Juan Enriquez – Systemic Failure Of Finance

What Makes Nations Survive In The Long Run?

A rather interesting presentation from Juan Enriquez, discussing the financial crisis, it’s causes and what we can expect from the path our politicians have set us on.

Sprinkled with ironic humor, this thing is simply FILLED with background info you’ll want to know.

It’s good. Watch it.

Juan Enriquez (2008) Pop!Tech Pop!Cast from PopTech on Vimeo

I especially liked the part on leverage, starting about timemark 7:00. It seems that if you’d invested $1000 a year ago in AIG you’d now have about 31 bucks left from that investment.

But if you’d bought $1000 in bottled beer (in Michigan), you’d have about 120 bucks from the bottle deposits.

Seriously, watch this thing. Find out if I’m right or wrong when I tell you that this financial mess has a ‘value’ of over 530 trillion dollars. The total global economy is only about 53 trillion

I am Jon. Watch the video.

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