeated, several times in the past, in regard to the West. Maybe he needs a new speech writer?)

13. Ahmadinejad introduced six members of his new cabinet on Sunday for ministerial posts. Among them, for the first time in the regime’s history, two women have been introduced.

The ministers include:

Ali Akbar Mehrabian: Industries and Mining

Seyed Shamseddin Hosseini: Economy

Hojjatoleslam Heidar Moslehi: Intelligence

Mohammad Abbasi: Cooperation

Fatemeh Ajorlou: Welfare and Social Security

Marzieh Vahid Dastjerdi: Health

Reports indicate that Ahmadinejad’s offer for a ministerial post was rejected by at least one individual. The un-named psychology professor – as it is being reported – had refused to take up a post in Ahmadinejad’s cabinet and replied later that, “Ahmadinejad needs to contact a psychiatrist because he’s mentally unstable”.

14. Syrian President Bashar Al-Asad’s trip to Iran has been postponed.

Arrested / Released / Killed / Torture

15. The third session of trials took place on Sunday for another 25 people, without any reformist political prisons amongst the accused. The prosecutor accused them of taking part in a plot, that had been hatched years before the election, held them accountable for sedition, taking part in illegal protests and using violence, including the manufacture and use of hand-made explosives. One of the people on trial is a teenage Jewish-Iranian who was accused of throwing stones at a Bank in Tehran. Others are facing similar charges. Footage of protests and gatherings were also shown during the trial.
A short video of the trial: YouTube – France 24 Third Stalinesque trial over post election unrest 16August2009

16. More torture methods have now been disclosed. Here is a summary:

– One prisoner was beaten with lead balls tied up in a cloth. The torture blinded him in one eye and he has lost most of his sight in the other. After being kicked repeatedly in the stomach, his kidneys have also been affected.

– Another released detainee, who had been arrested after getting shot, was first taken to a hospital and then moved to a detention center. He complained that his wounds were caused by being kicked, punched and beaten with batons and that he didn’t stop bleeding for hours.

– Shocking reports are also emerging about the sexual abuse of prisoners. In yesterday’s Brief we reported that three detainees, who had told the parliamentary committee, set up to assess the condition of detainees about sexual abuse, had later disappeared from Evin. Today, sources have revealed that one of the detainees, Abbas Begdeli who is just a teenager, had told the committee members that he had been repeatedly beaten with batons first, then for days after guards had forcefully raped him with a baton. The abuse had continued for so long that he had started to bleed internally. This had taken place at Kahrizak. He was taken out of Evin two hours after his confession.

17. Karroubi has confirmed the rape and death of Taraneh Mousavi. According to Karroubi, the woman in Canada, also named Taraneh Mousavi and her family had been tricked, by the government, into believing that the blogosphere was reporting her death and rape. Her family came forward and denied that their daughter had been raped and killed on IRIB. The story was reported extensively in the past few days by IRIB and other government-owned media in Iran, touting the rape and death of Taraneh Mousavi as a lie, that was being spread against the regime. Karroubi also announced that he had evidence of the atrocity.

18. Saeed Shirkavand – a former Deputy Minister of Finance and a lecturer at Tehran University, has been released, he had been in prison for 50 days. Mir Hamid Hasanzadeh, the manager of the website Ghalam was also released.

19. Some detainees that are being released from prison, are knocking on people’s doors and begging for fresh clothes, as their own clothes are too blood-stained and they don’t want to scare their family and friends by going home in them. Others have been stripped naked before being thrown out onto the streets from moving vehicles.

20. French citizen Clotilde Reiss was released on bail and will stay at the French Embassy in Tehran until the verdict of her trial is reached.

21. Abdollah Ramezanzadeh was able to speak to his family and tell them that he was in very bad health and has been receiving medication for a viral infection.

22. Abtahi’s wife and daughter have been threatened severely in the past few days by security forces. According to some reports, they have even been told they would be raped.

23. Shirin Ebadi, a Nobel Peace Prize winning lawyer and human rights activist – told the BBC that Iran should release the 7 Baha’is accused of spying for Israel. Ebadi is also their official attorney. Their second attorney is currently in detention. Their court date today was postponed yet again.


24. The highlight of the day was an article on PressTV’s website. Although the article itself is about the trial, the interesting point to note, in the first line of the third paragraph from the bottom:

“Iran’s disputed presidential vote, which resulted in the re-election of incumbent Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, was claimed as fraudulent by defeated reformist candidates, Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi.”

So far, no government-owned media outlet had called the elections disputed.

Here’s the link (Unless it has been altered by the government by the time you read this): Iran post-vote detainee denies charges

25. Etemaade Melli was not published today because according to authorities, the paper’s press faced technical difficulties. The paper’s editor-in-chief, however, disputed the allegation claiming that people from the judiciary had come and stopped them from publishing the newspaper. The reason cited was the publication of Karroubi’s statements about Taraneh.

Later, it was reported by credible sources, that Etemaade Melli had been published on Sunday. However, this was disputed by equally credible sources. The editor-in-chief finally announced the paper would be published on Tuesday. But it has now been revealed that the government has banned the newspaper for what they call publishing illegal material that was causing insecurity in society.

26. Keyhan Daily today called Mousavi the main culprit behind the unrest after the elections.

27. A very good article about rape in Iranian detention centers in English: For a democratic secular Iran. For peace and prosperity in the Middle East.: Fath-ol-mobin, Codename for Rape Operations in Iran’s Prisons

28. Dad’s piece on rape in German: Irannews: Babak Daad 15. August 2009 – Deutsch


29. Green graffiti on the main gate of the Islamic Court in Qazvin which reads “Ma Hastim!” In English Ma Hastim put in context means “We Are Still Here!” or “We Exist!”:

30. Dariush’s concert in Armenia is filled with Greens:

31. Free Iran Large Digital Billboard St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A. – Manchester Rd & Mason Rd:

International Protests / Events / Efforts / Warnings

32. PLEASE READ THIS FOR YOUR SAFETY’S SAKE: Safeguard Your Personal Info and Your Finances! – Why We Protest – IRAN (Jon’s note – US citizens READ THIS!)

33. For an unofficial list of upcoming protests in the US: Protesting for Iran until they don’t have to

34. For an unofficial list of upcoming protests in the US: Protesting for Iran until they don’t have to

35. For a list of protests that are being planned in Germany, please visit this link: Julia’s Blog: Protests and rallies in Germany (subject to change w/o notice) (English and German) (Courtest of @jkshalmani)

36. A to the point website for help traumatized Greens: Healing the Green Soul

(If you, your friends or your organization are holding events, protests or doing something else related to the Iranian election internationally, please send me an email with details and I will give you coverage. (Will only cost you 10 million dollars!) My email is:

To Helpers

– Info on republishing the Green Brief: For Bloggers, News Sites and Forum who want to republish the Green Brief Plesae Read! – Why We Protest – IRAN

– Information on Tor: Tor Browser Bundle

This page contains a listing of external mirrors of the GB, as well as various information about the GB. Links to translations are also encouraged: Category:Green Brief – Anonymous Intelligence Collective

– (A list of all the Green Briefs): The Green Briefs

– A hearty thanks to Sahar joon and S joon for helping me out with proof-reading and very valuable tips. Also, a BIG THANKS to all the translators who’re spending their precious time on getting this to as many people as possible.

Original GreenBrief at WhyWeProtest

NiteOwl’s GreenBrief #55

Location of IranImage via Wikipedia

News From Iran

The Green Brief is the best source of information from Iran, gathered from sources which are verified as well as they can be, under the circumstances. Nearly all of this information is gathered via twitter sources from inside Iran. An extremely small set of sources, considering the millions of Iranians who, not so long ago, carried on conversations with the world.

Josh, aka NiteOwl, has become a voice for some of them, and a valuable window for the rest of the world. I can’t stress how much I personally appreciate Josh and his small team for the work they’re putting into all this. As an American, it might seem strange that I would care at all. I can only stress that we are all brothers, sisters, and cousins on this world. We all come from a different place and we each have a unique journey.

We all share that.

The Green Brief #55 (August 15 – Mordad 24)

I’m NiteOwl AKA Josh Shahryar – on twitter. I’m a journalist and a human rights activist and NOT Iranian. This is a compilation of news from Iran that I’ve gathered through twitter and Iranian sites that were advertised on twitter. Remember, this is all from tweets. (My work is released under Creative Commons (CC).)

These are the important happenings that I can positively confirm from Saturday, August 15 – Mordad 24.

Protests / Unrest

1. Etemaade Melli’s office was not attacked today, even though it seemed that many radical elements, within the security forces, were planning on executing an attack. The newspaper’s office was under strict police supervision. Eyewitnesses reported seeing suspicious people watching the office from afar. Some identified plainclothes members of different radical militant organizations. Work went on at the newspaper as usual.

2. It was rumored that the attack might take place later at night. However, no attacks were reported; neither was there any tension. As reported yesterday, fliers had been distributed to members of Ansar Hezbollah, calling upon them to gather and protest in front of Etemaade Melli’s office.

