Workity Workity Workity
Just a short post to let you guys know I’m still here. I’ve been extremely busy designing a different website, which should go live sometime Thursday. Though it’s a simple, straightforward design, it was still very taxing on me, as I had no direction at the outset. I did, however, have an intimate knowledge of the subject matter, and the client has been a friend and customer of mine for years.
Is This What Your Desktop Is Doing While You’re Away?
All of that will be written in another piece appearing later here @ Wordout. What I wanted to show you this afternoon was a neat little movie I found, called “Icon Story“. In it, intelligent icons, living on a desktop, wage war with each other for pretty much the same reasons as their human users.
Which is to say, for pretty much no reason at all. The movie lasts about a minute fifteen, so if you have a minute, check it out. It’s… cute.
I am Jon, and words are left for me to say.