Miscellaneous Personal Current Events

The 'Glasses Apostle' in the altarpiece of the...Image via WikipediaFrankenglasses

I’ve lost 3 pairs of glasses since last Friday. Two pair of reading glasses and one pair of Frankensteinian sunglasses. My trademark look is gone without those Frankenglasses. It will be sorely missed. I’ve had them since I was blind (before the surgery).

BRs Place

Although I was perhaps the only one not even drinking at my brother’s place Saturday, I was the one who passed out by the bonfire and woke up slightly wet. It rained a bit while I was sleeping. No matter, I dried off by the fire and went inside to sleep another few hours.

He’s got the coolest place. I think it’s something like 14 acres adjoining Dulles. The fish in the pond are incredibly cooperative, as long as you keep throwing them back. The map below shows you where I was.

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If you scroll the map just a bit to the left you’ll see Stone Springs. I designed many of the condominiums and houses there. If you scroll to the right, you’ll see Dulles and Washington DC.

Happy Slappy

Happy slappy birthday Brenda. I’ve seen some recent pictures. I liked them. ;^)

Catching Up

I left Friday night and came home Sunday afternoon. You wouldn’t think that would put me behind, but I am still trying to catch up. Actually, that explains why I am publishing a Sunday post on a Tuesday. Sunday posts don’t require as much research.

There are a few more pertinent things to be writing about, but I am one of those bloggers who has to make a living doing something else besides blogging right now. And being away for what amounts to 2 and a half days cuts deeply into my pockets. Another 2 days of running full steam ahead and I will have time to write those other pieces and give them the time they deserve.

I hope for, and appreciate, your patience.

I am Jon, running hard.

Zemanta Pixie

2 Replies to “Miscellaneous Personal Current Events”

  1. I think you should do Sunday Posts at least 3 times a week, personally. I like ’em.

  2. Three? Thats too few. Don’t let him off the hook. Daily posts. DailypostsIsay!

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