Here’s a picture of one of the fliers: تصویر اعلامیه انصار حزب*الله برای تجمع جلوی روزنامه اعتماد ملی – The picture calls upon Hezbollah members, to gather in front of Etemaade Melli, to show that the defeated candidates and their supporters’ plans would fail. It also called Khatami a liar and attacked reformists as the minions of Hashemi Rafsanjani.

3. About 100 members of the Mourning Mothers group tried to gather at Laleh Park today during the evening. However, they were not allowed by security forces to gather at the park or to enter and were told they were not allowed to gather there. Among the women, Neda’s mother was also present.

4. 200 friends of Eng. Hamzeh Ghalebi are going to fast and pray for his release after the authorities refused to budge. Ghalebi was the manager of the youth wing of Mousavi’s campaign and has been in prison for almost two months.

5. The government has denied that it is planning to cancel the upcoming college semester across the country.

6. Reports suggest that the government is now using new and improved technology – possibly from Nokia – that allows them to track calls made and read text messages sent, even if phones are turned off. The only remedy appears to be taking out the phone’s battery to prevent access.

International Protests / Events / Efforts / Warnings

7. PLEASE READ THIS FOR YOUR SAFETY’S SAKE: Safeguard Your Personal Info and Your Finances! – Why We Protest – IRAN(Jon’s note: This is for US CITIZENS as well!)

8. For an unofficial list of upcoming protests in the US: Protesting for Iran until they don’t have to

9. For a list of protests that are being planned in Germany, please visit this link: Julia’s Blog: Protests and rallies in Germany (subject to change w/o notice) (English and German) (Courtest of @jkshalamani)

10. A to the point website for help traumatized Greens: Healing the Green Soul

(If you, your friends or your organization are holding events, protests or doing something else related to the Iranian election internationally, please send me an email with details and I will give you coverage. (Will only cost you 10 million dollars!) My email is:


11. Mir Hossein Mousavi has finally announced the name and existence of a political front he had promised to form with other reformists. According to Etemaade Melli the front is called Jombeshe Omideh Sabz (The Green Path of Hope). He said that many independent and self-sustained networks, throughout Iran, had banded together to form the movement. His main aim he said, was to get people’s rights and stop the law-breaking that had been unleashed by the government following the rigged elections, adding that they would never succumb to lies.

His statement came at a meeting with members of an association of Iranian doctors. He added that if the news about rape and torture, in Iranian prisons was true, then one should bury one’s head in dust – a sign of shame.

In another part of his speech, he yet again reiterated that he was the legal president of Iran, Ahmadinejad was nothing but a usurper. He said his campaign office had received word from a multitude of people and sources on election day, telling them that wide-spread fraud was taking place.

He further blasted the government for unleashing the Basij and IRG upon peaceful protesters and said that these forces were to fight enemies and not Iranians. He also said that the trials of reformists in Tehran, was another sign of the government’s paranoia and added that such trials, even if held for enemies of the Islamic Republic, would be inappropriate. He said the government should look for its enemies, not within peaceful protesters, but within people who’d been using propaganda as a tool to damage people’s trust in the regime.

12. Mahdi Karroubi criticized Friday prayer Imams who had criticized his letter to Rafsanjani. He said he would soon answer those who sold their faith in order to slander him. Karroubi’s son, later in the day, said that his father had evidence that proved, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that rape had taken place in Iranian detention centers. He criticized the IRIB for attempting to falsify the case of the rape and murder of Taraneh Mousavi.

13. Ali Hossein Mohammadi – the head of IIPF (Participation Front) in the Central province of Iran – said that the government’s trials of reformists were baseless acts. He asked the government to release these people, as they were only fulfilling their duties and responsibilities, while performing their jobs or within the umbrella of a registered political party. He said that all charges leveled against the reformists, were the creations of a few conservative extremists.

14. Families of detained political prisoners released their fifth statement, calling the trials a dark chapter in the history of Iran. The statement calls for a speedy release of the detainees and adds they will continue their efforts to free their loved ones.

Government / International

15. Hojatoleslam Agha Shaykh Sadegh Amoli Larijani has been appointed as the new head of Iran’s Judiciary as Shahroudi’s term has come to an end. Larijani is the brother of Ali Larijani – the head of Iran’s parliament. He is a hardline critic with very close ties to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard and intelligence agencies. He is also currently a member of the Guardian Council.

16. Some government officials, mainly Hojatoleslam Taeb have asked the government to apply Shariah law punishment on Karroubi, if he fails to provide proof that detainees had been raped at detention centers. The rule in Shariah is, if someone accuses another of rape, he must provide four Muslim, sane adult males, who saw the act in person. If he/she is unable to provide the four witnesses, the accuser receives 80 lashes to the back.

17. Partially confirmed reports suggest that Qom Seminary Teachers Association – a conservative association of clerics whose membership includes Mohammad Yazdi and Ahmad Khatami – has called upon the government to deal with illegal acts committed while detaining people, make sure detainees rights are safeguarded and stop willful activities by individuals it did not name. The statement was the headline story of the association’s newsletter that is distributed in Qom.

The statement further asserts, even though the arrests after the elections may have seemed to authorities to be a good way to curb unrest, certain actions during the process of arrests and detentions have raised an alarm in the society. The statement adds, even though concerns are always raised when people are arrested, this time due to the crisis in the air, even the leadership was forced to take action and close down a detention center [Kahrizak].

It is worth noting that this association is composed of hardliners and not reformists.

18. Karroubi’s son claims that Saeed Mortazavi – the Attorney General of Tehran and a prosecutor working with IRG – asked him for the names of reporters at Etemaade Melli who had spoken to victims of rape, he did not provide him with any names for fear of the reporters’ safety.

19. The Parliament is working on a new law to curb the use of fake degrees by government officials.

20. Reports indicate that several high-ranking clerics from Qom and other cities have sent a letter to the Assembly of Experts, asking them to review the actions of Khamenei following the elections. The letter states that since Khamanei has committed acts of gross injustice during the unrest, based on Islamic law, he should be removed from his position as Iran’s supreme leader automatically. The letter especially points to article 111 of the constitution, that outlines the process of removing the Supreme Leader and the conditions under which that can take place. No names have been provided and confirmation is only partial at this point.

21. Human Rights Watch has accused officials, in the Iranian security forces, of gross human rights violations. The organization has especially targeted Police Chief Ahmadi-Moghaddam and head of Basij Hossein Ta’eb. The article further adds that the activities leading up to the abuse was highly coordinated ordered at the highest levels.

Read full article here: Iran: Investigate Security Chiefs in Post-Election Abuse | Human Rights Watch

22. The US has, yet again, asked the Iranian government to free Tajbakhsh and the three US hikers arrested two weeks ago.

23. Fars reports that Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso, has sent a letter to Ahmadinejad, congratulating him on his election. The letter also asks to further the ties between the nations of Iran and Japan. So far, no one other than Fars has confirmed this.

24. The Secretary General of Amnesty International, Irene Khan, called upon Khamenei today, to urgently and independently, investigate instances of torture following the elections in Iran. She also asked Khamanei to invite international experts to help carry out the inquiry.

Full Article: Iran: Supreme Leader must act on torture, says Amnesty International | Amnesty International

Arrested / Released / Killed / Torture

25. Babak Dad – an Iranian reporter in Iran – has written an article about rape in Iranian detention centers the English translation of which is here (Warning – Graphic Content): Keeping the Change: Babak Dad on the Rapes Inside Iran’s Prisons: The Story of One Anonymous Victim and a Call to the People of Iran by Maryam

A video of his interview with VOA (Farsi):

26. More reports of horrific torture are emerging from Kahrizak. New reports suggest that detainees were stripped naked, forced to step into water-filled containers and were given electric shocks repeatedly. A member of Iran’s parliament, whose name has not yet been divulged, has claimed that he talked to one of the victims – a woman who has now been transferred to Evin.

27. Three detainees who had spoken to the parliament’s committee on investigating the condition of detainees, have disappeared from Evin. The detainees, Abbas Begdili, Reza Rastagar and Majid Mogheemi had shown torture wounds on their bodies to the committee members and spoken openly about the torture of other detainees.

28. One detainee, Hangameh Shahidi, has been repeatedly harassed by guards and told that she is going to be hanged. She has been taken down to the area in Evin, where executions are carried out as if she was going to be hanged, but then returned back to her cell.

29. Fars News reported that the government had dismissed a dozen guards and suspended several judges involved with Kahrizak. Quoting Parviz Sarvari – a member of the parliament’s committee for assessing the condition of detainees – the agency reported that those involved in illegal activities, have been or are being punished. This included “suspension of a number of judges, disciplinary punishment, imprisonment of offenders and referring culprits to the judiciary for further trial”. Kahrizak’s warden has been dismissed and arrested, according to Iran’s police chief.

30. Amir Hossein Sarhadi – a student activist – was arrested from his father’s house in Zanjan today. His belongings were searched and no reason was given for his arrest.

31. Saeed Noormohammadi and Zoya Hasani were released from prison today.

32. A number of human rights activists and women’s rights activists met with the family of detained journalist Isa Saharkhiz today. It has been reported that Saharkhiz’ family will soon be able to meet with him in prison. He has been detained for almost two months and has only been able to speak to his family over the phone for two minutes.

