Paul McCartney Says ‘Boycott MacDonalds’

The Real Big Macca

Paul McCartney has been a vegetarian for the past 30 years. According to Paul, he became a vegetartian one day while he was fishing:

‘Many years ago I was fishing, and as I was reeling in the poor fish, I realised, “I am killing him – all for the passing pleasure it brings me.” And something inside me clicked. I realised as I watched him fight for breath, that his life was as important to him as mine is to me.’

Some animal rights groups like to claim he decided to quit meat while watching lambs play, but I can’t find Paul saying that anywhere.

Regardless of how and why he made the choice, Sir Paul is pissed. The MacDonald’s restaurants in Liverpool are displaying his photo along with the other Beatles in their restaurants. According to The Telegraph:

The singer, who has been a vocal advocate of vegetarianism for 30 years was said to be furious after discovering pictures of the Beatles had been placed prominently in a restaurant in his home town.

His image appeared alongside former band mates John Lennon, Ringo Starr and George Harrison.

Geoff Baker, a spokesman for Sir Paul said: “What sort of morons do McDonald’s think Beatles’ fans are.

“It’s ridiculous and insulting to use images to peddle hamburgers. Fans should boycott Mcdonald’s, and not just in Liverpool.”

Sir Paul is a staunch supporter of animal rights, president of the Vegetarian Society of Great Britain and an ambassador for People for the Ethical treatment of Animals (PETA). His late wife Linda had her own range of vegetarian foods.


“We hope anyone who sees his picture on the wall will be reminded that he’s a vegetarian and skip the Big Mac for a veggie burger.”

A McDonald’s spokeswoman said the pictures were to “acknowledge the outstanding contribution the Beatles made to both local and global culture.”

Live And Let Die

Of course, this is just a convenient excuse to include this video of one of my favorite songs from the early 70s. Enjoy…

Live And Let Die



I am Jon, and I’ve been boycotting MacDonalds for about as long as Paul has been a vegetarian.

2 Replies to “Paul McCartney Says ‘Boycott MacDonalds’”

  1. There are many varieties of people and opinions in the world.If you dont like Mcdonalds simply dont go! Make sure its because of your feeling and not pauls.Other wise if everyone shared pauls or anyone elses feelings for that matter It would be a world of robots instead of a world of intelegent,opinionated people! Never follow anyone elses heart just your own. Be true to you!!!!!!!!

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