From the description over at YouTube.
This video should make people think twice about listening to anything that Chairmen of the Fed Ben Bernanke says. It’s a compilation of statements he’s made from 2005-2007 that will have you 100% certain America is doomed if we continue to value what this moron says.
And a comment from the YouTube viewer toppermost1:
Is he an idiot or is he wilfully obtuse? Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan have done alright by Uncle Ben. I think he knows exactly what he’s doing – leech main street dry and give it all to his wall street buddies. Just like Bush’s administration were full of people that were invested in oil, defence and construction - and hence profited from the Iraq war, Obama’s administration is full of wall street people – who have profited from the cheap fed money and the bailouts.
Thanks to Barry over at TheBigPicture.