33. Besides the election related violence, the government has been specifically targeting Kurds in northwestern Iran, along the border. Many have been killed in the past 20 days, without the government providing any reason as to why many of them have been killed.

Human Rights Activists in Iran – an Iranian organization for safeguarding human rights – has compiled a report on this, links are here:
English: Statistics on Kurdish Merchants Killed Over the Last Twenty Days in Western Iran
Farsi: آمار کشتار کاسبکاران کرد در غرب کشور در طی 20 روز گذشته


34. Keyhan Daily – a newspaper considered the mouthpiece of Khamenei – attacked Karroubi today. According to the newspaper, Karroubi’s allegations of rape had damaged people’s honor. According to Keyhan, women who have been released from prison are complaining that their families have been shamed by Karroubi. Keyhan further adds that these people plan on protesting in front of Karroubi’s house and demand his prosecution.


35. Iranian banks in Paris getting green stickers!

To Helpers

– Info on republishing the Green Brief: For Bloggers, News Sites and Forum who want to republish the Green Brief Plesae Read! – Why We Protest – IRAN

– Information on Tor: Tor Browser Bundle

This page contains a listing of external mirrors of the GB, as well as various information about the GB. Links to translations are also encouraged: Category:Green Brief – Anonymous Intelligence Collective

– (A list of all the Green Briefs: The Green Briefs

– A hearty thanks to Sahar joon and S joon for helping me out with proof-reading and very valuable tips. Also, a BIG THANKS to all the translators who’re spending their precious time on getting this to as many people as possible.

Original GreenBrief at WhyWeProtest

NiteOwl’s GreenBrief #54

Location of IranImage via Wikipedia

News From Iran

The Green Brief is the best source of information from Iran, gathered from sources which are verified as well as they can be, under the circumstances. Nearly all of this information is gathered via twitter sources from inside Iran. An extremely small set of sources, considering the millions of Iranians who, not so long ago, carried on conversations with the world.

Josh, aka NiteOwl, has become a voice for some of them, and a valuable window for the rest of the world. I can’t stress how much I personally appreciate Josh and his small team for the work they’re putting into all this. As an American, it might seem strange that I would care at all. I can only stress that we are all brothers, sisters, and cousins on this world. We all come from a different place and we each have a unique journey.

We all share that.

The Green Brief #54 (August 14 – Mordad 23)

I’m NiteOwl AKA Josh Shahryar – on twitter. I’m a journalist and a human rights activist and NOT Iranian. This is a compilation of news from Iran that I’ve gathered through twitter and Iranian sites that were advertised on twitter. Remember, this is all from tweets. (My work is released under Creative Commons (CC).)

These are the important happenings that I can positively confirm from Friday, August 14 – Mordad 23.

Protests / Unrest

1. During the Friday prayers, it is being reported that many Basijis openly talked about attacking the office of Etemaade Melli newspaper. There were also reports that leaflets were being distributed to people urging them to attack Etemaade Melli’s office on Saturday. This cannot be fully confirmed.

2. In response to a possible Basiji attack on Etemaade Melli’s office on Saturday and expected clashes, Karroubi has asked those protesters, who were considering gathering in front of Etemaade Melli on Saturday, to refrain from doing so – Iranian website Aftaab reported. Instead, he asked them to hold a peaceful gathering in front of the newspaper on Monday, where he would join them. 100% confirmation of this could not be obtained at this point but the source seems legit.

3. As the Friday prayers went on, security forces thoroughly checked people to see if they had any green bands or green symbols. They asked questions of anyone who had them. Also on Friday, youngsters were being stopped around the city and questioned about where they were going and what for.

4. Unconfirmed reports suggest that the Higher Council of the Cultural Revolution in Iran, is planning on closing down universities across the country, to stop university students from protesting. University students – especially those who live in dorms – have been very active in the protests and this could confine them to the provinces and have an impact on the number of protesters.

5. Partially confirmed reports suggest that Yahoo! messenger has been unblocked in Iran after two months.

International Protests / Events / Efforts / Warnings

6. PLEASE READ THIS FOR YOUR SAFETY’S SAKE: Safeguard Your Personal Info and Your Finances! – Why We Protest – IRAN(Jon’s note: This is for US CITIZENS AS WELL!)

7. A German organization Deutsch-Iranischer Verein Flensburg is organizing mothers in city of Flensburg, Germany to gather at parks in the city every Saturday from 3-4 PM. This is being done in solidarity with Mourning Mothers in Tehran who do that same every week.

8. For an unofficial list of upcoming protests in the US: Protesting for Iran until they don’t have to

9. For a list of protests that are being planned in Germany, please visit this link: Julia’s Blog: Protests and rallies in Germany (subject to change w/o notice) (English and German) (Courtest of @jkshalamani)

10. A to the point website for help traumatized Greens: Healing the Green Soul
(If you, your friends or your organization are holding events, protests or doing something else related to the Iranian election internationally, please send me an email with details and I will give you coverage. (Will only cost you 10 million dollars!) My email is:


11. Tehran Beareau Reports: [Ali Akbar Hashemi-Rafsanjani, head of Iran’s Assembly of Experts, has met with the powerful head of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq, Sayyed Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, who is undergoing cancer treatment in Tehran. A source close to Hashemi revealed that the Iranian cleric had visited Hakim at his residence in northern Tehran. During the meeting, Rafsanjani stressed the importance of unity among Iraqis and the formation of a coalition government in Iraq. Abdul Aziz al-Hakim has been receiving treatment in Tehran for the past year.

12. Eng. Torabi – a reformist MP – criticized the government and the parliament openly in the parliament on August 9. However, the video only got to us today. In the video, Torabi criticizes the parliament for its inaction in the face of the unrest and its silence about the atrocities being committed against the people. He also criticized the government for what he calls unanswered questions about the deaths and arrests. He keeps asking the government stinging questions throughout his seven minute speech and calls what is going on in Iran unjust. Here’s the link (Farsi):

13. This is not news, but related to past news that I was unable to cover.

Karroubi’s Latest Interview in English (Courtesty of Enduring America): Text: Latest Karroubi Statement on Detainees, Rafsanjani, and Larijani (13 August) | Enduring America

Karroubi’s Letter to Rafsanjani about the rape of detainees:

English: Khordaad 88 � Blog Archive � A Letter from Karoubi to Rafsanjani

German: slkrf

Government / International

14. Ahmad Khatami in his Friday prayer sermon called the contents of Karroubi’s letter “lies” and said that it was a cause for celebration in the US, Israel and other foreign countries. He said that Karroubi had slandered the Iranian government and played with its reputation.
Khatami praised the trials being held by the Judiciary and asked them to continue with them and stand firm against foreign interventions into Iranian affairs. He yet again blamed the UK and other countries, saying that their embassies had been involved in the unrest. He also used his sermon to say that foreigners were using websites to spread lies about the Islamic regime.
He also complained about the fewer number of people attending the prayers!

15. Across the country, it has been reported that many other Friday prayer leaders criticized Karroubi. Here’s a brief synopsis of several cities.

– In Mashhad, the Friday prayer Imam Ayatollah Ahmad Elmolhoda, said people who play with the Islamic regime’s reputation are ‘soldiers of the enemy’. He added that it was not fair for one person to compare Iranian prison to Abu Ghraib. He added that the Judiciary should ask this person to provide evidence otherwise he should be prosecuted because he has used character assassination tactics against our officials and is a terrorist.

– In Isfahan, Mohammad Taqi said that those who have ignored the 40 million votes of people and had created unrest should be prosecuted. He further added that someone who has spent 40 years within the Islamic Revolution was saying things that were clearly damaging the reputation of the Islamic Revolution and Imam Khomeini – a clear indication that he was referring to Karroubi.

– Sayed Mohammad Hossein Saeedi – the Imam of Qom’s Friday prayers – while referring to allegations of rape in Iranian detention centers, said that the people wanted the Attorney General to arrest the person spreading this and prosecute him. He said that such slander was damaging to the regime and people, at the very least, wanted this person to face the consequences of his crime.

16. Ali Larejani dismissed allegations by Karroubi that the parliamentary committee for investigating the condition of detainees had called instances of rape in Iranian detention centers false in haste. He said that Karroubi was the one who hastily went ahead with his allegations, without first contacting the committee and showing it his evidence. He added that the committee had already investigated the same allegations as they had been published in various sites and had found nothing during their assessments.

17. Yadullah Javani – the director of the political office of the IRG – said that Mousavi should be brought to court. He added that information suggested that reformists were planning on gaining power at any cost – whether it was by forcing their way into the government again or by getting help from foreign countries to topple the regime.

18. It has been reported that the National Security Council of Iran was presented with the suggestion that Mir Hossein Mousavi and ten other important reformists, be arrested to stop the unrest. According to reports, besides Mousavi, the list includes the names of Ali Akbar Mohtashamipour, Mahdi Karroubi, Mohsen Alveri, Reza Khatami, one of Hashemi Rafsanjani’s children and others. Khatami was absent from the list for fear of extreme international reaction because of his fame in the outside world as a reformist leader.

