Running and Reading
I just twittermet an all-around nice guy with a fantastic site. (For all you tweeps out there, here’s where you can find @Dan Martell.)
Whether you tweet or not, you’ll want to click that 1st link. Especially if you’re interested in well-written, informed content about starting up and running your own company.
Dan’s done it. His thinking is clear and he knows how to write. I spent alot of time there when I found it.
When I’m deciding who to follow on twitter, I nearly always go to the site listed in the bio. When I got to Dan’s site, I found this video embedded in a post halfway down the page.
It’s Will Smith, and he’s actually got the 2 Keys to Life. Take 2 mins to listen. Check it out…
Running and Reading.
It is that simple. Run. Read. Repeat.
The 3 R’s.
Thanks, Dan. Looking forward to getting to know you.