Although the suggestion had the backing of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, members of the Council insisted that this would severely damage the regime. The suggestion was finally rejected by Khamanei who apparently said that Mousavi’s arrest could topple the regime. The report could not be fully confirmed.

19. Khamenei’s representative in the Basij force, Ali Mohammadi today said that it was their duty to destroy the secular thoughts and plans of the enemy – in a clear reference that the establishment was not going to yield to reform. He condemned the ‘enemies’ of the regime for what he called, their ever-continuing attempts at toppling the regime and said that the Basij were an effective deterrent to such schemes.

Arrested / Released / Killed

20. A reformist MP, who belongs to the Imam’s Way faction, has alleged that the man responsible for Kahrizak was Hossein Fedaie, an MP from Tehran and the head of Council of Sacrificers (Jamiyat Eesargaran). He also added that so far, the committee for assessing the condition of detainees, has received two written documents detailing two specific types of torture – the first is keeping detainees naked and the second, not allowing them bathroom breaks. He added that further investigations were being carried out into Kahrizak.

21. BBC Persian interviews a detainee who was been tortured (Persian): YouTube – ‫گفتگوی بی بی سی با یکی از شکنجه شدگان بازداشتگاه کهریزک‬‎

22. Morteza Alveri – a reformist linked to the Green Movement – stated today that if people responsible for keeping records at Beheshte Zahra Cemetery cooperated, they would be able to prepare a complete list of people who have met violent deaths during the unrest. He asked the parliament to order those responsible to cooperate with them so they could prepare the list.

23. The French Ambassador in Tehran met with detained French citizen Clotilde Reiss today. Reiss is on trial on charges of espionage.

24. Iranian-American student Esha Momeni was released from prison after a ten-month detention and flew back to Los Angeles.

25. One member of parliament told Rooz Online, “During the special Majlis committee’s visit of the Evin Prison, several prisoners openly talked about sexual abuse; even though they did not specifically use the word ‘rape’ and only spoke about sexual abuse.”


26. Etemaade Melli has asked the provincial government to provide them with security in case they are attacked because of Karroubi’s stance with regard to the rape of detainees.

27. Conservative newspaper Jomhoori Islami (Islamic Republic) criticized Mesbah Yazdi’s statement yesterday which equated, obeying the president with obeying God. The newspaper called such comments “deifying government officials”.


28. Green stain in Rasht:

29. Iranian-born singer Laleh shows her Green band during her performance in Sweden: Bilder från Laleh, Götaplatsen / Göteborgs Kulturkalas (Göteborg) – ROCKFOTO.NU

30. In response to the government’s issuing of a stamp commemorating the selection of Ahmadinejad, the Greens have issued a stamp of their own: onlymehdi, RT THE REAL ELECTION STAMP #iranelection

To Helpers

– Info on republishing the Green Brief: For Bloggers, News Sites and Forum who want to republish the Green Brief Plesae Read! – Why We Protest – IRAN

– Information on Tor: Tor Browser Bundle

– Discuss/Annotate:; Create it if it doesn’t exist.

– (A list of all the Green Briefs: The Green Briefs

– A hearty thanks to Sahar joon and S joon for helping me out with proof-reading and very valuable tips. Also, a BIG THANKS to all the translators who’re spending their precious time on getting this to as many people as possible.

Original GreenBrief at WhyWeProtest

NiteOwl’s GreenBrief #53

Location of IranImage via Wikipedia

News From Iran

The Green Brief is the best source of information from Iran, gathered from sources which are verified as well as they can be, under the circumstances. Nearly all of this information is gathered via twitter sources from inside Iran. An extremely small set of sources, considering the millions of Iranians who, not so long ago, carried on conversations with the world.

Josh, aka NiteOwl, has become a voice for some of them, and a valuable window for the rest of the world. I can’t stress how much I personally appreciate Josh and his small team for the work they’re putting into all this. As an American, it might seem strange that I would care at all. I can only stress that we are all brothers, sisters, and cousins on this world. We all come from a different place and we each have a unique journey.

We all share that.

The Green Brief #53 (August 13 – Mordad 22)

I’m NiteOwl AKA Josh Shahryar – on twitter. I’m a journalist and a human rights activist and NOT Iranian. This is a compilation of news from Iran that I’ve gathered through twitter and Iranian sites that were advertised on twitter. Remember, this is all from tweets. (My work is released under Creative Commons (CC).)

These are the important happenings that I can positively confirm from Thursday, August 13 – Mordad 22.

Protests / Unrest

1. Unconfirmed reports suggest that the Green Movement might attend the Friday prayers. (The Friday prayers will probably be over when most readers get this brief). There are also rumors that Mousavi will be attending the Friday prayers. Nothing can be confirmed at this point.

2. Reports from Evin confirm that 30 detainees have announced they will be holding a hunger strike starting Saturday. They have warned that the authorities need to pay attention to their plight. This was reported to Amir Kabir News Agency by a detainee, who had just been released from Evin. The news has also been forwarded to the Iranian government and to the parliamentary commission, set up to assess the condition of detainees.

International Protests / Events

3. Fatemeh Khezrie, 44, has been holding a hunger strike in front of the US Embassy in London, with others, for the past 17 days. Her condition is deteriorating as she has refused to take a fluid drip.

Full Story: Hunger striker Fatemeh Khezrie seriously ill outside US embassy in London | UK news |

4. A Swiss-Iranian Green-supporter, who we affectionately call the Epic Protester, has been protesting in front of the Iranian Embassy in Bern for the past two months non-stop, generating quite a lot of buzz. There is a blog dedicated to his efforts which you can reach here:

Epic Protester

And you can read his interview here: Interview with the Epic Protester � Epic Protester (Courtesy of @Nedjarsen)

5. Amidst the stories of brutality being circulated, there are also some heart-warming instances of human compassion. One Hearts View is one such project that a world citizen is undertaking. Visit and comment at: One Hearts View: Iran wanted me to bear witness…and I have.

6. For a list of protests that are being planned in Germany, please visit this link:] (English and German)

(If you, your friends or your organization are holding events, protests or doing something else related to the Iranian election internationally, please send me an email with details and I will give you coverage. (Will only cost you 10 million dollars!) My email is:


7. Partially confirmed reports suggest that the Supreme (Iranian Dictator) Leader Ayatollah Khamenei’s brother, Hadi Khamenei – an eminent cleric in his own right and a supporter of Mousavi – has traveled to Mashhad. Hadi Khamenei has been holding meetings with freed detainees for the past few weeks and on his trip to Mashhad, has reportedly held a closed door meeting with Ayatollah Mousavi Aradabeli about the current situation in the country. Information about what happened during the meeting has not yet been disclosed.

8. Nasrullah Torabi – a reformist MP – today asked the government to present evidence about the alleged death of nine Basijis. He was speaking about Karroubi’s claim that detained protesters had been raped at detention centers when he changed the subject and asked the government to provide documents of every allegation it has also made. According to Torabi, if Karroubi is supposed to provide evidence about his claims, then why was the government not providing evidence for their claims?

9. An Aide for Grand Ayatollah Nasser Makarem-Shirazi, today told PressTV that the Ayatollah had not sent any letter of congratulations to Ahmadinejad. As reported yesterday, an alleged letter of congratulations to Ahmadinejad by Shirazi was being circulated for several days which, as reported yesterday, is a FAKE.

10. Mahdi Karroubi is soon to present Ali Larejani with evidence about the instances of the rape of detainees. Larejani said he will review the evidence. It has also been reported that witnesses are also willing to testify about these incidents to the parliament.

11. Karroubi stated, in an interview today, that his letter to Rafsanjani had been sent to Hashemi Shahroudi – the Judiciary Chief – who had ordered the contents of the letter be reviewed. Karroubi also added that Dari Najafabadi – Iran’s Attorney General – has contacted them and might send people to Karroubi, to ask him about the allegations of rape and forward that information on to government officials.

Karroubi also criticized government officials – mainly Larejani and Burojerdi – for calling the allegations false without forming a commission to investigate the allegations. He added that even though people’s voices were being forcefully silenced, he would never stop speaking the truth in this matter or other matters.

Karroubi further said that detainees had been tortured to death at Evin and other detention centers. He also added that some prisoners had been forced to take off their clothes and were ‘ridden’ by the guards. (This is like riding a horse or a donkey and is considered an act of extreme disrespect in the Middle East.)

12. There are unconfirmed reports circulating that a number of important members of the Iranian parliament have sent a letter to Rafsanjani asking him to review the 111th article of the constitution. This article concerns the replacement of the Supreme (Iranian Dictator) Leader. The letter alleges that, in his capacity as the Supreme Leader, Khamenei is responsible for the unrests and illegal clamp down on citizens, following the election. Full confirmation is not yet available.

Government / International

13. Ali Larejani today blasted Western countries and said they had interfered in Iran’s internal affairs. He specifically targeted the US and France and called their comments on Iran’s affairs a sign of failed diplomacy. He called upon them to assess the consequences of their actions.

14. PressTV published a report on Khamenei today: [Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has advised officials to obtain further “insight” to differentiate between friends and foes in the aftermath of the June 12 election. “If I was to give you one advice, it would be for you to increase your insight [into state affairs],” the Leader said in a meeting on July 27, his remarks were released on Wednesday.

Ayatollah Khamenei, meanwhile, urged officials present at the meeting to abandon their personal agendas and set aside their political affiliations to uncover the truth behind the events. “If you do not have deep insight, if you cannot distinguish your friends, if you cannot spot your enemies, then your attacks, dialogue and your actions may target your friends instead of your enemies,” the Leader added.

15. Ahmad Khatami against urged the government to prosecute Mahdi Karroubi for defamation against the regime.

16. Partially confirmed reports indicate that Syrian President Bashar Al-Asad is soon to make a visit to Tehran.

17. Germany summoned the Iranian ambassador to Berlin on Wednesday, to protest against the show trials of 100 people on charges related to the post election protests and unrest. Andreas Peschke, a spokesperson for German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, said the action was coordinated with other EU States.

18. AKI – [United Nations human rights experts voiced serious concern on Thursday over accusations of torture and rough interrogation tactics used against protesters jailed during the recent unrest in Iran following its disputed presidential election. “No judicial system can consider as valid a confession obtained as a result of harsh interrogations or under torture,” stressed Manfred Nowak, the UN’s special rapporteur on torture. Nowak said he had brought more than 300 cases of alleged torture and ill-treatment to the attention of Iranian authorities. The allegations came from ex-detainees as well as relatives and lawyers of people still being held, Nowak said. The UN rights experts said they continue to receive reports of people dying in custody, and whose families are given false or contradictory information regarding the cause of death.]

Arrested / Released / Killed

19. Reports indicate, so far, at least three dozen members of Iran’s Artash – the main army besides the IRG – have been arrested during the unrest following the election.

20. The detention of Iranian mountaineer Kazem Faridian has now been confirmed.

21. Kianoosh Asa’s brother Kamran Asa has clarified that their other brother, Daneshvar Asa has not been arrested. According to Kamran, Daneshvar has been interrogated several times, but is still free.

22. Including Hamid Chobineh, reports indicate that about 20 other detainees have been released in the past two days or so. The names of other detainees could not be confirmed at this point.

23. The prosecution of seven Baha’i leaders will commence next week on the 18th. The accused have been imprisoned for months and have limited, to no access to lawyers for their defense. Here is a report on an event from yesterday held in San Francisco to highlight their plight and to the human rights situation in Iran. (Courtesy of @dakster9): Mideast Youth – Thinking Ahead � Evening in Support of Iranian Baha’is in San Francisco

24. Two members of the parliament’s committee to assess the condition of detainees have met with Tajzadeh, Abtahi and Atrianfar. According to one of the members, Farhad Tajari, Tajzadeh is alive and well – contrary to rumors of his death.

25. Lara Setrakian’s report about a victim of rape in Iran’s prisons.
(courtesy of @LaraABCNews): A Protester’s Purported Account of Rape in Detention – larasetrakian

26. Mohsen Armin – a member of the Combatant Clerics Association has released a confession in order to make sure that if he is arrested, any forced confessions obtained from him could be nullified. Full confession: IRAN: Activist issues preemptive retraction of future confession | Babylon & Beyond | Los Angeles Times

27. The Association of Defenders of Human Rights of Iran has released a statement calling all confessions obtained from detainees unreliable and without legal merit.


28. Iran has issued a commemorative stamp for Ahmadinejad’s reelection. The stamp bears his likeness and other symbols, including a symbol recognizing 40 million votes.

29. Khamenei’s giant poster, greened by protesters: YouTube – ‫لکه سبزی بر صورت خامنه ای بزرگراه کردستان تهران‬‎

*Correction: Yesterday we erroneously reported that Ali Larejani had personally dismissed that the rape of detainees had occurred in Iranian detention centers. @sp4rrowh4wk corrected the statement and his correction is accurate which I post here:

@sp4rrowh4wk: (Parleman, Fars and others) report [that] he said the committee itself had found no truth to the allegations. He further stated [that] he would turn over the evidence he had (from Karroubi, et al) to the Majlis as a whole, making for a very public investigation of these terrible events. Ali Larijani also asked others to come forward with their evidence many are beginning to do so.

To Helpers

– Thank you for the generous donations to Anonymous to keep their servers running for the month of August.

– Info on republishing the Green Brief: For Bloggers, News Sites and Forum who want to republish the Green Brief Plesae Read! – Why We Protest – IRAN

– Information on Tor: Tor Browser Bundle

– Discuss/Annotate:; Create it if it doesn’t exist.

– (A list of all the Green Briefs: The Green Briefs

– A hearty thanks to Sahar joon and S joon for helping me out with proof-reading and very valuable tips. Also, a BIG THANKS to all the translators who’re spending their precious time on getting this to as many people as possible.

Original GreenBrief at WhyWeProtest


Made In Iran by the Sea Of Green

Beautifully haunting, it’s the song you never want to hear, ever. It’s the song they can never forget.

When you are being tortured, you’ll say anything. Hopefully America learns this lesson from our Iranian friends.

I confess to knowing that we are no better than them. So lock me up. Drug me and torture me – I’ll say what you want, for all the “truth” it reveals… Beat me until I am dead and then make my family pay you for the corpse. I will say what you want, but my spirit will always know which is right and which is the illusion.

We should all sing. Sometimes that’s all we have.

via IranNewsDigest

NiteOwl’s GreenBrief #52

Location of IranImage via Wikipedia

News From Iran

The Green Brief is the best source of information from Iran, gathered from sources which are verified as well as they can be, under the circumstances. Nearly all of this information is gathered via twitter sources from inside Iran. An extremely small set of sources, considering the millions of Iranians who, not so long ago, carried on conversations with the world.

Josh, aka NiteOwl, has become a voice for some of them, and a valuable window for the rest of the world. I can’t stress how much I personally appreciate Josh and his small team for the work they’re putting into all this. As an American, it might seem strange that I would care at all. I can only stress that we are all brothers, sisters, and cousins on this world. We all come from a different place and we each have a unique journey.

We all share that.

The Green Brief #52 (August 12 – Mordad 11)

I’m NiteOwl AKA Josh Shahryar – on twitter. I’m a journalist and a human rights activist and NOT Iranian. This is a compilation of news from Iran that I’ve gathered through twitter and Iranian sites that were advertised on twitter. Remember, this is all from tweets. (My work is released under Creative Commons (CC).)

These are the important happenings that I can positively confirm from Wednesday, August 12 – Mordad 21.

Protests / Unrest

1. Tehran’s Grand Bazaar was more crowded than usual yesterday. In the streets leading up to the bazaar and inside the bazaar itself, there was a large concentration of security forces. Many of them taunted the people that were in the bazaar and tried to provoke confrontations. However, for the most part, it seems that the call for protest hadn’t caught on with the Green Movement.

2. There were reports of skirmishes inside the bazaar and it was reported that some people were injured and others may have been arrested. Reports indicate that these clashes were not wide-spread, but rather confined to a few incidents.

3. It was reported that Zahra Rahnavard – the wife of Mir Hossein Mousavi – had indeed come to the bazaar, but as people chanted around her, she was promptly escorted out by security forces. This could not be fully confirmed and eye-witnesses have not been found to corroborate the story.

4. But it doesn’t end there. Some very reliable sources indicated that nothing actually happened in the bazaar, beyond the presence of security forces and people shopping. They reject that there were any clashes, injuries or arrests. However, they are in the minority.
(The above information is from various sources and not MSM. However, in the absence of any YouTube videos or witnesses, which show anything other than many people in the bazaar, together with a lot of security forces, it is difficult to confirm exactly what happened.)

5. Unconfirmed reports indicate that Baloch fighters attacked Iranian security forces who were escorting detainees to a prison in Kerman province. Casualties were reported. This could not be confirmed independently.

6. Prayer services for the dead and detained protesters will be held on Thursday, as in the past few weeks. The prayer service this week will be held at the Daruzahra Cultural Institute in Tehran. One of Ayatollah Sane’ie’s important aides, Mohammad Taghi Khilji, will be speaking at the service.

International Protests / Events

7. A Swiss-Iranian Green-supporter, who we affectionately call the Epic Protester, has been protesting in front of the Iranian Embassy in Bern for the past two months non-stop, generating quite a lot of buzz. There is a blog dedicated to his efforts which you can reach here: Epic Protester

And you can read his interview here: Interview with the Epic Protester � Epic Protester — (Courtesy of @Nedjarsen)

8. Amidst the stories of brutality being circulated, there are also some heart-warming instances of human compassion. One Hearts View is one such project that a world citizen is undertaking. Visit and comment at: One Hearts View: Iran wanted me to bear witness…and I have.

9. The meeting of Baha’is in support of human rights in San Francisco at Herbst Theater yesterday was a major success.

10. For a list of protests that are being planned in Germany, please visit this link:
Julia’s Blog: Protests and rallies in Germany (subject to change w/o notice) (English and German)

(If you, your friends or your organization are holding events, protests or doing something else related to the Iranian elections internationally, please send me an email with details and I will give you coverage. (Will only cost you 10 million dollars!) My email is:


11. In a meeting with members of the Central Committee for Organizing Reforms today, with his wife Zahra Rahnavard present, Mousavi staunchly defended Karroubi against the attacks by Keyhan Daily. He said that what had taken place in the prisons and detention centers, had hurt Iran far more than America ever could. Mousavi added that the show trials were a good indicator that Iran needed profound reforms and the IRIB’s greatest mistake was to call people’s hunger for change, a foreign plot. It has been indicated that Mousavi might join the Friday prayers this week which are going to be led by Ahmad Khatami. Full confirmation is not yet available.

12. Mojahedin of the Islamic Revolution Organization, today released a statement blaming Ahmadinejad and Sadegh Mahsouli, the Minister of Interior, for the inhumane treatment of detainees at Kahrizak. The statement read that the two individuals were directly responsible for the torture and abuse of detainees at the detention center. The Organization also stated that it was in solidarity with the families of those affected.

13. Karroubi’s son, Hossein Karroubi today said that criticism of his father’s letter about prisoner abuse was unfounded. He added that it took people only one day to criticize his father and no investigation could be done in 24 hours to determine if prisoner abuse had taken place and how wide-spread it had been.

14. More than 200 former and current government officials of Iran sent a letter to the government asking it to pay heed to Rafsanjani, Karroubi, Khatami and Mousavi’s suggestions and stances on the country’s future. Signatories included former and current ministers, directors, governors, mayors and academics.

Government / International

15. Ayatollah Dastegheyb has asked for an immediate session of the Assembly of Experts to be held, in order to review the demands of the people and the current situation in Iran. He added that Mousavi and Karroubi were the representatives of the people and the people demanded nothing but the upholding of the constitution.

16. It is being reported that Judiciary Chief Shahroudi will be appointed to the Guardian Council. This cannot be confirmed at this time. The same source also indicated that Jannati will remain as head of the Guardian Council.

17. Jamshid Ansari – a reformist MP from Zanjan – has asked the government to sack Ismail Ahmadi-Moghaddam, the police chief of Iran. According to Ansari, Ahmadi-Moghaddam is responsible for the illegal arrests, beatings and the deaths of protesters during the unrest that followed the election. He also connected Ahmadi-Moghaddam with the torture and abuse of detainees at Kahrizak.

18. Only a day, after stating that the allegations of detainees being raped at government detention facilities be investigated, the head of Iran’s parliament Ali Larejani stated that no such thing had taken place. According to Larejani, the parliamentary committee to investigate the condition of detainees, had determined that the allegations were unfounded.

19. One day, after stating that UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon had sent a letter congratulating Ahmadinejad on his election, Mr. Ban’s spokesperson, Marie Okabe, said that “It is not accurate to refer to this as a congratulatory letter”. Previously on Tuesday, when she was asked if a congratulatory letter had been sent to Ahmadinejad by Mr. Ban, Ms. Okabe replied, “Yes”. She added that the letter took advantage of “the occasion of the inauguration to express the hope that Iran and the United Nations will continue to cooperate closely in addressing regional and global issues”.

20. Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi today said that obeying Ahmadinejad was obeying God. Speaking to a group of Basiji artists in Qom, he also praised Khamenei and said the Supreme Leader was a light of the last Imam and that the unrest had been targeted at him.

21. Mohsen Rezaie reiterated his position, yet again today, that all government officials and members of security forces that were responsible for prisoner abuse be dismissed and prosecuted.

22. A letter from Ayatollah Makarim Shirazi, congratulating Ahmadinejad on his selection as Iran’s president is being circulated on the internet. My sources have confirmed that it is a fake. Ayatollah Shirazi has not and does not plan to congratulate Ahmadinejad.

23. The deputy commander of Iran’s police, Ahmad Reza Radan, today dismissed reformist claims that at least 69 people have so far been killed during the unrest. He called the claim propaganda and psychological warfare.

Arrests / Releases / Deaths

24. Majid Ansari – a member of the Combatant Clerics Association – today stated that a report about the rape of detainees had been prepared and sent to government officials for review. He added that there was not just one instance, but several and that they had concrete evidence to back up their claim.

25. Mehr News reported that French citizen Clotilde Reiss has been released on bail. It was reported earlier that the French government had sent a letter to the Iranian government agreeing to post bail for her. Her current whereabouts are unknown but it was indicated previously, by the Iranian government, that if she were to be released on bail, she would be confined to the French Embassy in Tehran. The government also announced today that her trial was over and a verdict was expected in her case shortly. Her release could not be confirmed through other sources.

26. Reports indicate that the Iranian government, has officially informed the Swiss Embassy, about the arrest and detention of three American hikers who allegedly strayed into Iran two weeks ago. The Swiss Embassy represents US interests in America, as the US has not had an embassy in Iran since the 1979 revolution, nor diplomatic staff.

27. Alauddin Borujerdi A member of the committee formed by the parliament to investigate the condition of detainees today told reporters that detainees were content with the conditions at Evin. Another member told the press that they had met with Abtahi in his prison cell and found him in good health. He added that Abtahi also had access to a television and a radio whilst in detention. He added they were going to meet Tajzadeh and Mirdamadi soon. Reports indicate that they will only be visiting Evin and not other prisons.

28. Reporters Without Borders have confirmed that Amir Asslani – a student and CEO of an IT company, has been in detention since August 8. He was arrested for sending emails. His house and office were also raided by security forces.

29. Journalist Dr. Chobineh was released today.


30. U2’s concert in Zagreb was overwhelmingly pro-Green Movement. Watch the YouTube video:

U2 in Zaghreb, asking to turn on Radio Tehran 09August2009

31. Swedish policeman supporting Iranian Greens: Sweet Swedes: Stockholm Police solidarity with Iranians #iran… on Twitpic

To Helpers

– Anonymous – the collective that organizes and runs this forum – needs donations to keep the servers running. They only need 15 US dollars more for this month. Donate if you want to: General Expense – Why We Protest

– Info on republishing the Green Brief: For Bloggers, News Sites and Forum who want to republish the Green Brief Plesae Read! – Why We Protest – IRAN

– Information on Tor: Tor Browser Bundle

– Discuss/Annotate:; Create it if it doesn’t exist.

– (A list of all the Green Briefs: The Green Briefs

– A hearty thanks to Sahar joon and S joon for helping me out with proof-reading and very valuable tips. Also, a BIG THANKS to all the translators who’re spending their precious time on getting this to as many people as possible.

Original GreenBrief at WhyWeProtest

NiteOwl’s GreenBrief #51

Location of IranImage via Wikipedia

News From Iran

The Green Brief is the best source of information from Iran, gathered from sources which are verified as well as they can be, under the circumstances. Nearly all of this information is gathered via twitter sources from inside Iran. An extremely small set of sources, considering the millions of Iranians who, not so long ago, carried on conversations with the world.

Josh, aka NiteOwl, has become a voice for some of them, and a valuable window for the rest of the world. I can’t stress how much I personally appreciate Josh and his small team for the work they’re putting into all this. As an American, it might seem strange that I would care at all. I can only stress that we are all brothers, sisters, and cousins on this world. We all come from a different place and we each have a unique journey.

We all share that.

The Green Brief #51 (August 11 – Mordad 20)

I’m NiteOwl AKA Josh Shahryar – on twitter. I’m a journalist and a human rights activist and NOT Iranian. This is a compilation of news from Iran that I’ve gathered through twitter and Iranian sites that were advertised on twitter. Remember, this is all from tweets. (My work is released under Creative Commons (CC).)

These are the important happenings that I can positively confirm from Tuesday and Wednesday [Mod note: The days were unclear], August 11 – Mordad 20.

Protests / Unrest

1. People are planning on flooding the bazaars of several major cities in Iran. Protesters are planning to go to the bazaars and urge shopkeepers to join them in the protest and call for a strike. (This is already underway at the time of the writing of this Brief.) Bazaars will be targeted in Tehran, Tabriz, Mashhad, Isfahan, Ahvaz and Shiraz.

2. The chants of Allah o Akbar continue every night in all the major cities in Iran and the numbers have increased considerably since the campaign for nightly chants began.

International Protests / Events

3. [The “International Campaign to close down Iranian Embassies” is determined to close the Iranian Embassy in Canada. The campaign demands: all bank accounts of the leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran be frozen; the Islamic Republic of Iran be expelled from all International Agencies; all leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran be tried in an international court for their crimes against humanity.] For more information on the campaign’s goals and their upcoming meeting on August 12, visit: International Campaign Against Shari’a Court in Canada

4. Members of the Baha’i religious movement are holding a gathering in San Francisco on Wednesday which will focus on human rights in Iran and the case of 7 Baha’is who are currently in detention in Tehran because of their faith. For information on the event, visit: An Evening in Support of the Bahá’ís of Iran at Herbst Theater (Wednesday August 12, 2009) – Upcoming

5. For a list of protests that are being planned in Germany, please visit this link:
Julia’s Blog: Protests and rallies in Germany (subject to change w/o notice)
(English and German)

(If you, your friends or your organization are holding events, protests or doing something else related to the Iranian elections internationally, please send me an email with details and I will give you coverage. (Will only cost you 10 million dollars!) My email is: – I am also curious if anyone is doing something for the day of Ahmadinejad’s inauguration OUTSIDE Iran.)


6. Mahdi Karroubi’s letter to Hashemi Rafsanjani on prisoner abuse can be found here in English:
Iran: The Karroubi Letter to Rafsanjani on Abuse of Detainees | Enduring America

7. It has now been confirmed that Rafsanjani will be skipping the Friday prayers. Reportedly, he wanted to avoid a government crackdown on protesters, who might join the prayers or hold gatherings outside the prayer venue.

8. It has now been partially confirmed that Rafsanjani spent the past several days in Mazandaran. Details are unclear at this point and full confirmation could not be obtained. We previously reported that Rafsanjani had left Tehran for another city until further notice.

9. Shirin Ebadi today, repeated her request that the government of Iran, promptly free journalists and lawyers that have been held in detention for weeks. She also asked the government to allow foreign journalists to return to the country and allow freedom of speech. In a separate statement, she also asked the government to hold a fresh election under the observation of the United Nations.

10. The Committee Responsible for the Defense of Mousavi’s Votes has released a statement accusing the Guardian Council of clearly taking sides during the election. It also accused the council of turning a blind eye to accusations of clear instances of fraud relating to the election and the counting of votes. The head of the committee, Ali Akbar Mohtashamipour – a former Minister of Interior – also criticized the council for its silence over a variety of other illegal activities – including the violent crackdowns on peaceful protesters – conducted by the government.

11. The government has apparently contradicted itself, again, over the number of protesters who have been detained. Alireza Jamshidi, a spokesperson for the country’s Judiciary – today stated that four thousand people had been arrested of which 3,700 had been already been released and the remainder were in detention. A few weeks ago, the commander of IRG Ismail Ahmadi-Moghaddam, had announced that the government had detained just over a thousand people and most of them had been released.

12. Ayatollah Ezzuddin Hosseini Zanjani has released a statement calling the forced confessions un-Islamic and illegal.

13. Fresh allegations by groups tied to Ansare Hezbollah have surfaced against Rafsanjani and his family. These allegations, which were put forth by Lotfullah Ferozendeh – the head of Jamiyate Esargaran (Council of Sacrificers) – accuse Rafsanjani and his children of taking part in the recent unrests by providing money to protesters. Ferozendeh stated these allegations whilst in a meeting with members of Ansare Hezbollah.

14. The head of Mousavi’s electoral campaign Ghorban Behzadinezhad, vehemently denied any contact between Mousavi’s campaign and foreign embassies in Tehran. He added that the campaign had decided not to hold any meetings with members of foreign embassies from day one of the campaign.

15. In a meeting with lawyers, Rafsanjani on Tuesday asked that detainees’ rights be respected. “Judgment and proxy as well as (protecting) the rights of the accused can provide guarantees for the presence of justice in the final verdict,” Rafsanjani was quoted by ILNA.

16. Alireza Beheshti – a member of the committee formed by Mousavi and Karroubi’s campaigns to investigate the fate of detainees and protesters who have died during the unrest – today said a list of the names of the 220 detainees and the names of protestors who had been killed or died in detention had been handed over to the parliament. He added because of various reasons, information about the detainees was emerging sluggishly.

Government / International

17. A letter signed by 202 MP’s addressed to Ahmadinejad and read in the Iranian parliament, called on him to choose his ministers based on their experience and their professional skills. The letter warned that anyone selected, not meeting the criteria, would not gain a vote of confidence from the parliament.

18. Fars News reports: [Commander of the Basij (volunteer) forces Hojjatoleslam Hossein Taeb here on Tuesday cautioned that enemies of the Islamic Republic have hatched plots to sow seeds of discord among the Iranian nation. Commenting on the recent post-election unrest and developments in Iran, Taeb reiterated, “The enemy stepped into the scene of the presidential election to harness the (Islamic) Revolution and to achieve its goals by means of its agents and elements in Iran”. The commander further elaborated on other aspects of the enemies’ plot, and underlined that enemies made a wide use of the media against the Islamic Republic in an attempt to fulfill their regime change plans in Iran. “Enemies made their utmost efforts to spark and spread pessimism among the people and break integration of the Iranian nation” Taeb stated.]

19. Ali Larejani – the speaker of Iran’s parliament – has called for a probe into allegations that detainees of recent protests had been raped in detention. PressTV reported that Larejani had asked the special committee, assigned to investigate the situation of detainees, to look into allegations of rape as well.
(I confirmed instances of the rape of detainees in the Green Briefs almost six weeks ago and so have other sources. MSM has yet to confirm it, however.)

20. The Iranian Ministry of Intelligence has warned the media not to publish false news about the Intelligence Ministry claiming the media was releasing classified information. This is likely a backlash at reports by the media that Ahmadinejad had shuffled or sacked several high-ranking officials inside the ministry – which was confirmed weeks ago.

21. Iranian Ambassador to Paris, Sayed Mehdi Mirabotalebi said today that Iran had offered to allow the detained French teacher Clotilde Reiss, to stay at the French Embassy in Tehran during her trial, provided the French Embassy guarantee she will not leave Iran. However, he said the French government had not replied to the offer.

22. The British government today denied having any hand in the unrest that unfolded after the elections in Iran. Britain also denied allegations levied against Hossein Rassam – a senior British Embassy staffer, who is on trial in Tehran and questioned his confession that Britain had a hand in the unrest.

23. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, sent a letter congratulating Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on his election as Iran’s president. His spokesperson, however, indicated that the letter does not mean Mr. Ban’s endorsement of the election. The letter will not be released to the press.

24. A spokesperson for the Egyptian Foreign Ministry told Radio Farda he could not confirm that Egyptian President Hosni Mobarak had congratulated Ahmadinejad on his reelection, as claimed by Iranian media.

25. The Swedish government summoned the Iranian Ambassador to Stockholm in protest to the ongoing trials of reformists, journalists, lawyers and foreign nationals in Tehran. Sweden, which heads the EU’s rotating presidency, has previously criticized Iran’s clamp down on protesters.

26. Amnesty International has demanded that international observers be present during the trials that are taking place in Tehran.

Arrested / Released / Killed

27. Mostafa Ghaniyan, a 27 year old university student, is the latest victim who has been identified by his family. He was killed, by a single bullet, days after the elections while chanting Allah o Akbar on his roof. He died in Sa’adat Abad in Tehran in his father’s arms.

28. Arman Astakharian, 16, is another victim of the government’s brutality. He finally succumbed to his wounds, after spending 17 days in coma. He had been savagely beaten by security forces on June 24, during a protest in Shiraz. His family had been told by the security forces not to speak about his death to the press, however, word has finally got out.

29. The Iranian opposition is now claiming they have confirmed the deaths of at least 69 people during the unrest following the election. PressTV is also claiming the official government tally is 30 – up from 20, repeatedly reported by IRIB and the Iranian government.

30. The brother of Kianosh Asa has been arrested. Reports also indicate Caspian Makan – the fiancée of Neda Agha-Soltan – has been in detention for more than a month. Makan’s arrest could not be immediately confirmed. Roshanali Moradi – a political activist from Kermanshah – was arrested on Friday by security forces while he was walking home.

31. Photographer Majid Saeedi has been released on bail. Nazok Afshar – the French Embassy staffer in detention – Kazem Faridiyan – a renowned Iranian mountaineer and Amir Hossein Shamshadi have also been released.

32. The committee for the defense of the rights of detainees following the election, has released a statement calling the conduct of the Judiciary in handling detainees’ cases and the intimidation of detainees’ families unlawful. The committee also accused unnamed organizations within the government of meddling in the affairs of the Judiciary.

33. Ahmad Tavakoli – a conservative MP – in the parliament criticized the government over the illegal arrests of peaceful protesters. He also staunchly criticized the government for tampering with freedom of speech, torture and abuse in prisons, as well as the detention of university professors. He put the responsibility on the shoulders of the Chief of Judiciary Shahroudi and Ahmadinejad.

34. Reports indicate that the Iranian government is also continuing its repression of religious minorities. A Baha’i man was arrested at his home in Sari today. Also two female Muslim converts to Christianity – Marzieh Amirizadeh, 30, and Mariam Rostampour, 27, who have been in detention at Evin’s ward 209 for the past five months – were brought to the security headquarters of Tehran’s police and were forcefully asked to recant their beliefs or face persecution. Both women rejected to do so.

35. The government has printed fake copies of reformist newspapers, showing them to detainees to break their morale. One example is this front page from Etemaade Melli in which the headline on the top left reads, “Mousavi and Karroubi Regretfully Tell National Media: No Fraud Has Taken Place”. Picture: 6800_120277771370_109834371370_2867932_6812990_n+( 1).jpg (image)

36. The government is continuously printing news reports denying the rape and death of Taraneh Mousavi, apparently claiming that no one by this name ever existed.
(I have confirmed Taraneh’s rape and death in the past and in the face of mounting criticism, continue to stand by my earlier report. If, in the future, it comes to light that her story was indeed fake, I will not hesitate to retract my earlier report. As with Neda’s case, I am also respectfully going to decline reporting anything about her killer/killers and leave it to Iran’s next government.)

*Apologies for being absent for the past several days. I was out of town and the internet connection where I was refused to allow me to write the Briefs. There will be no further delays or absentees in the foreseeable future. Thanks for all the messages of support.

To Helpers

– Anonymous – the collective that organizes and runs this forum – needs donations to keep the servers running. They only need about 22,500
Cents a month to make this possible. If you do want to make a donation, please chip in your pennies here for the month of August: General Expense – Why We Protest

– Info on republishing the Green Brief: For Bloggers, News Sites and Forum who want to republish the Green Brief Plesae Read! – Why We Protest – IRAN

– Information on Tor: Tor Browser Bundle

– Discuss/Annotate: ; Create it if it doesn’t exist.

– (A list of all the Green Briefs:

– A hearty thanks to Sahar joon and S joon for helping me out with proof-reading and very valuable tips. Also, a BIG THANKS to all the translators who’re spending their precious time on getting this to as many people as possible.

Original GreenBrief at WhyWeProtest

NiteOwl’s GreenBrief #48

Location of IranImage via Wikipedia

News From Iran

Josh, aka NiteOwl has been producing The Green Brief, the best source of gathered sources which are verified as well as they can be, under the circumstances. Nearly all of this information is gathered via twitter sources from inside Iran. Some of these things he reports I can somewhat verify, in that I have seen the same reports from very trusted sources. An extremely small set of sources. Josh is more connected to the #iranelection than I am. I trust him to be as accurate as is possible.

I can’t stress how much I appreciate Josh and his small team for the work they’re putting into all this. As an American, it might seem strange that I would care at all. I can only stress that we are all brothers, sisters, and cousins on this world.

I don’t really care about “spreading democracy” to the world. What I do care about is that each nation of us is able to choose the government we want, to choose our lives as we see fit. The revolution was supposed to guarantee that right to my Iranian friends, but as we see now, that revolution was co-opted by some assholes.

Those assholes are not Muslim, any more than assholes here are Christian. They are Assholes, and would be such in any land, any language, any nation, any religion. Assholes must not be allowed to rule.

The following is from trusted reports from inside Iran and describes events of August 3rd and 4th, 2009 .

The Green Brief #48 (August 3,4 – Mordad 12,13)

I’m NiteOwl AKA Josh Shahryar – on twitter. I’m a journalist and a human rights activist and NOT Iranian. This is a compilation of news from Iran that I’ve gathered through twitter and Iranian sites that were advertised on twitter. Remember, this is all from tweets. (My work is released under Creative Commons (CC).)

These are the important happenings that I can positively confirm from Monday, August 3 – Mordad 12. (Some reports are from August 4 as well)

In German:

Protests / Unrest

1. Protests were held in Tehran and at least one other city today. They were in retaliation to the official endorsement ceremony of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad by Ayatollah Khamenei on August 2.

2. In Tehran, people gathered at Valiasr Square and Vanak Square at 6 PM Tehran time. People also protested in other parts of the city, Keshavarz Blvd, Kargar Street, Azadi Square, Takhte Tavoos, Mirdamad, Enghelab Square and 7 Tir Square, as well as other areas. Protests also took place in front of IRIB’s main office and the Ministry of Interior.

3. People marched peacefully on the sidewalks towards Fatemi Square and Sa’aie park. The number of security forces was in the hundreds.

4. Clashes broke out between protesters and security forces, yet again. Police used tear gas and fired guns in the air. Protesters were, yet again, harshly beaten injuring at least seven women. People retaliated in some areas by setting garbage dumpsters on fire to disperse the tear gas.

5. Clashes were mainly concentrated on Vanak, but were also reported from Fatemi Square and other parts of Tehran – albeit with less intensity. The protestors were joined by a very large number of cars on the streets, honking their horns in support. For the first time today protesters also gathered in South Tehran in Naziabad.

6. Protests continued late into the night with people walking on the streets until past midnight. To disperse protesters, lights were cut off in some parts of Tehran, to force people to go home. Sharif and Tarasht Metro Stations were closed to disrupt the flow of people in and out of Central Tehran. People opened their doors to protesters who were being chased by Basijis on motorbikes.

7. No reformist leaders were present during the protests in Tehran. Initial reports, on various MSM and Iranian websites, claimed that Mahdi Karroubi had passed through a protest in his car – if not outright joined one – but that claim was later denied by Karroubi’s office.

8. Numbers were hard to corroborate. From pictures and from at least one reputed source, it seems that somewhere between 2,000-5,000 people gathered at Vanak, although overall, across the city the number would be closer to 10,000.

9. Outside Tehran, there was a protest in Shiraz. Protesters were fired at by security forces resulting in 15 injuries and 3 deaths. This has been confirmed.

Upcoming International Protests

10. A flash demonstration is being organized in Toronto at Dundas Square on Saturday – August 8 at 12 PM for about 2 minutes. For more information:
Login | Facebook
Toronto – Saturday Aug.8 Flashmob freeze

11. A protest is being held today in Atlanta, USA on Lenox Square at the corner of Lenox and Peachtree between 6 and 9 PM. More information: People4Iran | Raising Awareness About The People of Iran

12. August 5 protest against Ahmadinejad’s inauguration, London, in front of the Iranian Embassy from 18:00 to 21:00.

13. More protests being held in Germany. For time, place and information:
Julia’s Blog: Protests and rallies in Germany (subject to change w/o notice)

(If you, your friends or your organization are holding events, protests or doing something else related to the Iranian elections internationally, please send me an email with details and I will give you coverage. (Will only cost you 10 million dollars!) My email is: – I am also curious if anyone is doing something for the day of Ahmadinejad’s inauguration OUTSIDE Iran.)


14. The reformist Mojahedin of the Islamic Revolution Organization today released a statement warning that Iran was on the brink of chaos. Their statement was mainly directed at the trial of reformists on August 1. The organization called the trial a ‘show’ and illegal on all counts.

15. The Assembly of Qom Seminary Scholars and Researchers also released a statement today calling the trial a ‘show’. The statement called the trial illegal and another mistake by the government. It called upon the government, once again, to pay heed to people’s demands and stop oppressing peaceful protesters and their supporters.

16. Ayatollah Mohaghegh-Damad has sent an open letter to Shahroudi and harshly criticized the legality of the trial of the reformists. He called the trial “an infamous blot on Islamic Jurisprudence”. He called it outright illegal.

17. 86 faculty members of Tehran University sent a letter to Shahroudi today asking for the release of Eng. Khodayari.

18. The Association of Combatant Clerics also released a statement today calling the trial of reformists a staged act. The statement added that the government was trying to distract people’s attention from the government’s inhumane treatment of its citizens.

Government / International

19. Mohsen Rezaie’s spokesperson today told Al-Alam TV that Rezaie’s attendance was merely a show of respect for the leader. He indicated that Rezaie reserved the right to protest the election and criticize it.

20. Ahmad Khatami today criticized the use of Allah o Akbar by protesters.

21. The King of Oman is on a state visit to Iran. He was one of the first heads of a state that congratulated Ahmadinejad on his ‘historic’ selection as Iran’s president.

22. According to reports, German Chancellor Angela Merkel is not going to congratulate Ahmadinejad on his selection as Iran’s president.

Arrested / Released / Killed

23. Partially confirmed reports indicate that the director of Tehran’s main oil refinery has been arrested. He is considered to be close to Mousavi.

24. IRIB has reported that three detained American hikers, accused of working for the CIA were being questioned. The location of their detention was not disclosed.

25. Saeed Hajjarian’s confession will be shown soon on IRIB.

26. The spokesperson for the parliamentary commission reporting on the condition of the detainees from the recent protests, Kazem Jalali, said today that their report had been handed over to the government. He also added that he was resigning from his position.

27. The deputy prosecutor of Tehran said today that the reformists currently on trial, will be allowed to have attorneys present in the next session of the court on Thursday.

28. A group of families of the reformists, who were put on trial on August 1, have released a statement calling the trial a sham. The statement added that the trial was an indicator of the complete prostration of those who staged it. They further questioned the legality of the trial calling it “devoid of the most basic legal articles”.


29. Etemaade Melli, a newspaper belonging to Mahdi Karroubi’s party of the same name, has been warned by the government to tone down its criticism of the government. The government has also warned Etemaade Melli to stop questioning the legitimacy of the election via its interviews. Etemaade Melli has not been published for several days in the past few weeks because the government did not deem the material suitable for publishing.

To Helpers

– Anonymous – the collective that organizes and runs this forum – needs donations to keep the servers running. They only need about 22,500
Cents a month to make this possible. If you do want to make a donation, please chip in your pennies here for the month of August: General Expense – Why We Protest

– Info on republishing the Green Brief: For Bloggers, News Sites and Forum who want to republish the Green Brief Plesae Read! – Why We Protest – IRAN

– Information on Tor: Tor Browser Bundle

– Discuss/Annotate: ; Create it if it doesn’t exist.

– (A list of all the Green Briefs:

– A hearty thanks to Sahar joon and S joon for helping me out with proof-reading and very valuable tips. Also, a BIG THANKS to all the translators who’re spending their precious time on getting this to as many people as possible.

Original Greenbrief at WhyWeProtest